/* ============================================================================== Dokeos - elearning and course management software Copyright (c) 2004 Dokeos S.A. Copyright (c) 2003 Ghent University (UGent) Copyright (c) 2001 Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL) Copyright (c) Roan Embrechts (VUB) For a full list of contributors, see "credits.txt". The full license can be read in "license.txt". This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Contact: Dokeos, 181 rue Royale, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium, info@dokeos.com ============================================================================== */ /* ============================================================================== This is a language translation file. This file provides the language sentences for the admin section. ============================================================================== */ $langOtherCategory = "Other category"; $langSendMailToUsers = "Send a mail to users"; $langExampleXMLFile = "Example of XML file"; $langExampleCSVFile = "Example of CSV file"; $langCourseBackup="Make a back-up of this area"; $langCourseCode="Area code"; $langCourseTitular="Leader"; $langCourseTitle="Area title"; $langCourseFaculty="Area category"; $langCourseDepartment="Area department"; $langCourseDepartmentURL="Department URL"; $langCourseLanguage="Area language"; $langCourseAccess="Area access"; $langCourseSubscription="Area subscription"; $langPublicAccess="Public access"; $langPrivateAccess="Private access"; $langFromHomepageWithoutLogin="from portal homepage even without login"; $langSiteReservedToPeopleInMemberList="accessible only to people on the User list"; $langCode="Code"; $langUsers="Users"; $langLanguage="Language"; $langCategory="Category"; $langClassName="Class name"; $langDBManagementOnlyForServerAdmin="Database management is only available for the server administrator"; $langShowUsersOfCourse="Show users subscribed to this area"; $langShowClassesOfCourse="Show classes subscribed to this area"; $langShowGroupsOfCourse="Show groups of this area"; $langOfficialCode="Official code"; $langFirstName="First name"; $langLastName="Last name"; $langLoginName="Username"; $langPhone="Phone"; $langPhoneNumber="Phone number"; $langStatus="Status"; $langEmail="E-mail address"; $langPlatformAdmin="Platform administrator"; $langActions="Actions"; $langAddToCourse="Add to a area"; $langDeleteFromPlatform="Remove from the platform"; $langDeleteCourse="Delete this (these) area(s)"; $langDeleteFromCourse="Delete from this (these) area(s)"; $langDeleteSelectedClasses="Delete selected classes"; $langDeleteSelectedGroups="Delete selected groups"; $langAdministrator="Administrator"; $langTeacher="Leader"; $langUser="User"; $langAddPicture="Add a picture"; $langChangePicture="Change the picture"; $langDeletePicture="Delete the picture"; $langAddUsers="Add users"; $langAddGroups="Add groups"; $langAddClasses="Add classes"; $langExportUsers="Export the user list"; $langKeyword="Keyword"; $langGroupName="Group's name"; $langGroupTutor="Group's coach"; $langGroupForum="Group's forum"; $langGroupDescription="Group description"; $langNumberOfParticipants="Number of participants"; $langNumberOfUsers="Number of users"; $langMaximum="maximum"; $langMaximumOfParticipants="Maximum number of participants"; $langParticipants="participants"; $langGroup="Group"; $langFirstLetterClass="First letter (class name)"; $langFirstLetterUser="First letter (last name)"; $langFirstLetterCourse="First letter (code)"; $langCatCodeAlreadyUsed="A category with that code already exists !"; $langPleaseEnterCategoryInfo="Please enter the code and the name of the category !"; $langModifyUserInfo="Modify user information"; $langModifyClassInfo="Modify class information"; $langModifyGroupInfo="Modify group information"; $langModifyCourseInfo="Modify area information"; $langPleaseEnterClassName="Please enter the class name !"; $langPleaseEnterLastName="Please enter the user's last name !"; $langPleaseEnterFirstName="Please enter the user's first name !"; $langPleaseEnterValidEmail="Please enter a valid e-mail address !"; $langPleaseEnterValidLogin="Please enter a valid login !"; $langPleaseEnterCourseCode="Please enter the area code !"; $langPleaseEnterTitularName="Please enter the leader's name and firstname !"; $langPleaseEnterCourseTitle="Please enter the area title !"; $langAcceptedPictureFormats="Accepted formats are JPG, PNG and GIF !"; $langLoginAlreadyTaken="This login is already taken !"; $langImportUserListXMLCSV="Import a list of users from an XML/CSV file"; $langExportUserListXMLCSV="Export the user list into an XML/CSV file"; $langOnlyUsersFromCourse="Only users from the area"; $langUserListHasBeenExportedTo="The user list has been exported to"; $langAddClassesToACourse="Add classes to a area"; $langAddUsersToACourse="Add users to a area"; $langAddUsersToAClass="Add users to a class"; $langAddUsersToAGroup="Add users to a group"; $langAtLeastOneClassAndOneCourse="You must select at least one class and one