simulink electrical machine(2)

源代码在线查看: m4.m

软件大小: 534 K
上传用户: glossary
关键词: electrical simulink machine
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				% MATLAB script file m4.m is for Project 4 on
				%	power system stabilizer in Chapter 10
				% It is to be used with the SIMULINK file s4.m 
				% m4.m determines the steady-state values for initializing
				% 	the Simulink simulation s4.m and computes the 
				% 	the transfer functions for designing a PSS   
				% 	with slip as the input signal.
				%  ************* INPUT BLOCK **************************
				% Computed transfer function is dependent on system parameters 
				%       and operating condition:
				% Inputs required:
				% 	pu parameters of generator and ac network Thevenin's equiv,
				% 	operating condition at generator's terminal. 
				% 	parameters of excitation system
				% Clear all variables in Matlab worksapce
				clear variables;
				% load per unit parameters of generator and excitation system
				% load parameters of pss
				Ks = 120;
				Tw = 1.;
				T1 = 0.024;
				T2 = 0.002;
				T3 = 0.024;
				T4 = 0.24;
				pss_limit = 0.1;
				% Enter option to simulate or to determine  
				% transfer functions 
				opt_sim = menu('Simulation or Transfer Function?',...
				                'Simulation','Transfer functions');
				% set up loop for repeating multiple cases
				repeat_run =  'Y'; % set initially to yes for 1 or more cases 
				while repeat_run == 'Y' 
				% Input the following per unit parameters via the keyboard
				% Type in after K>>
				%  re = 0.027; for real part of ac thevenin's source impedance
				%  xe = 0.1; for imag part of ac thevenin's source impedance
				%  Vi = 1.0 + 0*j   for phasor voltage at infinite bus
				%  Si = 0.8 + 0.6*j for delivered complex power(lagging Q>0) 
				disp('Enter pu of re, xe, Vt and St via keyboard'); 
				disp('Example: re = 0.027; xe = 0.1; Vi = 1 +j*0; Si = 0.8 +j*0.6')
				disp('Type ''return'' following K>> prompt to continue');
				% ************* END OF INPUT BLOCK ***************
				% Calculate base quantities
				we = 2*pi*Frated;
				wb = we;
				Sbase = Prated/Pfrated;
				% Use peak values of phase quantites for voltage and current
				Vbase = Vrated*sqrt(2/3);
				Ibase = sqrt(2)*(Sbase/(sqrt(3)*Vrated));
				Zbase = Vbase/Ibase;
				% Determine steady state phasor and q-d variables
				% Phasor reference axis is along the q axis of a synchronous qd frame,
				% aligned along Vi, the infinite bus voltage.
				% Transfer function expressions use rotor 
				% reference frame with q-axis aligned to internal E_q.
				% Stator resistance rs, though ignored for TF, is included 
				%  in steady-state calculation to obtain correct values 
				%  for simulation,  especially the value of  Dz.
				  Ie = conj(Si/Vi);
				  Eqe = Vi + ((rs+re) + (xq+xe)*j)*Ie;
				  Vte = Vi + (re + xe*j)*Ie
				  deltat = angle(Vte);  
				  delta = angle(Eqe);
				  Eqo = abs(Eqe);
				  I = (conj(Eqe)/Eqo)*Ie; % I = Ie*(cos(delta) - sin(delta)*j);
				  Iqo = real(I);
				  Ido = -imag(I);
				  Vio = abs(Vi);
				  Vto = (conj(Eqe)/Eqo)*Vte; % Vto = Vt*(cos(delta) - sin(delta)*j);
				  Vqo = real(Vto);
				  Vdo = -imag(Vto);
				  Sto = Vto*conj(I)
				  Eqpo = Vqo + xpd*Ido + rs*Iqo;
				  Edpo = Vdo - xpq*Iqo + rs*Ido
				  Efo = Eqo + (xd-xq)*Ido;
				  delio = delta
				  Pmecho = real(Sto);
				% initialize excitation variables
				 VR = KE*Efo;
				 Vs = Efo*KF/TF;
				 Vref =abs(Vto)
				 Dz = (re+rs)*(re+rs) + (xe + xq)*(xe + xpd);  
				% ********** END OF STEADY-STATE CALCULATIONS ***********
				% ********** BEGIN SIMULATION RUNS ***********
				if (opt_sim == 1) % enter simulation mode 
				% set PSS_sw for operation without pss
				pss_sw = -5 % threshold of sw being set at zero
				% set up run time and DTmech signal for load cycling
				tstop = 30;
				time_Dtmech=[0 7.5 7.5 15 15 22.5 22.5 30];
				DT = 0.1 % size of pu torque perturbation about operating point
				tmech_Dtmech=[0 0 DT DT -DT -DT 0 0];
				% Transfer back to keyboard for simulation
				disp('Entering simulation mode - m4.m has set up')
				disp('  PSS_sw, tstop and Dtmech in s4.m') 
				disp('  for you to perform simulation without pss.');
				disp(' ');
				disp('After your simulation run, type return.')
				disp('m4.m will store results of first run for later plotting')
				disp('and also set up condition for the next run with pss.')
