Build Log
--------------------Configuration: ezusbdrv - Win32 Checked--------------------
New or updated MSVC detected. Updating DDK environment....
Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual C++ tools.
Starting dirs creation...Completed.
BUILD: Object root set to: ==> objfre
BUILD: Invalid switch - //
BUILD: Version 4.03.2134
Usage: BUILD [-?] display this message
[-3] same as -Z but will add a third pass zero pass
[-a] allows synchronized blocks and drains during link pass
[-b] displays full error message text (doesn't truncate)
[-c] deletes all object files
[-C] deletes all .lib files only
[-D] check dependencies before building (on by default if BUILD_PRODUCT != NT)
[-e] generates build.log, build.wrn & build.err files
[-E] always keep the log/wrn/err files (use with -z)
[-f] force rescan of all source and include files
[-F] when displaying errors/warnings to stdout, print the full path
[-G] enables target specific dirs files iff one target
[-i] ignore extraneous compiler warning messages
[-I] do not display thread index if multiprocessor build
[-k] keep (don't delete) out-of-date targets
[-l] link only, no compiles
[-L] compile only, no link phase
[-m] run build in the idle priority class
[-M [n]] Multiprocessor build (for MP machines)
[-o] display out-of-date files
[-O] generate obj\_objects.mac file for current directory
[-p] pause' before compile and link phases
[-P] Print elapsed time after every directory
[-q] query only, don't run NMAKE
[-r dirPath] restarts clean build at specified directory path
[-s] display status line at top of display
[-S] display status line with include file line counts
[-t] display the first level of the dependency tree
[-T] display the complete dependency tree
[-$] display the complete dependency tree hierarchically
[-u] display unused BUILD_OPTIONS
[-v] enable include file version checking
[-w] show warnings on screen
[-y] show files scanned
[-z] no dependency checking or scanning of source files -
one pass compile/link
[-Z] no dependency checking or scanning of source files -
two passes
[-why] list reasons for building targets
[-all] same as -386, -axp64, -alpha, and -ia64
[-alpha] build targets for alpha
[-axp64] build targets for axp64
[-386] build targets for i386
[-ia64] build targets for IA64
[-x filename] exclude include file from dependency checks
[-j filename] use 'filename' as the name for log files
[-nmake arg] argument to pass to NMAKE
[-clean] equivalent to '-nmake clean'
Non-switch parameters specify additional source directories
ezusbdrv.sys - 1 error(s), 1 warning(s)