
源代码在线查看: gb_save.ch

软件大小: 1340 K
上传用户: zyhunicom
关键词: 模拟
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				@x l.47				extern long save_graph();				extern Graph *restore_graph();				@y				extern long save_graph(Graph *,char *);				extern Graph *restore_graph(char *);				@z								@x l.149				Graph *restore_graph(f)				  char *f; /* the file name */				@y				Graph *restore_graph(char *f)				  /* the file name */				@z								@x l.225				static long fill_field(l,t)				  util *l; /* location of field to be filled in */				  char t; /* its type code */				@y				static long fill_field(@t\1\1@>				  util *l, /* location of field to be filled in */				  char t@t\2\2@>) /* its type code */				@z								@x l.308				static long finish_record()				@y				static long finish_record(void)				@z								@x l.410				long save_graph(g,f)				  Graph *g; /* graph to be saved */				  char *f; /* name of the file to be created */				@y				long save_graph(@t\1\1@>				  Graph *g, /* graph to be saved */				  char *f@t\2\2@>) /* name of the file to be created */				@z								@x l.518				static void classify(l,t)				  util *l; /* location of field to be classified */				  char t; /* its type code, from the set $\{\.Z,\.I,\.V,\.S,\.A\}$ */				@y				static void classify(@t\1\1@>				  util *l, /* location of field to be classified */				  char t@t\2\2@>) /* its type code, from the set $\{\.Z,\.I,\.V,\.S,\.A\}$ */				@z								@x l.672				static void flushout() /* output the buffer to |save_file| */				@y				static void flushout(void) /* output the buffer to |save_file| */				@z								@x l.686				static void prepare_string(s)				  char *s; /* string that is moved to |item_buf| */				@y				static void prepare_string(char *s)				  /* string that is moved to |item_buf| */				@z								@x l.709				static void move_item()				@y				static void move_item(void)				@z								@x l.747				static void translate_field(l,t)				  util *l; /* address of field to be output in symbolic form */				  char t; /* type of formatting desired */				@y				static void translate_field(@t\1\1@>				  util *l, /* address of field to be output in symbolic form */				  char t@t\2\2@>) /* type of formatting desired */				@z							