				% store run results before making new run 
				yvt = y(:,1); % store value of |Vt|
				ypgen = y(:,2); % store value of Pgen
				yqgen = y(:,3); % store value of Qgen
				ydel = y(:,4); % store value of delta
				ytime = y(:,5); % store time array for this run
				% set PSS_sw for operation with pss
				pss_sw = 5 % threshold of sw being set at zero
				disp('Conditions set for a repeat run with pss.')
				disp('Type return for plots in figure window')
				axis([0,inf,0.6,1.2]) % resize yaxis
				xlabel('Time in sec')
				xlabel('Time in sec')
				xlabel('Time in sec')
				xlabel('Time in sec')
				end % if opt_sim
				% ********** END SIMULATION RUNS ***********
				if (opt_sim == 2)
				  Vq_ratio = Vqo/Vto;
				  Vd_ratio = Vdo/Vto;
				  co = cos(delta);
				  si = sin(delta);
				%  compute nonlinear gains in transfer functions
				  K1 = (Eqo*Vio/Dz)*(re*si + (xe+xpd)*co) + ...
				(Iqo*Vio/Dz)*((xq-xpd)*(xe+xq)*si - re*(xe-xpd)*co);
				  K2 = re*Eqo/Dz + Iqo*( 1 + (xq-xpd)*(xe+xq)/Dz );
				  K3 = 1/(1 + (xd-xpd)*(xe+xq)/Dz);
				  K4 = (Vio*(xd-xpd)/Dz)*((xe+xq)*si - re*co);
				  K5 = (Vio*Vq_ratio*xpd/Dz)*( re*co - (xe+xq)*si ) ...
				+ (Vio*Vd_ratio*xq/Dz)*( re*si + (xe+xpd)*co );
				  K6 = Vq_ratio*( 1 - xpd*(xe+xq)/Dz ) + Vd_ratio*xq*re/Dz;
				% ***** Block dealing with Exc(s)   *******
				% construct numerator s polynomial of Exc(s)
				Exc_num = KA*[TF 1];
				% construct denominator s polynomial of Exc(s)
				Exc_den = [TA*TE*TF (TA*TE + TA*TF + TE*TF) (TA + TE + TF + KA*KF) 1];
				% compute and display zeros and poles of Exc(s)
				disp('Poles and zeros of Exc(s)');
				[z,p,k] = tf2zp(Exc_num,Exc_den)
				% Enter option to generate plots of excitation system Exc(s) 
				opt_Exc = menu('Plots of Exciter block transfer function?',...
				                'Plot Frequency Response of Exc(s)','No plots');
				if (opt_Exc == 1), 
				% generate Bode plot of Exc(s)
				freq = logspace(-1, 3, 500)';
				w = 2*pi*freq;
				disp('Displaying Bode plot of Exc(s)');
				subplot(211); semilogx(freq,20*log10(m)); grid;
				ylabel('Gain dB')
				xlabel('Freq (Hz)')
				title('Gain vs. frequency of Exc(s)')
				subplot(212); semilogx(freq,p); grid;
				ylabel('Phase (deg)');
				xlabel('Freq (Hz)');
				title('Phase vs. frequency of Exc(s)')
				% compute gain and phase margins
				[Exc_Gm,Exc_Pm,freq_cg,freq_cp] = margin(m,p,freq);
				disp('Type ''return'' for GEP(s)');     
				% Generate the transfer function GEP(s) 
				format short e
				G_num = K3*Exc_num;
				G_den = conv([K3*Tpdo 1],Exc_den); 
				GEP_num = K2*G_num
				% Pad zeros to equalize vector length to compute GEP_den
				lp = length(G_den); lq = length(G_num);
				if lp == lq,
				  elseif lp > lq
				  G_num = [zeros(1,lp-lq) G_num]
				  else  G_den =[zeros(1,lq-lp) G_den]
				GEP_den = G_den + K6*G_num
				% compute zeros and poles
				[zz,pp,kk] = tf2zp(GEP_num,GEP_den)
				% Option to generate plots of GEP(s) with slip as input
				opt_GEP = menu('Plot GEP(s)?','Plot Frequency Response of GEP(s)','No plots');
				if (opt_GEP == 1), 
				% generate Bode plot of GEP(s) with slip as input
				freq = logspace(-1, 3, 500)';
				w = 2*pi*freq;
				disp('Displaying Bode plot of GEP(s)');
