// Formula Name: McClellan Summation Index
// Author/Uploader: Tomasz Janeczko
// E-mail: tj@amibroker.com
// Date/Time Added: 2001-06-16 08:27:58
// Origin: Originally developed by Sherman and Marian McClellan
// Keywords: breadth,overbought,oversold
// Level: basic
// Flags: indicator
// Formula URL: http://www.amibroker.com/library/formula.php?id=13
// Details URL: http://www.amibroker.com/library/detail.php?id=13
// The McClellan Summation Index is a market breadth indicator developed by
// Sherman and Marian McClellan. It is a long-term version of the McClellan
// Oscillator and its interpretation is similar to that of the McClellan
// Oscillator except that it is more suited to major trend reversals. For more
// extensive coverage of the index refer to the book Patterns for Profit, by
// Sherman and Marian McClellan. McClellan suggests the following rules for
// use with the summation Index: Look for major bottoms when the Summation
// Index falls below -1300. Look for major tops to occur when a divergence
// with the market occurs above a Summation Index level of +1600. The
// beginning of a significant bull market is indicated when the Summation
// Index crosses above +1900 after moving upward more than 3600 points from
// its prior low (e.g. the index moves from -1600 to +2000). The summation
// index is plotted by adding the Cum function to the McCllellan Oscillator.
McClellan Summation Index
Graph0 = Cum( Ema( AdvIssues()-DecIssues(), 19 ) - Ema( AdvIssues()-DecIssues(), 39 ) );