// Allows a user to import outcomes (and associated scales) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT // // // // Moodle - Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment // // http://moodle.com // // // // Copyright (C) 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas http://moodle.com // // // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // // (at your option) any later version. // // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // // GNU General Public License for more details: // // // // http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// THIS SCRIPT IS CALLED WITH "require_once()" FROM index.php if (!defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL')) { die('Direct access to this script is forbidden.'); } $courseid = optional_param('id', 0, PARAM_INT); $action = optional_param('action', '', PARAM_ALPHA); $scope = optional_param('scope', 'global', PARAM_ALPHA); /// Make sure they can even access this course if ($courseid) { if (!$course = get_record('course', 'id', $courseid)) { print_error('nocourseid'); } require_login($course); $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id); if (empty($CFG->enableoutcomes)) { redirect('../../index.php?id='.$courseid); } } else { require_once $CFG->libdir.'/adminlib.php'; admin_externalpage_setup('outcomes'); $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM); } require_capability('moodle/grade:manageoutcomes', $context); $strgrades = get_string('grades'); $pagename = get_string('outcomes', 'grades'); $navigation = grade_build_nav(__FILE__, $pagename, $courseid); $strshortname = get_string('shortname'); $strfullname = get_string('fullname'); $strscale = get_string('scale'); $strstandardoutcome = get_string('outcomesstandard', 'grades'); $strcustomoutcomes = get_string('outcomescustom', 'grades'); $strdelete = get_string('delete'); $stredit = get_string('edit'); $srtcreatenewoutcome = get_string('outcomecreate', 'grades'); $stritems = get_string('items', 'grades'); $strcourses = get_string('courses'); $stredit = get_string('edit'); $strexport = get_string('export', 'grades'); if (!confirm_sesskey()) { break; } $systemcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM); $caneditsystemscales = has_capability('moodle/course:managescales', $systemcontext); if ($courseid) { /// Print header print_header_simple($strgrades.': '.$pagename, ': '.$strgrades, $navigation, '', '', true, '', navmenu($course)); /// Print the plugin selector at the top print_grade_plugin_selector($courseid, 'edit', 'outcome'); $caneditcoursescales = has_capability('moodle/course:managescales', $context); $currenttab = 'outcomes'; require('tabs.php'); } else { admin_externalpage_print_header(); $caneditcoursescales = $caneditsystemscales; } $imported_file = $upload_form->_upload_manager->files; if ($imported_file['userfile']['size'] == 0) { redirect('index.php'. ($courseid ? "?id=$courseid" : ''), get_string('importfilemissing', 'grades')); } /// which scope are we importing the outcomes in? if (isset($courseid) && ($scope == 'local')) { // custom scale $local_scope = true; } elseif (($scope == 'global') && has_capability('moodle/grade:manage', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) { // global scale $local_scope = false; } else { // shouldn't happen .. user might be trying to access this script without the right permissions. redirect('index.php', get_string('importerror', 'grades')); } // open the file, start importing data if ($handle = fopen($imported_file['userfile']['tmp_name'], 'r')) { $line = 0; // will keep track of current line, to give better error messages. $file_headers = ''; // $csv_data needs to have at least these columns, the value is the default position in the data file. $headers = array('outcome_name' => 0, 'outcome_shortname' => 1, 'scale_name' => 3, 'scale_items' => 4); $optional_headers = array('outcome_description'=>2, 'scale_description' => 5); $imported_headers = array(); // will later be initialized with the values found in the file $fatal_error = false; // data should be separated by a ';'. *NOT* by a comma! TODO: version 2.0 // or whenever we can depend on PHP5, set the second parameter (8192) to 0 (unlimited line length) : the database can store over 128k per line. while ( $csv_data = fgetcsv($handle, 