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				; Software implemented UART via an ISP cable.                               ;
				; (C)ChaN, 2005 (http://elm-chan.org/)                                      ;
				; MOSI and MISO are used as inverted signals to connect to RS-232C line
				; directly. The MISO pin must be configured as an output before using xmit().
				; Following definitions must be changed for each device, clock and bps.
				; Pin definitions are for most 20/40 pin devices except for TN26.
				; Any interrupt during xmit() or rcvr() is being executed will be defered
				; until end of the function. When use xmit() with any interrupt, choose
				; higher bit rate as possible to minimize critical time. But rcvr() and any
				; interrupt cannot be used simultaneously.
				;            1MHz  2MHz  4MHz  6MHz  8MHz  10MHz  12MHz  16MHz  20MHz
				;   2.4kbps   138     -     -     -     -      -      -      -      -
				;   4.8kbps    68   138     -     -     -      -      -      -      -
				;   9.6kbps    33    68   138   208     -      -      -      -      -
				;  19.2kbps     -    33    68   102   138    173    208      -      -
				;  38.4kbps     -     -    33    50    68     85    102    138    172
				;  57.6kbps     -     -    21    33    44     56     68     91    114
				; 115.2kbps     -     -     -     -    21     27     33     44     56
				#define	BPS	142	/* Bit delay (see above) */
				#define	TXREG	_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORTD)	/* MISO: Port and bit position */
				#define	TXBIT	PD1
				#define RXREG	_SFR_IO_ADDR(PINB)	/* MOSI: Port and bit position */
				#define	RXBIT	PB5
				#define USE_OUTPUT	/* Remove this when output functions are not needed */
				#define USE_INPUT	/* Remove this when input functions are not needed */
				#define USE_STRFUNCS	/* Remove this when string functions are not needed */
				#ifdef SPM_PAGESIZE
				.macro	_LPMI	reg
					lpm	\reg, Z+
				.macro	_MOVW	dh,dl, sh,sl
					movw	\dl, \sl
				.macro	_LPMI	reg
					mov	\reg, r0
					adiw	ZL, 1
				.macro	_MOVW	dh,dl, sh,sl
					mov	\dl, \sl
					mov	\dh, \sh
				#ifdef	USE_OUTPUT
				; Transmit a byte in serial format of N81
				;Prototype: void xmit (uint8_t data);
				;Size: 16 words
				.global xmit
				.func xmit
					in	r0, _SFR_IO_ADDR(SREG)	;Save flags
					com	r24		;C = start bit
					ldi	r25, 10		;Bit counter
					cli			;Start critical section
				1:	ldi	r23, BPS-1	;----- Bit transferring loop 
				2:	dec	r23     	;Wait for a bit time
					brne	2b		;/
					brcs	3f		;MISO = bit to be sent
					cbi	TXREG, TXBIT	;
				3:	brcc	4f		;
					sbi	TXREG, TXBIT	;/
				4:	lsr	r24     	;Get next bit into C
					dec	r25     	;All bits sent?
					brne	1b	     	;  no, coutinue
					out	_SFR_IO_ADDR(SREG), r0	;End of critical section
				#ifdef USE_STRFUNCS
				; Transmit an ASCIZ string on the program memory
				;Prototype: void xmitstr (const prog_char *str);
				;Size: 10/7 words
				.global xmitstr
				.func xmitstr
					_MOVW	ZH,ZL, r25,r24	;Pointer to ASCIZ string
				1:	_LPMI	r24		;Get a character
					tst	r24      	;Exit if end of string
					breq	2f		;/
					rcall	xmit		;Transmit it
					rjmp	1b	     	;Continue
				2:	ret
				; Numeral string transmission
				;Prototype: void xmitval (uint16_t value, int8_t base, int8_t digits);
				;Size: 51 words
				; value  base  digits   output
				;   100    10       6   "   100"
				;   100    10       1   "100"
				;  1024    16       4   " 400"
				;  1024    16      -4   "0400"
				;  0x55     2      -8   "01010101"
				; 65535   -10       1   "-1"
				.global xmitval
				.func xmitval
				xmitval:			;r25:r24:value, r22:base, r20:digits
					clr	r19      	;r19:stack level
					ldi	r30, ' '	;r30:sign
					ldi	r31, ' '	;r31:filler
					sbrs	r22, 7		;When base indicates signd format and the value
					rjmp	0f		;is minus, add a '-'.
