
源代码在线查看: sparsemat.cpp

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								#include 								#include "sparsemat.h"								using namespace std;								// Text of error messages, used by Matrix::ReportError				// Do not change this!				char *SparseMatrix::ErrorMessages[] = {					"", // ERROR_INVALID_SIZE					"dimension mismatch", // ERROR_SIZE_MISMATCH					"index out of range", // ERROR_INVALID_INDEX				} ;								void SparseMatrix::ReportError( ErrorCode code )				{					string prefix( "Error: " );					throw std::runtime_error( prefix + ErrorMessages[code] );				}								SparseMatrix::SparseMatrix( int rows, int cols )				{					if ( cols == 0 )						cols = rows;					m_rows = rows;					m_cols = cols;				}								SparseMatrix::SparseMatrix( const SparseMatrix& A )				{					m_rows = A.m_rows;					m_cols = A.m_cols;					m_data = A.m_data;					m_row_indices = A.m_row_indices;					m_col_indices = A.m_col_indices;				}								SparseMatrix::~SparseMatrix()				{				}								void SparseMatrix::SetSize( int rows, int cols )				{					m_rows = rows;					m_cols = cols;					m_row_indices.clear();					m_col_indices.clear();					m_data.clear();				}								ostream& operator				{					for ( int i = 0; i < A.get_rows(); i++ )					{						for ( int j = 0; j < A.get_cols(); j++ )						{							double x = A( i, j );							os.width(10);							os 						}						cout 					}					return os;				}								double& SparseMatrix::operator()( int i, int j )				{					if ( i >= m_rows || j >= m_cols )						ReportError( ERROR_INVALID_INDEX );					m_row_indices[i].insert( j );					m_col_indices[j].insert( i );					return m_data[std::make_pair(i, j)];				}								double SparseMatrix::operator()( int i, int j ) const				{					return Get(i, j);				}								void SparseMatrix::Squeeze( double tol )				{					for ( iset_iter i = m_row_indices.begin();						i != m_row_indices.end(); i++ )					{						for ( elt_citer j = i->second.begin();							j != i->second.end(); j++ )						{							if ( fabs( m_data[std::make_pair(i->first, *j)] ) 							{								i->second.erase( *j );								if ( i->second.size() == 0 )									m_row_indices.erase( i );								m_col_indices[*j].erase( i->first );								if ( m_col_indices[*j].size() == 0 )									m_col_indices.erase( *j );							}						}					}				}								int SparseMatrix::nnz() const				{					int total = 0;					for ( iset_citer i = m_row_indices.begin();						i != m_row_indices.end(); i++ )					{						total += i->second.size();					}					return total;				}								elt_citer SparseMatrix::get_row_begin( int i ) const				{					return m_row_indices.find( i )->second.begin();				}								elt_citer SparseMatrix::get_row_end( int i ) const				{					return m_row_indices.find( i )->second.end();				}								elt_citer SparseMatrix::get_col_begin( int i ) const				{					return m_col_indices.find( i )->second.begin();				}								elt_citer SparseMatrix::get_col_end( int i ) const				{					return m_col_indices.find( i )->second.end();				}												SparseMatrix SparseMatrix::operator*( const SparseMatrix& B ) const				{					if ( m_cols != B.m_rows )						ReportError( ERROR_SIZE_MISMATCH );					SparseMatrix C( m_rows, B.m_cols );					for ( int i = 0; i < m_rows; i++ )					{						for ( int j = 0; j < m_cols; j++ )						{							double elt = 0.0;							elt_citer irow = get_row_begin( i );							elt_citer jcol = B.get_col_begin( j );							for ( ; irow != get_row_end( i ); irow++ )							{								elt += Get( i, *irow ) * B( *irow, j );							}							if ( elt != 0.0 )								C( i, j ) = elt;						}					}					return C;				}								SparseMatrix& SparseMatrix::operator=( const SparseMatrix& A )				{					m_rows = A.m_rows;					m_cols = A.m_cols;					m_data = A.m_data;					m_row_indices = A.m_row_indices;					m_col_indices = A.m_col_indices;					return *this;				}								SparseMatrix& SparseMatrix::operator+=( const SparseMatrix& A )				{					if ( m_rows != A.m_rows || m_cols != A.m_cols )						ReportError( ERROR_SIZE_MISMATCH );					for ( iset_citer i = A.m_row_indices.begin();						i != A.m_row_indices.end(); i++ )					{						for ( elt_citer j = i->second.begin();							j != i->second.end(); j++ )						{							double elt = A( i->first, *j );							Set( i->first, *j, Get( i->first, *j ) + elt );						}					}					return *this;				}								SparseMatrix& SparseMatrix::operator-=( const SparseMatrix& A )				{					*this += -A;					return *this;				}								SparseMatrix& SparseMatrix::operator*=( double s )				{					for ( mat_iter i = m_data.begin();						i != m_data.end(); i++ )						i->second *= s;					return *this;				}								SparseMatrix& SparseMatrix::operator/=( double s )				{					*this *= (1.0 / s);					return *this;				}								SparseMatrix operator*( double s, const SparseMatrix& A )				{					return A * s;				}								SparseMatrix SparseMatrix::operator+( const SparseMatrix& B ) const				{					if ( m_rows != B.m_rows || m_cols != B.m_cols )						ReportError( ERROR_SIZE_MISMATCH );					SparseMatrix C( *this );					for ( iset_citer i = B.m_row_indices.begin();						i != B.m_row_indices.end(); i++ )					{						for ( elt_citer j = i->second.begin();							j != i->second.end(); j++ )						{							double elt = B( i->first, *j );							C( i->first, *j ) += elt;						}					}					return C;				}								double SparseMatrix::Get( int i, int j ) const				{					if ( i >= m_rows || j >= m_cols )						ReportError( ERROR_INVALID_INDEX );					mat_citer iter = m_data.find( make_pair( i, j ) );					if ( iter == m_data.end() )						return 0.0;					return iter->second;				}								void SparseMatrix::Set( int i, int j, double x )				{					m_data[make_pair(i,j)] = x;					m_row_indices[i].insert( j );					m_col_indices[j].insert( i );				}								void SparseMatrix::Identity( int rows, int cols )				{					if ( cols == 0 )						cols = rows;					SetSize( rows, cols );					for ( int i = 0; i < rows && i < cols; i++ )						Set( i, i, 1.0 );				}								SparseMatrix SparseMatrix::Transpose() const				{					SparseMatrix T( m_cols, m_rows );					for ( mat_citer i = m_data.begin();						i != m_data.end(); i++ )					{						T( i->first.second, i->first.first ) = 							Get( i->first.first, i->first.second );					}					return T;				}								SparseMatrix SparseMatrix::TriU( int diag ) const				{					SparseMatrix S( m_rows, m_cols );					for ( iset_citer i = m_row_indices.begin();						i != m_row_indices.end(); i++ )					{						for ( elt_citer j = i->second.begin();							j != i->second.end(); j++ )						{							if ( i->first 								S( i->first, *j ) = Get( i->first, *j );						}					}					return S;				}								SparseMatrix SparseMatrix::TriL( int diag ) const				{					SparseMatrix S( m_rows, m_cols );					for ( iset_citer i = m_row_indices.begin();						i != m_row_indices.end(); i++ )					{						for ( elt_citer j = i->second.begin();							j != i->second.end(); j++ )						{							if ( i->first >=  *j - diag )								S( i->first, *j ) = Get( i->first, *j );						}					}					return S;				}								SparseMatrix SparseMatrix::operator-() const				{					SparseMatrix C( m_rows, m_cols );					for ( iset_citer i = m_row_indices.begin();						i != m_row_indices.end(); i++ )					{						for ( elt_citer j = i->second.begin();							j != i->second.end(); j++ )						{							double elt = Get( i->first, *j );							C( i->first, *j ) = -elt;						}					}					return C;				}								SparseMatrix SparseMatrix::operator*( double s ) const				{					SparseMatrix C( m_rows, m_cols );					for ( iset_citer i = m_row_indices.begin();						i != m_row_indices.end(); i++ )					{						for ( elt_citer j = i->second.begin();							j != i->second.end(); j++ )						{							double elt = Get( i->first, *j );							C( i->first, *j ) = elt * s;						}					}					return C;				}								SparseMatrix SparseMatrix::operator-( const SparseMatrix& B ) const				{					return *this + (-B);				}							
