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关键词: sms java 源码 短信
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				// Hardware dependant methods for the communication with the mobile phone over serial line				//				// file:				// used by:				//				// For comments see header of				//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------								package smspack;								import*;				import java.rmi.*;				import java.util.*;				import javax.comm.*;								class Port {				  private static String portName;				  private static SerialPort port;				  private static OutputStreamWriter out;				  private static InputStreamReader in;								  private static String number;				  private static String message;				  private static boolean numbertype;       // national or international dialing number								  /** open the connection via the serial line				  * @throws Exception				  */				  public static void open() throws Exception {				    //----- open the connection via the serial line				    try {				      CommPortIdentifier portId = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier(SMS.COMPORT);				      port = (SerialPort)"SMS Transceiver", 10);  // open port				      // set parameter for serial port				      port.setSerialPortParams(19200, SerialPort.DATABITS_8, SerialPort.STOPBITS_1, SerialPort.PARITY_NONE);				      out = new OutputStreamWriter(port.getOutputStream(), "ISO-8859-1");				      in = new InputStreamReader(port.getInputStream(), "ISO-8859-1");				      System.out.println("open port\n");    // for debugging				    } // try				    catch (Exception e) {				      SMS.showText("could not open port:" + e);				      System.exit(0);				    } // catch				  } // open												  /** sends an AT command to ME and receives the answer of the ME				   * @param atcommand AT command for the mobile phone				   * @return  answer string of the ME				   * @throws java.rmi.RemoteException				   */				  public static String sendAT(String atcommand) throws java.rmi.RemoteException {				    String s="";								    try {				      Thread.sleep(300);    // wait 300 msec [Timing]				      writeln(atcommand);   // send AT command to ME				      Thread.sleep(300);    // wait 300 msec [Timing]				      s = read();           // get response from ME				      Thread.sleep(300);    // wait 300 msec [Timing]				    } // try				    catch (Exception e) {				      SMS.showText("ERROR: send AT command failed; " + "Command: " + atcommand + "; Answer: " + s + "  " + e);				    } // catch				    return s;				  }  // sendAT								 /** write a string to the output buffer				  *  @param s string for the serial output buffer				  *  @throws Exception				  */				  public static void write(String s) throws Exception {				    out.write(s);				    out.flush();				  }  // write								  /** write a character to the output buffer				   *  @param s character for the serial output buffer				   *  @throws Exception				   */				  public static void write(char[] s) throws Exception {				    out.write(s);				    out.flush();				  }  // write								 /** write a string with CR at the end to the output buffer				  *  @param s string for the serial output buffer				  *  @throws  Exception				  */				  public static void writeln(String s) throws Exception {				    out.write(s);				    out.write('\r');				    out.flush();				    System.out.println("write port: " + s + "\n");    // for debugging				  }  // writeln								  /** receives a character string from the serial line				    * @return  received character string from ME				    * @throws Exception				    * Remark: Some mobile phones don't send one byte immediate after the other				    *         byte to the PC. Thus it is necessary to check (about) 5 times after				    *         a delay that all bytes are received. It is also important to collect				    *         the bytes not too fast, because this can result in some lost bytes.				    */				  public static String read() throws Exception {				    int n, i;				    char c;				    String answer = new String("");								   // do {                              // wait until the first byte is received				   //   Thread.sleep(100);              // wait at least 100 msec [Timing]				  //  } while (in.ready() == false);								    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {         // look 5 times for character string to receive				      //----- collect all characters from the serial line				      while (in.ready()) {            // there is a byte available				        n =;                // get the byte from the serial line				        if (n != -1) {                // one byte received				          c = (char)n;                // convert the received integer to a character				          answer = answer + c;        // collect the characters from the serial line				          Thread.sleep(1);            // wait 1 msec between every collected byte from the mobile phone [Timing]				        } // if				        else break;                   // no more bytes available				      } // while				      Thread.sleep(100);              // wait 100 msec [Timing]				    }  // for				    System.out.println("read port: " + answer + "\n");    // for debugging				    return answer;                    // give the received string back to the caller				  } // read												  /** close the connection via the serial line				   * @throws Exception				   */				  public static void close() throws Exception {				    try {				      port.close();				      System.out.println("close port\n");    // for debugging				    } // try				    catch (Exception e) {				      SMS.showText("Error: close port failed: " + e);				    } // catch				  } // close												} // Port							
