
源代码在线查看: build.bat

软件大小: 63 K
上传用户: ludingpc
关键词: USB 数据传输
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				@echo off
				REM #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
				REM #	File:		BUILD.BAT
				REM #	Contents:	Batch file to build Vend_Ax.
				REM #
				REM #	Copyright (c) 1997 AnchorChips, Inc. All rights reserved
				REM #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
				REM ### Compile code ###
				c51 fw.c debug objectextend code small moddp2 DF(NO_RENUM)
				REM ### Compile user peripheral code ###
				REM ### Note: This code does not generate interrupt vectors ###
				REM ### Note: periph.c  replaced by (modified into) Vend_Ax.c ###
				c51 Vend_Ax.c db oe code small moddp2 noiv
				REM ### Assemble descriptor table ###
				a51 dscr.a51 errorprint debug
				REM ### Link object code (includes debug info) ###
				REM ### Note: XDATA and CODE must not overlap ###
				REM ### Note: using a response file here for line longer than 128 chars
				REM echo fw.obj, dscr.obj, Vend_Ax.obj, > tmp.rsp
				echo fw.obj, dscr.obj, Vend_Ax.obj, > tmp.rsp
				echo %CYUSB%\Target\Lib\Ezusb\USBJmpTb.obj,%CYUSB%\Target\Lib\Ezusb\EZUSB.lib  >> tmp.rsp
				echo TO Vend_Ax RAMSIZE(256) CODE(80h) XDATA(0E00h)  >> tmp.rsp
				bl51 @tmp.rsp
				REM ### Generate intel hex image of binary (no debug info) ###
				oh51 Vend_Ax HEXFILE(Vend_Ax.hex)
				REM ### Generate BIX image of binary (no debug info) ###
				%CYUSB%\Bin\hex2bix Vend_Ax.hex
				REM ### usage: build -clean to remove intermediate files after build
				if "%1" == "-clean" del tmp.rsp
				if "%1" == "-clean" del *.lst
				if "%1" == "-clean" del *.obj
				if "%1" == "-clean" del *.m51
