Name : MyClock.loc
Author :
Copyright : Your copyright notice
Description : This is a localisation file for MyClock
A .loc file is the one and only place where the logical
strings to be localised are defined.
#define qtn_appl_test "Test"
// menu exit
#define qtn_appl_empty ""
#define qtn_appl_set "Set"
#define qtn_appl_cancel "Cancel"
#define qtn_appl_exit "Exit"
#define qtn_appl_query "Duration"
#define qtn_appl_confirmation "Time out!"
// example caption strings for app
//#define qtn_app_caption_string "Timer"
//#define qtn_app_short_caption_string "Timer"
// example caption strings for app
#define qtn_app_caption_string "MyClock"
#define qtn_app_short_caption_string "MyClock"