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源代码在线查看: email-test.jsp

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关键词: jive3 论坛 开源
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								  -				  - $RCSfile: email-test.jsp,v $				  - $Revision: $				  - $Date: 2003/06/17 22:07:24 $				  -				--%>												                 com.jivesoftware.util.EmailTask,				                 com.jivesoftware.util.TaskEngine,				                 com.jivesoftware.util.SmtpProxy,				                 javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage,				                 javax.mail.Message,				                 javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress,				                 javax.mail.MessagingException,				                 javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException"				    errorPage="error.jsp"				%>																				    if (!isSystemAdmin) {				        throw new UnauthorizedException("You don't have admin privileges to perform this operation.");				    }								    // Get paramters				    boolean doTest = request.getParameter("test") != null;				    boolean cancel = request.getParameter("cancel") != null;				    boolean sent = ParamUtils.getBooleanParameter(request,"sent");				    boolean success = ParamUtils.getBooleanParameter(request,"success");				    String from = ParamUtils.getParameter(request,"from");				    String to = ParamUtils.getParameter(request,"to");				    String subject = ParamUtils.getParameter(request,"subject");				    String body = ParamUtils.getParameter(request,"body");								    // Cancel if requested				    if (cancel) {				        response.sendRedirect("email.jsp");				        return;				    }								    // Variable to hold messaging exception, if one occurs				    Exception mex = null;								    // Validate input				    Map errors = new HashMap();				    if (doTest) {				        if (from == null) { errors.put("from",""); }				        if (to == null) { errors.put("to",""); }				        if (subject == null) { errors.put("subject",""); }				        if (body == null) { errors.put("body",""); }								        // Get mail server props:				        String host = JiveGlobals.getJiveProperty("mail.smtp.host");				        int port = 25;				        try {				            port = Integer.parseInt(JiveGlobals.getJiveProperty("mail.smtp.port"));				        }				        catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {}				        String username = JiveGlobals.getJiveProperty("mail.smtp.username");				        String password = JiveGlobals.getJiveProperty("mail.smtp.password");				        boolean sslEnabled = "true".equals(JiveGlobals.getJiveProperty("mail.smtp.ssl"));								        // Validate host - at a minimum, it needs to be set:				        if (host == null) {				            errors.put("host","");				        }								        // if no errors, continue				        if (errors.size() == 0) {				            // Create a new email task				            SmtpProxy smtp = new SmtpProxy();				            smtp.setDebugEnabled(true);				            smtp.setHost(host);				            smtp.setPort(port);				            if (username != null) {				                smtp.setUsername(username);				            }				            if (password != null) {				                smtp.setPassword(password);				            }				            smtp.setSSLEnabled(sslEnabled);				            // create a message:				            MimeMessage message = smtp.createMessage();				            // set to and from				            message.setRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(to, null));				            message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from, null));				            message.setSubject(subject);				            message.setText(body);				            // Send the message, wrap in a try/catch:				            try {				                ArrayList messages = new ArrayList(1);				                messages.add(message);				                smtp.send(messages);				                // success, so indicate this:				                response.sendRedirect("email-test.jsp?sent=true&success=true");				                return;				            }				            catch (MessagingException me) {				                me.printStackTrace();				                mex = me;				            }				        }				    }								    // Set var defaults				    if (from == null) {				        from = pageUser.getEmail();				    }				    if (to == null) {				        to = pageUser.getEmail();				    }				    if (subject == null) {				        subject = "Test email sent via Jive Forums";				    }				    if (body == null) {				        body = "This is a test message.";				    }				%>																				    String title = "Send Test Email";				    String[][] breadcrumbs = {				        {"Main", "main.jsp"},				        {"Email Settings", "email.jsp"},				        {title, "email-test.jsp"}				    };				%>																				    				    				        				        								            								                Message was sent successfully! Verify it was sent by checking the mail				                account you sent the message to.								            								                Sending message failed.								                								                    								                        Authenticating to the SMTP server failed - make sure your username				                        and password are correct, or that "guest" users can authenticate				                        to send emails.								                    								                        								                    								                								            								            				        				        				        				    				    								    																Use the form below to send a test message.																				var clicked = false;				function checkClick(el) {				    if (!clicked) {				        clicked = true;				        return true;				    }				    return false;				}																												    				        From:				    				    				        				         size="40" maxlength="100">				    												    				        To:				    				    				        				         size="40" maxlength="100">				    												    				        Subject:				    				    				        				         size="40" maxlength="100">				    												    				        Body:				    				    				        				    												    				        				        				        				    																											
