个人Blog java编写的Blog可以直接使用!

源代码在线查看: userform.java

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关键词: Blog java 编写
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				 *  UserForm.java
				 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
				 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
				 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
				 *  (at your option) any later version.
				 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
				 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
				 *  GNU Library General Public License for more details.
				 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
				 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
				 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
				 *  Author: Winter Lau
				 *  http://dlog4j.sourceforge.net
				package com.liusoft.dlog4j.upgrade;
				import java.util.Date;
				import java.util.List;
				 * DLOG4J 2.0 的用户
				 * @author liudong
				public class UserForm {
					// --------------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables
					/** email property */
					private String email;
					/** name property */
					private String loginName;
					private String password;
					private String displayName;
					private String homePage;
					private String resume;
					private int loginCount;
					private Date regTime;
					private Date lastTime;		//最后一次登录的时间
					private String lastAddr;	//最后一次登录的IP地址
					private int userRole = 0;
					private List logs;
					private int logCount;
					private List replies;
					private int replyCount;
					private int bookMarkCount; //此字段不对应数据库,而是由getLoginUser标签设置该字段的值
					protected int id;
					public int getId() {
						return id;
					public void setId(int id) {
						this.id = id;
					 * 如果用户是密友则该属性为拥有特权(查看与添加)的分类
					 * 如果用户是好友则该属性是用户可添加日记的分类
					 * 多个分类使用逗号格开,例如 1,4,5
					private String cats; 
					public String getDisplayName() {
						return displayName;
					public String getEmail() {
						return email;
					public String getHomePage() {
						return homePage;
					public Date getLastTime() {
						return lastTime;
					public int getLoginCount() {
						return loginCount;
					public String getPassword() {
						return password;
					public String getCryptPassword() {
					    return StringUtils.encrypt(password);
					public void setCryptPassword(String pwd) {
						System.out.println("crypt password="+pwd);
					    password = StringUtils.decrypt(pwd);
					public Date getRegTime() {
						return regTime;
					public String getResume() {
						return resume;
					public int getUserRole() {
						return userRole;
					public void setDisplayName(String string) {
						displayName = string;
					public void setEmail(String string) {
						email = string;
					public void setHomePage(String string) {
						homePage = string;
					public void setLastTime(Date date) {
						lastTime = date;
					public void setLoginCount(int i) {
						loginCount = i;
					public void setPassword(String string) {
						password = string;
					public void setRegTime(Date date) {
						regTime = date;
					public void setResume(String string) {
						resume = string;
					public void setUserRole(int i) {
						userRole = i;
					public List getLogs() {
						return logs;
					public int getLogCount(){
						return logCount;
					public List getReplies() {
						return replies;
					public void setLogs(List list) {
						logs = list;
					public void setReplies(List list) {
						replies = list;
					public String getLoginName() {
						return loginName;
					public void setLoginName(String string) {
						loginName = string;
					public int getReplyCount() {
						return replyCount;
					public void setLogCount(int i) {
						logCount = i;
					public String getLastAddr() {
						return lastAddr;
					public void setLastAddr(String lastAddr) {
						this.lastAddr = lastAddr;
					public void setReplyCount(int i) {
						replyCount = i;
					public String getCats() {
						return cats;
					public void setCats(String cats) {
						this.cats = cats;
					public int getBookMarkCount() {
						return bookMarkCount;
					public void setBookMarkCount(int bookMarkCount) {
						this.bookMarkCount = bookMarkCount;