					neg	r22		;
					sbrs	r25, 7		;
					rjmp	0f		;
					ldi	r30, '-'	;
					com	r24		;
					com	r25		;
					adc	r24, r1		;
					adc	r25, r1		;/
				0:	sbrs	r20, 7		;When digits indicates zero filled,
					rjmp	1f		;filler is '0'.
					neg	r20		;
					ldi	r31, '0'	;/
								;----- string conversion loop
				1:	ldi	r21, 16		;r23 = r25:r24 \ r22
					clr	r23		;r25:r24 /= r22
				2:	lsl	r24		;
					rol	r25		;
					rol	r23		;
					cp	r23, r22	;
					brcs	3f		;
					sub	r23, r22	;
					inc	r24		;
				3:	dec	r21		;
					brne	2b		;/
					cpi	r23, 10		;r23 is a numerical digit '0'-'F'
					brcs	4f		;
					subi	r23, -7		;
				4:	subi	r23, -'0'	;/
					push	r23		;Stack it
					inc	r19		;/
					cp	r24, r21	;Repeat until r25:r25 gets zero
					cpc	r25, r21	;
					brne	1b		;/
					cpi	r30, '-'	;Stack a minus sign if needed
					brne	5f		;
					push	r30		;
					inc	r19		;/
				5:	cp	r19, r20	;Stack filler
					brcc	6f		;
					push	r31		;
					inc	r19		;
					rjmp	5b		;/
				6:	pop	r24		;Output stacked digits and exit
					rcall	xmit		;
					dec	r19		;
					brne	6b		;
					ret			;/
				; Formatted string transmission
				;Prototype: void xmitf (const prog_char *format, ...);
				;Size: 70/64 words
				.global xmitf
				.func xmitf
					in	XL, _SFR_IO_ADDR(SPL)
				#ifdef SPH
					in	XH, _SFR_IO_ADDR(SPH)
					clr	XH
					adiw	XL, 3		;X = pointer to arguments
					ld	ZL, X+		;Z = pointer to format string
					ld	ZH, X+		;/
				00:	_LPMI	r24		;Get a format char
					cpi	r24, 0		;End of format string?
					breq	90f		;/
					cpi	r24, '%'	;Is format?
					breq	20f		;/
				01:	rcall	xmit		;Put a normal character
					rjmp	00b		;/
				90:	ret
				20:	ldi	r20, 0		;r20: digits
					clt			;T: filler
				21:	_LPMI	r24		;Get flags
					cpi	r24, '%'	;Is '%'?
					breq	01b		;/
					cpi	r24, '0'	;Zero filled?
					brne	23f		;
					set			;/
				22:	_LPMI	r24		;Get width
				23:	cpi	r24, '9'+1	;
					brcc	24f		;
					subi	r24, '0'	;
					brcs	90b		;
					lsl	r20		;
					mov	r0, r20		;
					lsl	r20		;
					lsl	r20		;
					add	r20, r0		;
					add	r20, r24	;
					rjmp	22b		;/
				24:	mov	r23, r24	;r23 = type
					ld	r24, X+		;r25:r24 = value
					ld	r25, X+		;/
					cpi	r23, 'c'	;Is type character?
					breq	01b		;/
					cpi	r23, 's'	;Is type string?
					breq	50f		;/
					cpi	r23, 'X'	;Is type hexdecimal?
					ldi	r22, 16		;
					breq	40f		;/
					cpi	r23, 'u'	;Is type unsigned decimal?
					ldi	r22, 10		;
					breq	40f		;/
					cpi	r23, 'd'	;Is type signed decimal?
					ldi	r22, -10	;
					breq	40f		;/
					cpi	r23, 'b'	;Is type binary?, or abort.