area !"; $langAtLeastOneUser="You must select at least one user !"; $langAtLeastOneUserAndOneCourse="You must select at least one user and one area !"; $langClassList="Class list"; $langUserList="User list"; $langCourseList="Area list"; $langAddToThatCourse="Add to this (these) area(s)"; $langAddToClass="Add to the class"; $langRemoveFromClass="Remove from the class"; $langAddToGroup="Add to the group"; $langRemoveFromGroup="Remove from the group"; $langUsersOutsideClass="Users outside the class"; $langUsersInsideClass="Users inside the class"; $langUsersOutsideGroup="Users outside the group"; $langUsersInsideGroup="Users inside the group"; $langImportFileLocation="Location of the CSV / XML file"; $langFileType="File type"; $langOutputFileType="Output file type"; $langMustUseSeparator="must use the ';' character as a separator"; $langCSVMustLookLike="The CSV file must look like this"; $langXMLMustLookLike="The XML file must look like this"; $langMandatoryFields="fields in bold are mandatory"; $langNotXML="The specified file is not XML format !"; $langNotCSV="The specified file is not CSV format !"; $langNoNeededData="The specified file doesn't contain all needed data !"; $langMaxImportUsers="You can't import more than 500 users at once !"; $langAdminDatabases="Databases (phpMyAdmin)"; $langAdminUsers="Users"; $langAdminClasses="Classes of users"; $langAdminGroups="Groups of users"; $langAdminCourses="Areas"; $langAdminCategories="Categories of areas"; $langSubscribeUserGroupToCourse="Subscribe a user / group to a area"; $langAddACategory="Add a category"; $langInto="into"; $langNoCategories="There are no categories here"; $langAllowCoursesInCategory="Allow to add areas in this category ?"; $langGoToForum="Go to the forum"; $langCategoryCode="Category code"; $langCategoryName="Category name"; $langCourses="Areas"; $langCategories="categories"; $langEditNode = "Edit this category"; $langOpenNode = "Open this category"; $langDeleteNode = "Delete this category"; $langAddChildNode ="Add a sub-category"; $langViewChildren = "View children"; $langTreeRebuildedIn = "Tree rebuilded in"; $langTreeRecountedIn = "Tree recounted in"; $langRebuildTree="Rebuild the tree"; $langRefreshNbChildren="Refresh number of children"; $langShowTree = "Show tree"; $langBack = "Back to previous page"; $langLogDeleteCat = "Category deleted"; $langRecountChildren = "Recount children"; $langUpInSameLevel ="Up in same level"; $langSeconds="seconds"; $langIn="In"; $langMailTo = "Mail to : "; $lang_no_access_here ="No access here "; $lang_php_info = "information about the system"; $langAddAdminInApache ="Add an administrator"; $langAddFaculties = "Add categories"; $langSearchACourse = "Search for a area"; $langSearchAUser ="Search for a user"; $langAdminBy = "Administration by "; $langAdministrationTools = "Administration"; $langTools = "Tools"; $langTechnicalTools = "Technical"; $langConfig = "System config"; $langState = "State of system"; $langDevAdmin ="Development Administration"; $langLinksToClaroProjectSite ="Link to the project website"; $langNomOutilTodo = "Manage Todo list"; // to do $langNomPageAdmin = "Administration"; $langSysInfo = "Info about the System"; // Show system status $langCheckDatabase = "Check main dokeos database"; // Check Database $langDiffTranslation = "Compare translations"; // diff of translation $langStatOf = "Statistics of "; // Stats of... $langSpeeSubscribe = "Quick subscribe as area Checker"; $langLogIdentLogout = "Login list"; $langLogIdentLogoutComplete = "Login list (extended)"; // Stat $langStatistiques = "Statistics"; $langNbProf = "Number of leaders"; $langNbStudents = "Number of members"; $langNbLogin = "Number of logins"; $langToday ="Today"; $langLast7Days ="Last 7 days"; $langLast30Days ="Last 30 days"; $langNbAnnoucement = "Number of announcements"; // Check Data base $langPleaseCheckConfigForMainDataBaseName = "Please check these valuesMain database name in "; $langBaseFound ="FoundChecking tables of this base"; $langNotNeeded = "not needed"; $langNeeded = "needed"; $langArchive ="archive"; $langUsed ="used"; $langPresent ="Ok"; $langCreateMissingNow = "Do you want to create tables now ?"; $langCheckingCourses ="Checking areas"; $langMissing ="missing"; $langExist ="existing"; // Create Claro table $langCreateClaroTables = "Create Table for main Database"; $langTableStructureDontKnow = "Structure of this table unknown"; $langServerStatus = "Status of MySQL server : "; $langDataBase = "Database "; $langRun = "works"; $langClient = "MySql Client "; $langServer = "MySql Server "; $langtitulary = "Owner"; $langUpgradeBase = "Upgrade database"; $langManage = "Manage Portal"; $langErrorsFound = "errors found"; $langMaintenance = "Maintenance"; $langUpgrade = "Upgrade Dokeos"; $langWebsite = "Dokeos website"; $langDocumentation = "Documentation"; $langForum = "Forum"; $langContribute = "Contribute"; $langInfoServer = "Server Information"; $langStatistics = "Statistics"; $langYourDokeosUses = "Your Dokeos installation uses presently"; $langOnTheHardDisk = "on the hard disk"; ?>