				subplot(211); semilogx(freq,20*log10(m_GEP)); grid;
				ylabel('Gain dB')
				xlabel('Freq (Hz)')
				title('Gain vs. frequency of GEP(s)')
				subplot(212); semilogx(freq,p_GEP); grid;
				ylabel('Phase (deg)');
				xlabel('Freq (Hz)');
				title('Phase vs. frequency of GEP(s)')
				% compute gain and phase margins
				[GEP_Gm,GEP_Pm,freq_cg,freq_cp] = margin(m_GEP,p_GEP,freq); 
				disp('Keyboard entry of the value of DPSS');
				disp('Example: >>K DPSS = 6');
				disp('Type ''return'' for PSS(s)');     
				while isempty(DPSS),
				disp('Enter value of DPSS, Example: K>> DPSS  = 6');
				disp('and type ''return'' for PSS(s)');     
				end % if isempty
				% Use PSS(s) GEP(s) = -DPSS or PSS(s) = -DPSS*GEP_den/GEP_num 
				% Plot inverse of GEP(s) to get ideal PSS(s) with speed input
				if  (opt_GEP == 2)|(opt_GEP == 3),
				disp('Displaying Bode plot of PSS(s)');
				subplot(211); semilogx(freq,20*log10(m_PSS)); grid;
				ylabel('Gain dB')
				xlabel('Freq (Hz)')
				title('Gain vs. frequency of PSS(s)')
				subplot(212); semilogx(freq,p_PSS); grid;
				ylabel('Phase (deg)');
				xlabel('Freq (Hz)');
				title('Phase vs. frequency of PSS(s)')
				disp('Type ''return'' for PSS(s) with K4 and K5 contributions');
				% Include the contributions of Ddelta via K4 and K5 in
				% determining PSS(s)
				% contibutions via K5
				numK5 = [0 K5*wb];
				denK5 = [1 0];
				[a5,b5,c5,d5] = tf2ss(numK5,denK5);
				% contribution via K4
				numK4 = K4*wb*Exc_den;
				denK4 = conv([1 0],[Exc_num]);
				% determine parallel combination
				denK45 = conv(denK4,denK5);
				numK451 = conv(numK4,denK5);
				numK452 = conv(denK4,numK5);
				% Pad zeros to equalize vector length for addition
				lp = length(numK451); lq = length(numK452);
				    if lp == lq,
				       elseif lp > lq
				       numK452 = [zeros(1,lp-lq) numK452];
				       else  numK451 =[zeros(1,lq-lp) numK451];
				% add the two numerator terms
				numK45 = numK451 + numK452;
				% now add numK45/denK45 to DPSS/GEP(s)
				den_PSS = conv(GEP_num,denK45);
				num_PSS1 = conv((-DPSS*GEP_den),denK45);
				num_PSS2 = conv(GEP_num,numK45);
				% Pad zeros to equalize vector length for addition
				lp = length(num_PSS1); lq = length(num_PSS2);
				    if lp == lq,
				       elseif lp > lq
				       num_PSS2 = [zeros(1,lp-lq) num_PSS2];
				       else  num_PSS1 =[zeros(1,lq-lp) num_PSS1];
				num_PSS = num_PSS1 + num_PSS2;
				% Generate Bode plots of PSS(s) for slip input
				% with K4 and K5 contributions
				freq = logspace(-1, 3, 500)';
				w = 2*pi*freq;
				disp('Displaying Bode plot of PSS(s) with K4 and K5');
				subplot(211); semilogx(freq,20*log10(m_PSS)); grid;
				ylabel('Gain dB')
				xlabel('Freq (Hz)')
				title('Gain vs. frequency of PSS(s) with K4 and K5')
				subplot(212); semilogx(freq,p_PSS); grid;
				ylabel('Phase (deg)');
				xlabel('Freq (Hz)');
				title('Phase vs. frequency of PSS(s) with K4 and K5')
				disp('Type ''return'' for next computation');     
				end % if of opt_sim
				% prompt for repeat with new system condition 
				repeat_run =  input('Repeat with new system condition? Y/N: ','s');
				if isempty(repeat_run) % if empty return a No to terminate
				repeat_run = 'N';
				end % while repeat_run