8192, ';', '"')) { // if the line is over 8k, it won't work... $line++; // be tolerant on input, as fgetcsv returns "an array comprising a single null field" on blank lines if ($csv_data == array(null)) { continue; } // on first run, grab and analyse the header if ($file_headers == '') { $file_headers = array_flip($csv_data); // save the header line ... TODO: use the header line to let import work with columns in arbitrary order $error = false; foreach($headers as $key => $value) { // sanity check #1: make sure the file contains all the mandatory headers if (!array_key_exists($key, $file_headers)) { $error = true; break; } } if ($error) { print_box(get_string('importoutcomenofile', 'grades', $line)); $fatal_error = true; break; } foreach(array_merge($headers, $optional_headers) as $header => $position) { // match given columns to expected columns *into* $headers $imported_headers[$header] = $file_headers[$header]; } continue; // we don't import headers } // sanity check #2: every line must have the same number of columns as there are // headers. If not, processing stops. if ( count($csv_data) != count($file_headers) ) { print_box(get_string('importoutcomenofile', 'grades', $line)); $fatal_error = true; //print_box(var_export($csv_data, true) ."". var_export($header, true)); break; } // sanity check #3: all required fields must be present on the current line. foreach ($headers as $header => $position) { if ($csv_data[$imported_headers[$header]] == '') { print_box(get_string('importoutcomenofile', 'grades', $line)); $fatal_error = true; break; } } //var_dump($csv_data); //$db->debug = 3498723498237; // .. very large randomly-typed random value // MDL-17273 errors in csv are not preventing import from happening. We break from the while loop here if ($fatal_error) { break; } if ($local_scope) { $outcome = get_records_select('grade_outcomes', 'shortname = \''. $csv_data[$imported_headers['outcome_shortname']] .'\' and courseid = '. $courseid ); } else { $outcome = get_records_select('grade_outcomes', 'shortname = \''. $csv_data[$imported_headers['outcome_shortname']] .'\' and courseid is null'); } //var_export($outcome); if ($outcome) { // already exists, print a message and skip. print_box(get_string('importskippedoutcome', 'grades', $csv_data[$imported_headers['outcome_shortname']])); continue; } // new outcome will be added, search for compatible existing scale... $scale = get_records_select('scale', 'name ="'. $csv_data[$imported_headers['scale_name']] .'" and scale ="'. $csv_data[$imported_headers['scale_items']] .'" and (courseid = '. $courseid .' or courseid = 0)'); if ($scale) { // already exists in the right scope: use it. $scale_id = key($scale); } else { if (!has_capability('moodle/course:managescales', $context)) { print_box(get_string('importskippednomanagescale', 'grades', $csv_data[$imported_headers['outcome_shortname']])); continue; } else { // scale doesn't exists : create it. $scale_data = array('name' => $csv_data[$imported_headers['scale_name']], 'scale' => $csv_data[$imported_headers['scale_items']], 'description' => $csv_data[$imported_headers['scale_description']], 'userid' => $USER->id); if ($local_scope) { $scale_data['courseid'] = $courseid; } else { $scale_data['courseid'] = 0; // 'global' : scale use '0', outcomes use null } $scale = new grade_scale($scale_data); $scale_id = $scale->insert(); } } // add outcome $outcome_data = array('shortname' => $csv_data[$imported_headers['outcome_shortname']], 'fullname' => $csv_data[$imported_headers['outcome_name']], 'scaleid' => $scale_id, 'description' => $csv_data[$imported_headers['outcome_description']], 'usermodified' => $USER->id); if ($local_scope) { $outcome_data['courseid'] = $courseid; } else { $outcome_data['courseid'] = null; // 'global' : scale use '0', outcomes use null } $outcome = new grade_outcome($outcome_data); $outcome_id = $outcome->insert(); $outcome_success_strings = new StdClass(); $outcome_success_strings->name = $outcome_data['fullname']; $outcome_success_strings->id = $outcome_id; print_box(get_string('importoutcomesuccess', 'grades', $outcome_success_strings)); } } else { print_box(get_string('importoutcomenofile', 'grades', 0)); } // finish fclose($handle); if ($courseid) { print_footer($course); } else { admin_externalpage_print_footer(); } ?>