//synopsys translate_off
`include "timescale.v"
//synopsys translate_on
`include "vga_defines.v"
module vga_enh_top (
wb_clk_i, wb_rst_i, rst_i, wb_inta_o,
wbs_adr_i, wbs_dat_i, wbs_dat_o, wbs_sel_i, wbs_we_i, wbs_stb_i, wbs_cyc_i, wbs_ack_o, wbs_rty_o, wbs_err_o,
wbm_adr_o, wbm_dat_i, wbm_cti_o, wbm_bte_o, wbm_sel_o, wbm_we_o, wbm_stb_o, wbm_cyc_o, wbm_ack_i, wbm_err_i,
`ifdef VGA_12BIT_DVI
dvi_pclk_p_o, dvi_pclk_m_o, dvi_hsync_o, dvi_vsync_o, dvi_de_o, dvi_d_o,
clk_p_o, hsync_pad_o, vsync_pad_o, csync_pad_o, blank_pad_o, r_pad_o, g_pad_o, b_pad_o
// parameters
parameter ARST_LVL = 1'b0;
parameter LINE_FIFO_AWIDTH = 7;
// inputs & outputs
// syscon interface
input wb_clk_i; // wishbone clock input
input wb_rst_i; // synchronous active high reset
input rst_i; // asynchronous reset
output wb_inta_o; // interrupt request output
// slave signals
input [11:0] wbs_adr_i; // addressbus input (only 32bit databus accesses supported)
input [31:0] wbs_dat_i; // Slave databus output
output [31:0] wbs_dat_o; // Slave databus input
input [ 3:0] wbs_sel_i; // byte select inputs
input wbs_we_i; // write enabel input
input wbs_stb_i; // strobe/select input
input wbs_cyc_i; // valid bus cycle input
output wbs_ack_o; // bus cycle acknowledge output
output wbs_rty_o; // busy cycle retry output
output wbs_err_o; // bus cycle error output
// master signals
output [31:0] wbm_adr_o; // addressbus output
input [31:0] wbm_dat_i; // Master databus input
output [ 3:0] wbm_sel_o; // byte select outputs
output wbm_we_o; // write enable output
output wbm_stb_o; // strobe output
output wbm_cyc_o; // valid bus cycle output
output [ 2:0] wbm_cti_o; // cycle type identifier
output [ 1:0] wbm_bte_o; // burst type extensions
input wbm_ack_i; // bus cycle acknowledge input
input wbm_err_i; // bus cycle error input
// VGA signals
input clk_p_i; // pixel clock
// in DVI mode this is 2x as high (!!)
`ifdef VGA_12BIT_DVI
output dvi_pclk_p_o; // dvi pclk+
output dvi_pclk_m_o; // dvi pclk-
output dvi_hsync_o; // dvi hsync
output dvi_vsync_o; // dvi vsync
output dvi_de_o; // dvi data enable
output [11:0] dvi_d_o; // dvi 12bit output
output clk_p_o; // VGA pixel clock output
output hsync_pad_o; // horizontal sync
output vsync_pad_o; // vertical sync
output csync_pad_o; // composite sync
output blank_pad_o; // blanking signal
output [ 7:0] r_pad_o, g_pad_o, b_pad_o; // RGB color signals
// variable declarations
// programable asynchronous reset
wire arst = rst_i ^ ARST_LVL;
// from wb_slave
wire ctrl_bl, ctrl_csl, ctrl_vsl, ctrl_hsl, ctrl_pc, ctrl_cbsw, ctrl_vbsw, ctrl_ven;
wire [ 1: 0] ctrl_cd, ctrl_vbl, ctrl_dvi_odf;
wire [ 7: 0] Thsync, Thgdel, Tvsync, Tvgdel;
wire [15: 0] Thgate, Thlen, Tvgate, Tvlen;
wire [31: 2] VBARa, VBARb;
wire [ 8: 0] cursor_adr;
wire [31: 0] cursor0_xy, cursor1_xy;
wire cursor0_en, cursor1_en;
wire [31:11] cursor0_ba, cursor1_ba;
wire cursor0_ld, cursor1_ld;
wire cursor0_res, cursor1_res;
wire [15: 0] cc0_dat_o, cc1_dat_o;
// to wb_slave
wire stat_avmp, stat_acmp, vmem_swint, clut_swint, hint, vint, sint;
wire wmb_busy;
reg luint;
wire [ 3: 0] cc0_adr_i, cc1_adr_i;
// pixel generator
wire fb_data_fifo_rreq, fb_data_fifo_empty;
wire [31:0] fb_data_fifo_q;
wire ImDoneFifoQ;
// line fifo connections
