--%> --%>
// next page
String nextPage = "../../step_4a_database_validation.jsp";
// previous page
String prevPage = "../../step_2_check_components.jsp";
boolean isFormSubmitted = Bean.setDbParamaters(request, CmsSetupBean.MYSQL_PROVIDER);
Alkacon OpenCms Setup Wizard
function checkSubmit() {
if(document.forms[0].dbCreateConStr.value == "") {
alert("Please insert the Connection String");
return false;
else if (document.forms[0].db.value == "") {
alert("Please insert a Database name");
return false;
else {
return true;
if(isFormSubmitted) {
Alkacon OpenCms Setup Wizard - database setup
Select Database
/* get all available databases */
List databases = Bean.getSortedDatabases();
/* List all databases found in the dbsetup.properties */
if (databases !=null && databases.size() > 0) {
for(int i=0;i String db = (String) databases.get(i);
String dn = Bean.getDatabaseName(db);
String selected = "";
if(Bean.getDatabase().equals(db)) {
selected = "selected";
else {
out.println("no database found");
Setup Connection
OpenCms Connection
Connection String
Create database and tables
The Setup Connection is used only during this setup process.
The specified user must have database administration permissions in order to create the database and tables.
This user information is not stored after the setup is finished.
The OpenCms Connection is used when running Alkacon OpenCms after the installation.
For security reasons, the specified user should not have database administration permissions.
This user information is stored in the opencms.properties file after the setup.
Enter the JDBC Connection String to your database.
Enter the name of the MS SQL Database which should be used by Alkacon OpenCms.
The setup wizard creates the MS SQL database and the tables for Alkacon OpenCms.
Attention: Existing databases will be overwritten!
Uncheck this option if an already existing database should be used.
MS-SQL installation notes:
The path of resources is limite to 440 characters, so longer
resource paths will not work correctly.
Alkacon OpenCms Setup Wizard - Database setup