Ext JS是一个创建丰富互联网应用程序的跨浏览器的JavaScrip库。它包含:高效率

源代码在线查看: ext-base-anim.js

软件大小: 7769 K
上传用户: cdcgl
关键词: JavaScrip Ext 互联网 应用程序
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				 * Ext JS Library 3.0 Pre-alpha
				 * Copyright(c) 2006-2008, Ext JS, LLC.
				 * licensing@extjs.com
				 * http://extjs.com/license
					var EXTLIB = Ext.lib,
						noNegativesRE = /width|height|opacity|padding/i,    	
				        defaultUnitRE = /width|height|top$|bottom$|left$|right$/i,
				        offsetUnitRE =  /\d+(em|%|en|ex|pt|in|cm|mm|pc)$/i;
					EXTLIB.Anim = {
				        motion : function(el, args, duration, easing, cb, scope) {	        
				            return this.run(el, args, duration, easing, cb, scope, EXTLIB.Motion);
				        run : function(el, args, duration, easing, cb, scope, type) {
				            type = type || EXTLIB.AnimBase;                        
				            var anim = new type(el, args, duration, EXTLIB.Easing[easing] || easing);
					        anim.animate(function() {
						        	if(cb) cb.call(scope);	               
				            return anim;
				    EXTLIB.AnimBase = function(el, attrs, duration, method) {
				        if (el) {
				            this.init(el, attrs, duration, method);
				    EXTLIB.AnimBase.prototype = {
				        doMethod: function(attr, start, end) {
					        var me = this;
				            return me.method(me.curFrame, start, end - start, me.totalFrames);
				        setAttr: function(attr, val, unit) {
				            if (noNegativesRE.test(attr) && val < 0) {
				                val = 0;
				            Ext.fly(this.el, '_anim').setStyle(attr, val + unit);
				        getAttr: function(attr) {
				            var flyEl = fly(this.el),
				            	val = flyEl.getStyle(attr),
				            if (val !== 'auto' && !offsetUnitRE.test(val)) {
				                return parseFloat(val);
				 			getter = flyEl['get' + attr.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + attr.substr(1)];
				 			return getter ? getter.call(flyEl) : 0;
				        setRunAttr: function(attr) {	        
					        var me = this,
					        	isEmpty = Ext.isEmpty,	        	
				            	a = me.attrs[attr],
				            	unit = a.unit,
				            	by = a.by,
				            	from = a.from, 
				            	to = a.to,
				            	ra = (me.runAttrs[attr] = {}),
				            if (isEmpty(to) && isEmpty(by)) return false;
				            start = !isEmpty(from) ? from : me.getAttr(attr);
							end = !isEmpty(to) ? to : [];            
				            if (!isEmpty(by)) {
				                if (Ext.isArray(start)) { 
					                Ext.each(start, function(v,i,s){ end[i] = v + by[i];});
				                } else {
				                    end = start + by;
				            ra.start = start;
				            ra.end = end;
				            ra.unit = !isEmpty(unit) ? unit : (defaultUnitRE.test(attr) ? 'px' : '');
				        init : function(el, attribute, duration, method) {
				            var me = this,
				            	actualFrames = 0,            	
				            	ease = EXTLIB.Easing,
				            	anmgr = EXTLIB.AnimMgr;            	
				            me.attrs = attribute || {};  
				            me.dur = duration || 1;          
				            me.method = method || ease.easeNone;
				            me.useSec = true;
				            me.curFrame = 0;
				            me.totalFrames = anmgr.fps;
				            me.el = Ext.getDom(el);
				            me.isAnimated = false;
				            me.startTime = null;
				            me.runAttrs = {};
				            me.animate = function(callback, scope) {
					            function f() {
						            var me = this;
					                if (typeof callback == "function") {
					                    callback.call(scope || me, me);
					            var me = this;
					            me.onComplete.addListener(f, me);
				                me.curFrame = 0;
				                me.totalFrames = ( me.useSec ) ? Math.ceil(anmgr.fps * duration) : duration;
				                if (!me.isAnimated) anmgr.registerElement(me);
				            me.stop = function(finish) {
				                if (finish) {
				                    me.curFrame = me.totalFrames;
				            function onStart() {	            
				                me.runAttrs = {};
				                for (var attr in me.attrs) {
				                me.isAnimated = !!(me.startTime = new Date());                
				                actualFrames = 0;                
				            function onTween() {
				                    duration: new Date() - me.startTime,
				                    curFrame: me.curFrame
				                for (var attr in me.runAttrs) {
					                var ra = me.runAttrs[attr];
				                    me.setAttr(attr, me.doMethod(attr, ra.start, ra.end), ra.unit);
				            function onComplete() {
				                me.isAnimated = false;                                
				                    duration: (new Date() - me.startTime) / 1000,
				                    frames: actualFrames,
				                    fps: actualFrames / this.duration
				                actualFrames = 0;
				            me.onStart = new Ext.util.Event(me);
				            me.onTween = new Ext.util.Event(me);            
