主要功能: 1、查看十二星座当天运势

源代码在线查看: function.html_table.php

软件大小: 79 K
上传用户: gjq2000
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


								/**				 * Smarty plugin				 * @package Smarty				 * @subpackage plugins				 */												/**				 * Smarty {html_table} function plugin				 *				 * Type:     function				 * Name:     html_table				 * Date:     Feb 17, 2003				 * Purpose:  make an html table from an array of data				 * Input:				 *         - loop = array to loop through				 *         - cols = number of columns, comma separated list of column names				 *                  or array of column names				 *         - rows = number of rows				 *         - table_attr = table attributes				 *         - th_attr = table heading attributes (arrays are cycled)				 *         - tr_attr = table row attributes (arrays are cycled)				 *         - td_attr = table cell attributes (arrays are cycled)				 *         - trailpad = value to pad trailing cells with				 *         - caption = text for caption element 				 *         - vdir = vertical direction (default: "down", means top-to-bottom)				 *         - hdir = horizontal direction (default: "right", means left-to-right)				 *         - inner = inner loop (default "cols": print $loop line by line,				 *                   $loop will be printed column by column otherwise)				 *				 *				 * Examples:				 * 				 * {table loop=$data}				 * {table loop=$data cols=4 tr_attr='"bgcolor=red"'}				 * {table loop=$data cols="first,second,third" tr_attr=$colors}				 * 				 * @author   Monte Ohrt 				 * @author credit to Messju Mohr 				 * @author credit to boots 				 * @version  1.1				 * @link http://smarty.php.net/manual/en/language.function.html.table.php {html_table}				 *          (Smarty online manual)				 * @param array				 * @param Smarty				 * @return string				 */				function smarty_function_html_table($params, &$smarty)				{				    $table_attr = 'border="1"';				    $tr_attr = '';				    $th_attr = '';				    $td_attr = '';				    $cols = $cols_count = 3;				    $rows = 3;				    $trailpad = ' ';				    $vdir = 'down';				    $hdir = 'right';				    $inner = 'cols';				    $caption = '';								    if (!isset($params['loop'])) {				        $smarty->trigger_error("html_table: missing 'loop' parameter");				        return;				    }								    foreach ($params as $_key=>$_value) {				        switch ($_key) {				            case 'loop':				                $$_key = (array)$_value;				                break;								            case 'cols':				                if (is_array($_value) && !empty($_value)) {				                    $cols = $_value;				                    $cols_count = count($_value);				                } elseif (!is_numeric($_value) && is_string($_value) && !empty($_value)) {				                    $cols = explode(',', $_value);				                    $cols_count = count($cols);				                } elseif (!empty($_value)) {				                    $cols_count = (int)$_value;				                } else {				                    $cols_count = $cols;				                }				                break;								            case 'rows':				                $$_key = (int)$_value;				                break;								            case 'table_attr':				            case 'trailpad':				            case 'hdir':				            case 'vdir':				            case 'inner':				            case 'caption':				                $$_key = (string)$_value;				                break;								            case 'tr_attr':				            case 'td_attr':				            case 'th_attr':				                $$_key = $_value;				                break;				        }				    }								    $loop_count = count($loop);				    if (empty($params['rows'])) {				        /* no rows specified */				        $rows = ceil($loop_count/$cols_count);				    } elseif (empty($params['cols'])) {				        if (!empty($params['rows'])) {				            /* no cols specified, but rows */				            $cols_count = ceil($loop_count/$rows);				        }				    }								    $output = "\n";								    if (!empty($caption)) {				        $output .= '' . $caption . "\n";				    }								    if (is_array($cols)) {				        $cols = ($hdir == 'right') ? $cols : array_reverse($cols);				        $output .= "\n";								        for ($r=0; $r				            $output .= '';				            $output .= $cols[$r];				            $output .= "\n";				        }				        $output .= "\n";				    }								    $output .= "\n";				    for ($r=0; $r				        $output .= "\n";				        $rx =  ($vdir == 'down') ? $r*$cols_count : ($rows-1-$r)*$cols_count;								        for ($c=0; $c				            $x =  ($hdir == 'right') ? $rx+$c : $rx+$cols_count-1-$c;				            if ($inner!='cols') {				                /* shuffle x to loop over rows*/				                $x = floor($x/$cols_count) + ($x%$cols_count)*$rows;				            }								            if ($x				                $output .= "" . $loop[$x] . "\n";				            } else {				                $output .= "$trailpad\n";				            }				        }				        $output .= "\n";				    }				    $output .= "\n";				    $output .= "\n";				    				    return $output;				}								function smarty_function_html_table_cycle($name, $var, $no) {				    if(!is_array($var)) {				        $ret = $var;				    } else {				        $ret = $var[$no % count($var)];				    }				    				    return ($ret) ? ' '.$ret : '';				}												/* vim: set expandtab: */								?>							
