about sound recognition.i want to downlod

源代码在线查看: htestrm.prl

软件大小: 2206 K
上传用户: lwp
关键词: recognition downlod about sound
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				# HTK Perl Script: htestrm.prl                                  #
				#                                                               #
				# Usage:  htestrm.prl env type set hmmdir                       #
				#                                                               #
				# htestrm uses the HTK environment settings to recognise the    #
				# specified set of test files and then compares them with the   #
				# reference labels using HResults.                              #
				# type  is used to select a type of test of conditions from the #
				# env file. set selects the test data independently of type.    #
				# The test results are stored in a directory called             #
				# test_type_set.k inside the source hmm directory hmmdir        #
				# where k is the  repetition idx.                               #
				# A copy of the env file containing the test parameters is left #
				#in the test directory (typically changed for different indexes)#         
				# The shell variable TESTSET is set equal to set & is used to   #
				# specify the test data in the HTE file.                        #
				# Others variables in the HTE file are indexed to reflect       #
				# values with different type the different type in an order     #
				# given by the HTE variable TYPELIST                            #
				#                                                               #
				#   TYPELIST - name of possible type values                     #
				#   SETLIST - list of possible TESTSET & set values             #
				#   TESTDATALIST- list of test files (TESTSET)                  #
				#   TESTMLF     - MLF for reference labs (if used)  (TESTSET)   #
				#   TESTLABDIR  - dir holding reference lab files               #
				#   HMMLIST  - list of models to use in testing                 #
				#   HVTRACE     - trace level                                   #
				#   HVPRUNE - pruning threshold (indexed)                       #
				#   HVWEPRUNE - word-end pruning threshold (indexed)            #
				#   HVMAXACTIVE - max number of phone insts active (indexed)    #
				#   HVGSCALE    - grammar scale factor (indexed)                #
				#   HVIMPROB - inter-model log probability addition(indexed)    #
				#   HVNET   - network definition file (indexed)                 #
				#   WORDLIST- list of vocabulary items                          #
				#   HRNIST  - run HResults in NIST mode                         #
				#   NISTSCORE - run the NIST scoring software                   #
				#   NICE    - nice level to run at                              #
				# Copyright (c) Phil Woodland & Steve Young, 1992, 1993
				# Last Updated 19/10/93
				# Converted to Perl script by TL 7/1998
				push @INC, "$ENV{RMSCRIPTS}";   # include the perl script path
				require "global.pl";                    # include global variables
				require "env_conv.pm";                  # sub to convert env vars
				# Check Number of Args 
				if ( $#ARGV != 3 ) {
					die "Usage: htestrm.prl env tsttype tstset hmmdir\n";
				# Read the environment file
				$Env_file = $ARGV[0];
				if ( ! -f $Env_file ) {
				die "htestrm: cannot find environment file $Env_file\n";
				# convert environment file to perl format
				$Perl_env = "HE_env.pl";
				# read in variable value from new file in perl format
				require "$Perl_env";
				# Check the type
				if (! defined $TYPELIST) {
					die "htestrm: TYPELIST  not set\n";
				undef $INDEX;
				@typelists = &tidy_up_and_split_list($TYPELIST);
				foreach $type (@typelists) {
					if ($type eq $TYPE) {
				if (! defined $INDEX) {
					die "htestrm: $TYPE not in TYPELIST\n"; 
				# Check the test set
				undef $setfound;
				if (! defined $SETLIST) {
					die "htestrm: SETLIST  not set\n";
				@setlists = &tidy_up_and_split_list($SETLIST);
				foreach $setlist (@setlists) {