				            me.onComplete = new Ext.util.Event(me);
				            (me._onStart = new Ext.util.Event(me)).addListener(onStart);
				            (me._onTween = new Ext.util.Event(me)).addListener(onTween);
				            (me._onComplete = new Ext.util.Event(me)).addListener(onComplete); 
				    EXTLIB.AnimMgr = function() {
				        var thread = new Ext.util.TaskRunner(),
				        function correctFrame(tween) {
				            var frames = tween.totalFrames,
				            	frame = tween.curFrame,
				            	duration = tween.dur,
				            	expected = (frame * duration * 1000 / frames),
				            	elapsed = (new Date() - tween.startTime),
				            	tweak = 0;            	
				            if (elapsed < duration * 1000) {
				                tweak = Math.round((elapsed / expected - 1) * frame);
				            } else {
				                tweak = frames - (frame + 1);
				            if (tweak > 0 && isFinite(tweak)) {
				                if (frame + tweak >= frames) {
				                    tweak = frames - (frame + 1);
				                tween.curFrame += tweak;
				        pub = {
				        	fps : 1000,
				        	delay : 1,
				        	registerElement : function(tween) {                        
					            tween.run = function(tween){ 
						        	if (!tween || !tween.isAnimated) {
						            if (tween.curFrame++ < tween.totalFrames) {			            
						                if (tween.useSec) {
						            } else {             
					            tween.args = [tween];
					            tween.scope = pub;
					            tween.onStop = function(){ 
						        tween.interval = pub.delay;
				        	stop : function(tween) {	        
				    	return pub;
				    EXTLIB.Easing = {
				        easeNone: function (t, b, c, d) {
				            return c * t / d + b;
				        easeIn: function (t, b, c, d) {
				            return c * (t /= d) * t + b;
				        easeOut: function (t, b, c, d) {
				            return -c * (t /= d) * (t - 2) + b;
				// Motion animation	
				(function() {	    
				    // private
					function bezier (points, t) {
				        var len = points.length,
				        	tmp = points.slice(0),
				        	C = (1 - t),
				        for (j = 1; j < len; ++j) {
				            for (i = 0; i < len - j; ++i) {	                
				                var ti = tmp[i];
				                ti[0] = C * ti[0] + t * tmp[i + 1][0];
				                ti[1] = C * ti[1] + t * tmp[i + 1][1];
				        return [tmp[0][0], tmp[0][1]];
				    EXTLIB.Motion = function(el, attrs, duration, method) {
				        if (el) {
				            EXTLIB.Motion.superclass.constructor.call(this, el, attrs, duration, method);
				    Ext.extend(EXTLIB.Motion, EXTLIB.AnimBase);
				    var superclass = EXTLIB.Motion.superclass,        	
				    	pointsRE = /^points$/i;	
				    Ext.apply(EXTLIB.Motion.prototype, {
				        setAttr : function(attr, val, unit) {
					        var setAttr = superclass.setAttr,
					        	me = this;
				            if (pointsRE.test(attr)) {
				                unit = unit || 'px';
				                setAttr.call(me, 'left', val[0], unit);
				                setAttr.call(me, 'top', val[1], unit);
				            } else {
				                setAttr.call(me, attr, val, unit);
				        getAttr : function(attr) {	        
					        var getAttr = superclass.getAttr,
					        	me = this;
							return pointsRE.test(attr) ? 
								   [getAttr.call(me,'left'),getAttr.call(me,'top')] :
				        doMethod : function(attr, start, end) {
				            var me = this;
				           	return pointsRE.test(attr) 
				           			? bezier(me.runAttrs[attr],
				                			   me.method(me.curFrame, 0, 100, me.totalFrames) / 100)
									: superclass.doMethod.call(me, attr, start, end);
				        setRunAttr : function(attr) {
					        var me = this;
				            if (pointsRE.test(attr)) {
				                var el = me.el,
				                	attrs = me.attrs,
				                	points = attrs.points,
				                	control = points.control || [],  
				                	runAttrs = me.runAttrs,	                		                		                	
				                	getXY = EXTLIB.Dom.getXY,
				                	from = attrs.points.from || getXY(el),	                	
				            	function translateValues(val, start, to) {
						            var pageXY = to ? getXY(me.el) : [0,0];
						            return val ? [(val[0] || 0) - pageXY[0] + start[0], 
						            			  (val[1] || 0) - pageXY[1] + start[1]]
						            		   : null;
						        control = typeof control == "string" ? [control] : Ext.toArray(control);
				                Ext.fly(el, '_anim').position();
				                EXTLIB.Dom.setXY(el, from);
				                // now set the attribute	
				                runAttrs[attr] = [start = me.getAttr('points')].concat(control);
								// add end calculation to the attribute array.  It could be null
				                	translateValues( points.to || points.by || null, start, !Ext.isEmpty(points.to)) 
				            else {
				                superclass.setRunAttr.call(me, attr);