wire line_fifo_wreq, line_fifo_rreq, line_fifo_empty_rd;
wire [23:0] line_fifo_d, line_fifo_q;
// clut connections
wire ext_clut_req, ext_clut_ack;
wire [23:0] ext_clut_q;
wire cp_clut_req, cp_clut_ack;
wire [ 8:0] cp_clut_adr;
wire [23:0] cp_clut_q;
// Module body
// hookup wishbone slave
vga_wb_slave wbs (
// wishbone interface
.clk_i ( wb_clk_i ),
.rst_i ( wb_rst_i ),
.arst_i ( arst ),
.adr_i ( wbs_adr_i[11:2] ),
.dat_i ( wbs_dat_i ),
.dat_o ( wbs_dat_o ),
.sel_i ( wbs_sel_i ),
.we_i ( wbs_we_i ),
.stb_i ( wbs_stb_i ),
.cyc_i ( wbs_cyc_i ),
.ack_o ( wbs_ack_o ),
.rty_o ( wbs_rty_o ),
.err_o ( wbs_err_o ),
.inta_o ( wb_inta_o ),
// internal connections
.wbm_busy ( wbm_busy ), // Data transfer in progress
.dvi_odf ( ctrl_dvi_odf ), // DVI output data format
.bl ( ctrl_bl ), // blank polarization level
.csl ( ctrl_csl ), // csync polarization level
.vsl ( ctrl_vsl ), // vsync polarization level
.hsl ( ctrl_hsl ), // hsync polarization level
.pc ( ctrl_pc ), // pseudo-color mode (only for 8bpp)
.cd ( ctrl_cd ), // color depth
.vbl ( ctrl_vbl ), // video memory burst length
.cbsw ( ctrl_cbsw ), // color lookup table bank switch enable
.vbsw ( ctrl_vbsw ), // video bank switch enable
.ven ( ctrl_ven ), // video enable
.acmp ( stat_acmp ), // active color lookup table page
.avmp ( stat_avmp ), // active video memory page
.cursor0_res ( cursor0_res ), // cursor0 resolution
.cursor0_en ( cursor0_en ), // cursor0 enable
.cursor0_xy ( cursor0_xy ), // cursor0 (x,y)
.cursor0_ba ( cursor0_ba ), // curso0 video memory base address
.cursor0_ld ( cursor0_ld ), // reload curso0 from video memory
.cc0_adr_i ( cc0_adr_i ), // cursor0 color registers address
.cc0_dat_o ( cc0_dat_o ), // cursor0 color registers data
.cursor1_res ( cursor1_res ), // cursor1 resolution
.cursor1_en ( cursor1_en ), // cursor1 enable
.cursor1_xy ( cursor1_xy ), // cursor1 (x,y)
.cursor1_ba ( cursor1_ba ), // cursor1 video memory base address
.cursor1_ld ( cursor1_ld ), // reload cursor1 from video memory
.cc1_adr_i ( cc1_adr_i ), // cursor1 color registers address
.cc1_dat_o ( cc1_dat_o ), // cursor1 color registers data
.vbsint_in ( vmem_swint ), // video memory bank switch interrupt
.cbsint_in ( clut_swint ), // clut memory bank switch interrupt
.hint_in ( hint ), // horizontal interrupt
.vint_in ( vint ), // vertical interrupt
.luint_in ( luint ), // line fifo underrun interrupt
.sint_in ( sint ), // system-error interrupt
.Thsync ( Thsync ),
.Thgdel ( Thgdel ),
.Thgate ( Thgate ),
.Thlen ( Thlen ),
.Tvsync ( Tvsync ),
.Tvgdel ( Tvgdel ),
.Tvgate ( Tvgate ),
.Tvlen ( Tvlen ),
.VBARa ( VBARa ),
.VBARb ( VBARb ),
.clut_acc ( ext_clut_req ),
.clut_ack ( ext_clut_ack ),
.clut_q ( ext_clut_q )
// hookup wishbone master
vga_wb_master wbm (
// wishbone interface
.clk_i ( wb_clk_i ),
.rst_i ( wb_rst_i ),
.nrst_i ( arst ),
.cyc_o ( wbm_cyc_o ),
.stb_o ( wbm_stb_o ),
.cti_o ( wbm_cti_o ),
.bte_o ( wbm_bte_o ),
.we_o ( wbm_we_o ),
.adr_o ( wbm_adr_o ),
.sel_o ( wbm_sel_o ),
.ack_i ( wbm_ack_i ),
.err_i ( wbm_err_i ),
.dat_i ( wbm_dat_i ),
// internal connections
.sint (sint ),
.ctrl_ven (ctrl_ven ),
.ctrl_cd (ctrl_cd ),
.ctrl_vbl (ctrl_vbl ),
.ctrl_vbsw (ctrl_vbsw ),
.busy (wbm_busy ),
.VBAa (VBARa ),
.VBAb (VBARb ),
.Thgate (Thgate ),