					ldi	r22, 2		;
					brne	90b		;/
				40:	brtc	41f		;Output the value
					neg	r20		;
				41:	push	ZH		;
					push	ZL		;
					rcall	xmitval		;
				41:	pop	ZL		;
					pop	ZH		;
					rjmp	00b		;/
				50:	push	ZH		;Output the ROM string
					push	ZL		;
					rcall	xmitstr		;
					rjmp	41b		;/
				#endif	/* USE_STRFUNCS */
				#endif	/* USE_OUTPUT */
				#ifdef	USE_INPUT
				; Receive a byte
				;Prototype: uint8_t rcvr (void);
				;Size: 19 words
				.global rcvr
				.func rcvr
					in	r0, _SFR_IO_ADDR(SREG)	;Save flags
					ldi	r24, 0x80	;Receiving shift reg
					cli			;Start critical section
				1:	sbic	RXREG, RXBIT	;Wait for falling edge on MOSI pin
					rjmp	1b
				2:	sbis	RXREG, RXBIT	;Wait for rising edge on MOSI pin
					rjmp	2b
					ldi	r25, BPS/2	;Wait for half bit time
				3:	dec	r25
					brne	3b
				4:	ldi	r25, BPS	;----- Bit receiving loop
				5:	dec	r25     	;Wait for a bit time
					brne	5b		;/
					lsr	r24     	;Next bit
					sbis	RXREG, RXBIT	;Get a bit into r24.7
					ori	r24, 0x80
					brcc	4b	     	;All bits received?  no, continue
					out	_SFR_IO_ADDR(SREG), r0	;End of critical section
				#ifdef USE_STRFUNCS
				; Console input
				;Prototype: void rcvrstr (char *buffer, uint8_t buffsize);
				;Size:  24/23 words
				.global rcvrstr
				.func rcvrstr
					_MOVW	ZH,ZL, r25,r24	;Pointer to input buffer
					ldi	r21, 1		;Character count (+'\0')
				0:	rcall	rcvr		;Receive a character
					cpi	r24, '\r'	;Enter?
					breq	9f		;/
					cpi	r24, '\b'	;Backspace?
					breq	2f		;/
					cp	r21, r22	;Buffer full?
					brcc	0b		;/
					cpi	r24, ' '	;Invisible code?
					brcs	0b		;/
					st	Z+, r24		;Store a character
					inc	r21		;count++
				1:	rcall	xmit		;Show the character
					rjmp	0b		;Continue
				2:	cpi	r21, 1		;Backspace: Buffer empty?
					breq	0b		;/
					dec	r21		;count--
					sbiw	ZL, 1		;/
					rjmp	1b		;Move cursor left
				9:	rcall	xmit		;Return cursor.
					st	Z, r1		;Terminate with a '\0' and exit
					ret			;/
				; Pick a value from a string
				;Prototype: uint8_t pickval (char **string, uint16_t *result, uint8_t base);
				;Size:  61/59 words
				.global pickval
				.func pickval
					_MOVW	ZH,ZL, r25,r24	;Z = pointer to pointer to numerical string
					ld	XL, Z+	 	;X = pointer to numerical string
					ld	XH, Z+ 		;/
					clr	r18     	;r19:r18 = input register
					clr	r19     	;/
					clt			;Unsigned or plus value
				00:	ld	r24, X  	;Skip pre-spaces
					cpi	r24, '-'	;Is signed minus value?
					brne	01f		;
					set			;
					rjmp	16f		;/
				01:	cpi	r24, ' '	;End of string?
					brcs	90f		;/
					brne	11f
					adiw	XL, 1
					rjmp	00b
				10:	ld	r24, X  	;Numerical string => Integer conversion loop
					cpi	r24, ' '+1      ;Exit if end of a number
					brcs	91f	    	;/
				11:	cpi	r24, 'a'	;Convert a digit to sequencial number
					brcs	12f	    	;
					subi	r24, 0x20       ;
				12:	subi	r24, '0'	;
					brcs	90f	    	;
					cpi	r24, 10 	;
					brcs	13f	    	;
					cpi	r24, 17 	;
					brcs	90f	    	;
					subi	r24, 7  	;
				13:	cp	r24, r20	;
					brcc	90f	    	;/
					ldi	r25, 17 	;r19:r18 *= r20(base)
					sub	r21, r21	;
				14:	brcc	15f	    	;
					add	r21, r20	;
				15:	ror	r21     	;
					ror	r19     	;
					ror	r18     	;
					dec	r25     	;
					brne	14b	    	;/
					add	r18, r24	;r19:r18 += r24(digit)
					adc	r19, r1 	;/
				16:	adiw	XL, 1	  	;Next digit
					rjmp	10b
				90:	clr	r24     	;Exit with error(0)
					rjmp	92f
				91:	ldi	r24, 1  	;Exit with successful(1)
					brtc	92f	    	;Negate when minus value
					com	r18     	;
					com	r19     	;
					adc	r18, r1 	;
					adc	r19, r1 	;/
				92:	st	-Z, XH	 	;Store the string pointer back
					st	-Z, XL	 	;/
					_MOVW	ZH,ZL, r23,r22	;Store the result
					st	Z+, r18 	;
					st	Z+, r19 	;/
				#endif	/* USE_STRFUNCS */
				#endif	/* USE_INPUT */
