@x l.99 main(argc,argv) int argc; /* the number of command-line arguments */ char *argv[]; /* an array of strings containing those arguments */ @y int main(@t\1\1@> int argc, /* the number of command-line arguments */ char *argv[]@t\2\2@>) /* an array of strings containing those arguments */ @z @x l.197 report(u,v,l) Vertex *u,*v; /* adjacent vertices in the minimum spanning tree */ long l; /* the length of the edge between them */ @y void report(@t\1\1@> Vertex *u,Vertex *v, /* adjacent vertices in the minimum spanning tree */ long l@t\2\2@>) /* the length of the edge between them */ @z @x l.378 unsigned long krusk(g) Graph *g; @y unsigned long krusk(Graph *g) @z @x l.498 void @[@] (*init_queue)(); /* create an empty priority queue */ void @[@] (*enqueue)(); /* insert a new element in the priority queue */ void @[@] (*requeue)(); /* decrease the key of an element in the queue */ Vertex *(*del_min)(); /* remove an element with smallest key */ @y void @[@] (*init_queue)(long); /* create an empty priority queue */ void @[@] (*enqueue)(Vertex *,long); /* insert a new element in the priority queue */ void @[@] (*requeue)(Vertex *,long); /* decrease the key of an element in the queue */ Vertex *(*del_min)(void); /* remove an element with smallest key */ @z @x l.513 unsigned long jar_pr(g) Graph *g; @y unsigned long jar_pr(Graph *g) @z @x l.610 void init_heap(d) /* makes the heap empty */ long d; @y void init_heap(long d) /* makes the heap empty */ @z @x l.624 void enq_heap(v,d) Vertex *v; /* vertex that is entering the queue */ long d; /* its key (aka |dist|) */ @y void enq_heap(@t\1\1@> Vertex *v, /* vertex that is entering the queue */ long d@t\2\2@>) /* its key (aka |dist|) */ @z @x l.651 void req_heap(v,d) Vertex *v; /* vertex whose key is being reduced */ long d; /* its new |dist| */ @y void req_heap(@t\1\1@> Vertex *v, /* vertex whose key is being reduced */ long d@t\2\2@>) /* its new |dist| */ @z @x l.682 Vertex *del_heap() @y Vertex *del_heap(void) @z @x l.797 void init_F_heap(d) long d; @y void init_F_heap(long d) @z @x l.860 void enq_F_heap(v,d) Vertex *v; /* vertex that is entering the queue */ long d; /* its key (aka |dist|) */ @y void enq_F_heap(@t\1\1@> Vertex *v, /* vertex that is entering the queue */ long d@t\2\2@>) /* its key (aka |dist|) */ @z @x l.901 void req_F_heap(v,d) Vertex *v; /* vertex whose key is being reduced */ long d; /* its new |dist| */ @y void req_F_heap(@t\1\1@> Vertex *v, /* vertex whose key is being reduced */ long d@t\2\2@>) /* its new |dist| */ @z @x l.970 Vertex *del_F_heap() @y Vertex *del_F_heap(void) @z @x l.1155 qunite(m,q,mm,qq,h) register long m,mm; /* number of nodes in the forests */ register Arc *q,*qq; /* binomial trees in the forests, linked by |qsib| */ Arc *h; /* |h->qsib| will get the result */ @y void qunite(@t\1\1@> register long m, /* number of nodes in the forests */ register Arc *q, /* binomial trees in the forests, linked by |qsib| */ register long mm, /* number of nodes in the forests */ register Arc *qq, /* binomial trees in the forests, linked by |qsib| */ Arc *h@t\2\2@>) /* |h->qsib| will get the result */ @z @x l.1257 qenque(h,a) Arc *h; /* header of a binomial queue */ Arc *a; /* new element for that queue */ @y void qenque(@t\1\1@> Arc *h, /* header of a binomial queue */ Arc *a@t\2\2@>) /* new element for that queue */ @z @x l.1272 qmerge(h,hh) Arc *h; /* header of binomial queue that will receive the result */ Arc *hh; /* header of binomial queue that will be absorbed */ @y void qmerge(@t\1\1@> Arc *h, /* header of binomial queue that will receive the result */ Arc *hh@t\2\2@>) /* header of binomial queue that will be absorbed */ @z @x l.1291 Arc *qdel_min(h) Arc *h; /* header of binomial queue */ @y Arc *qdel_min(Arc *h) /* header of binomial queue */ @z @x l.1339 qtraverse(h,visit) Arc *h; /* head of binomial queue to be unraveled */ void @[@] (*visit)(); /* procedure to be invoked on each node */ @y void qtraverse(@t\1\1@> Arc *h, /* head of binomial queue to be unraveled */ void (*visit)(register Arc *)@t\2\2@>) /* procedure to be invoked on each node */ @z @x l.1392 unsigned long cher_tar_kar(g) Graph *g; @y unsigned long cher_tar_kar(Graph *g) @z @x l.1614 void note_edge(a) Arc *a; @y void note_edge(Arc *a) @z