.Tvgate (Tvgate ),
.stat_avmp (stat_avmp ),
.vmem_switch (vmem_swint ),
.ImDoneFifoQ ( ImDoneFifoQ ),
.cursor_adr ( cursor_adr ),
.cursor0_ba ( cursor0_ba ), // curso0 video memory base address
.cursor0_ld ( cursor0_ld ), // reload curso0 from video memory
.cursor1_ba ( cursor1_ba ), // cursor1 video memory base address
.cursor1_ld ( cursor1_ld ), // reload cursor1 from video memory
.fb_data_fifo_rreq ( fb_data_fifo_rreq ),
.fb_data_fifo_q ( fb_data_fifo_q ),
.fb_data_fifo_empty ( fb_data_fifo_empty )
// hookup CLUT
vga_csm_pb #(24, 9) clut_mem(
// color processor access
.we0_i(1'b0), // no writes
// external access
// hookup pixel and video timing generator
vga_pgen pixel_generator (
.clk_i ( wb_clk_i ),
.ctrl_ven ( ctrl_ven ),
.ctrl_HSyncL ( ctrl_hsl ),
.Thsync ( Thsync ),
.Thgdel ( Thgdel ),
.Thgate ( Thgate ),
.Thlen ( Thlen ),
.ctrl_VSyncL ( ctrl_vsl ),
.Tvsync ( Tvsync ),
.Tvgdel ( Tvgdel ),
.Tvgate ( Tvgate ),
.Tvlen ( Tvlen ),
.ctrl_CSyncL ( ctrl_csl ),
.ctrl_BlankL ( ctrl_bl ),
.eoh ( hint ),
.eov ( vint ),
// frame buffer data (from wbm)
.fb_data_fifo_rreq ( fb_data_fifo_rreq ),
.fb_data_fifo_q ( fb_data_fifo_q ),
.fb_data_fifo_empty ( fb_data_fifo_empty ),
.ImDoneFifoQ ( ImDoneFifoQ ),
// clut memory signals
.stat_acmp ( stat_acmp ),
.clut_req ( cp_clut_req ),
.clut_ack ( cp_clut_ack ),
.clut_adr ( cp_clut_adr ),
.clut_q ( cp_clut_q ),
.ctrl_cbsw ( ctrl_cbsw ),
.clut_switch ( clut_swint ),
.cursor_adr ( cursor_adr ), // cursor data address (from wbm)
.cursor0_en ( cursor0_en ), // cursor0 enable
.cursor0_res ( cursor0_res ), // cursor0 resolution
.cursor0_xy ( cursor0_xy ), // cursor0 (x,y)
.cc0_adr_o ( cc0_adr_i ), // cursor0 color registers address
.cc0_dat_i ( cc0_dat_o ), // cursor0 color registers data
.cursor1_en ( cursor1_en ), // cursor1 enable
.cursor1_res ( cursor1_res ), // cursor1 resolution
.cursor1_xy ( cursor1_xy ), // cursor1 (x,y)
.cc1_adr_o ( cc1_adr_i ), // cursor1 color registers address
.cc1_dat_i ( cc1_dat_o ), // cursor1 color registers data
.ctrl_dvi_odf ( ctrl_dvi_odf ),
.ctrl_cd ( ctrl_cd ),
.ctrl_pc ( ctrl_pc ),
// line fifo memory signals
.line_fifo_wreq ( line_fifo_wreq ),
.line_fifo_d ( line_fifo_d ),
.line_fifo_full ( line_fifo_full_wr ),
.line_fifo_rreq ( line_fifo_rreq ),
.line_fifo_q ( line_fifo_q ),
.pclk_i ( clk_p_i ),
`ifdef VGA_12BIT_DVI
.dvi_pclk_p_o ( dvi_pclk_p_o ),
.dvi_pclk_m_o ( dvi_pclk_m_o ),
.dvi_hsync_o ( dvi_hsync_o ),
.dvi_vsync_o ( dvi_vsync_o ),
.dvi_de_o ( dvi_de_o ),
.dvi_d_o ( dvi_d_o ),
.pclk_o ( clk_p_o ),
.hsync_o ( hsync_pad_o ),
.vsync_o ( vsync_pad_o ),
.csync_o ( csync_pad_o ),
.blank_o ( blank_pad_o ),
.r_o ( r_pad_o ),
.g_o ( g_pad_o ),
.b_o ( b_pad_o )
// hookup line-fifo
vga_fifo_dc #(LINE_FIFO_AWIDTH, 24) line_fifo (
.rclk ( clk_p_i ),
.wclk ( wb_clk_i ),
.aclr ( ctrl_ven ),
.wreq ( line_fifo_wreq ),
.d ( line_fifo_d ),
.rreq ( line_fifo_rreq ),
.q ( line_fifo_q ),
.rd_empty ( line_fifo_empty_rd ),
.rd_full ( ),
.wr_empty ( ),
.wr_full ( line_fifo_full_wr )
// generate interrupt signal when reading line-fifo while it is empty (line-fifo under-run interrupt)
reg luint_pclk, sluint;
always @(posedge clk_p_i)
always @(posedge wb_clk_i or negedge arst)
if (!ctrl_ven)
sluint luint end
sluint luint end