
源代码在线查看: infopanel.java

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关键词: JAVA 软件 安装程序 源代码
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				package at.ac.uni_linz.tk.vchat;
				import java.awt.*;
				import java.applet.*;
				 * An InfoPanel includes a FramedPanel that can be filled with several lines of
				 * formatted text.
				 * @author      Arno Huetter
				 * (C)opyright by the Institute for Computer Science, Telecooperation Department, University of Linz
				public class InfoPanel extends Panel  {
				  private FramedPanel framedPanel1, framedPanel2;
				  private ChatApplet chatApplet;
				  private TextArea htmlText;
				 * Constructs the InfoPanel.
				  public InfoPanel(ChatApplet chatParam) {
				    String[] labelText = { "Visual Chat V1.91",
				                           "Institute for Technical Computer Science and Telematics, Telecooperation Department, University of Linz / Austria",
				                           "Developed within a practical study in summerterm 1998",
				                           "Basic concept",
				                           "D.I. Theodorich Kopetzky",
				                           "Mag. Arno H黷ter",
				                           "The Visual Chat Homepage",
				                           "http://www.weirdoz.org/visualchat" };
				    boolean[] bold = { true, false, true, false, false, false, true, false, false, true, false, false, true, false };
				    int[] alignment = { Label.LEFT, Label.LEFT, Label.LEFT, Label.LEFT, Label.LEFT, Label.LEFT, Label.LEFT, Label.LEFT, Label.LEFT, Label.LEFT, Label.LEFT, Label.LEFT, Label.LEFT };
				    String[] url = { "",
				    Component label;
				    chatApplet = chatParam;
				    framedPanel1 = new FramedPanel(labelText[0], ChatRepository.INSETS);
				    framedPanel1.setLayout(new GridLayout(labelText.length, 1));
				    for (int i = 1; i < labelText.length; i++) {
				      if (url[i].equals(""))
				        label = new Label(labelText[i], alignment[i]);
				        label = new URLLabel(labelText[i], url[i], chatApplet );
				      label.setFont(new Font(ChatRepository.STANDARD_FONT.getName(), bold[i] ? Font.BOLD : Font.PLAIN, ChatRepository.STANDARD_FONT.getSize()));
				    framedPanel2 = new FramedPanel("Free Visual Chat Client", ChatRepository.INSETS);
				    framedPanel2.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
				    framedPanel2.add(new Label("Use the following HTML-code:"), "North");
				    htmlText = new TextArea();
				    htmlText.setText("\n" +
				                     "  \n" +
				                     "    \n" +
				                     "      \n" +
				                     "        \n" +
				                     "        \n" +
				                     "      \n" +
				                     "    \n" +
				                     "  \n" +
				    framedPanel2.add(htmlText, "Center");
				    setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1));