					if ($setlist eq $SET) {
						$setfound = 1;
				if ( (! defined $setfound) && ( $SET ne "dms0_tst" ) ) {
					die "htestrm: $SET not in SETLIST\n";
				# Check hmmsource Exists
				if ( ! -d $HMMSOURCE ) {
				   die "htestrm: error - hmm directory $HMMSOURCE does not exist\n";
				# Set test dir
				undef $TESTDIRSET;
				while (! defined $TESTDIRSET) {
					if ( $SET eq "dms0_tst" ) {
					else {
					if ( ! -d $TESTDIR ) {
						mkdir $TESTDIR, 0755;
						$TESTDIRSET = 1;
					else {
				# Define the file to log all output/errors to
				# Copy the test HTE file as a record
				system("copy $Env_file $TESTDIR\\HTE");
				# Check the equates file and load equates
				if (defined $HREQSETS) {
					@hreqsets = &tidy_up_and_split_list($HREQSETS);
					if ( ! -f $EQFILE ) {
						die "Cannot find HResults equates file $EQFILE\n";
				# Set HVite Options
				if ( $SET eq "dms0_tst" ) {
					$HVOPFILE = "$TESTDIR\\$SET.mlf";
				else {
					$HVOPFILE = "$TESTDIR\\$TYPE"."_"."$SET.mlf";
				$OPT = "$OPT -i $HVOPFILE ";
				$OPT = "$OPT -X rec ";
				if (defined $HVTRACE) {
					$OPT = "$OPT -T $HVTRACE ";
				# add the indexed options
				if (defined $HVTRANSFORM) {
				if (defined $HVPRUNE) {
					@hvprune = &tidy_up_and_split_list($HVPRUNE);
					$OPT = "$OPT -t $hvprune[$INDEX] ";
				if (defined $HVWEPRUNE) {
					@hvweprune = &tidy_up_and_split_list($HVWEPRUNE);
					$OPT = "$OPT -v $hvweprune[$INDEX] ";
				if (defined $HVMAXACTIVE) {
					@hvmaxactive = &tidy_up_and_split_list($HVMAXACTIVE);
					$OPT = "$OPT -u $hvmaxactive[$INDEX] ";
				if (defined $HVGSCALE) {
					@hvgscale = &tidy_up_and_split_list($HVGSCALE);
					$OPT = "$OPT -s $hvgscale[$INDEX] ";
				if (defined $HVIMPROB) {
					@hvimprob = &tidy_up_and_split_list($HVIMPROB);
					$OPT = "$OPT -p $hvimprob[$INDEX] ";
				@hvnet = &tidy_up_and_split_list($HVNET);
				if (defined $HVVOC) {
					@hvvoc = &tidy_up_and_split_list($HVVOC);
				else {
					die "HVVOC not set\n";
				# remove perl environment variable file
				unlink $Perl_env;
				# -------------- Run HVite -----------------
				open(LOGFILE,">$LOG") or die "Can't open $LOG file\n";
				printf LOGFILE "HVite started at " . scalar localtime(time) . "\n";
				close (LOGFILE);
				system("HVite -A -C $HVCONFIG $OPT -w $NET -S $TESTDATALIST $VOC $HMMLIST >> $LOG");
				open(LOGFILE,">>$LOG") or die "Can't open $LOG file\n";
				printf LOGFILE "HVite finished at " . scalar localtime(time) . "\n\n";
				close (LOGFILE);
				# ------------------------------------------
				# Now for results analysis
				# Set the equates if any
				$EQ = "";
				undef $Ind;
				open(EQFILENAME,"				while () {
					chop ;
					if (! defined $I) {
						$EQ="$EQ -e ";
						$Ind = 1;
					else {
						undef $Ind;
					$EQ="$EQ $_";
				if (defined $TESTMLF) {
				   $OPT="$OPT -I $TESTMLF ";
				if (defined $TESTLABDIR) {
				   $OPT="$OPT -L $TESTLABDIR ";
				if (defined $HRNIST) {
				  $OPT = "$OPT -n ";
				open(LOGFILE,">>$LOG") or die "Can't open $LOG file\n";
				printf LOGFILE "Running HResults at " . scalar localtime(time) . "\n";
				close (LOGFILE);
				system("HResults -A -z ::: $OPT $EQ $WORDLIST $HVOPFILE >> $LOG");
				open(LOGFILE,">>$LOG") or die "Can't open $LOG file\n";
				printf LOGFILE "HResults finished at " . scalar localtime(time) . "\n\n";
				close (LOGFILE);
				# ------------------------------------------
				# Now for NIST scoring if required
				if (defined $NISTSCORE) {
					print "NIST score scripts can be run under 'sh' Shell at reader's own wish\n";
					print "It is not however supported in Perl Shell\n";
				open(LOGFILE,">>$LOG") or die "Can't open $LOG file\n";
				printf LOGFILE "htestrm.prl finished at " . scalar localtime(time) . "\n\n";
				close (LOGFILE);
				sub tidy_up_and_split_list {
					local($listval) = @_;
					$listval =~ s/\s+/ /g;
					$listval =~ s/^ //;
					$listval =~ s/ $//;
					local(@listvals) = split(" ",$listval);
				#                   End of Script: htestrm                      #
