R. Lo Cigno, P. Larcheri
802.11e closed-loop scheduling
Description: ns-2 package for 802.11e clo
源代码在线查看: response.sh
#! /bin/csh rm -f response/flows* response/tmp* response/dropRate* response/data* set t1=360 foreach p ( 0.01 0.02 0.03 ) echo "Doing p = $p" ns red-pd.tcl one netTestFRp Response p ${p} period 1 testUnresp 0 time $t1 mv one.netTestFRp.Response.1.flows flows1-${p} response/response.pl flows1-${p} ${p} 0.040 > data1-${p} end set noFlows=5 ns red-pd.tcl one netTestFRp Response p 0.01 flows ${noFlows} period 1 testUnresp 0 time $t1 mv one.netTestFRp.Response.1.flows flowsMulti response/response.pl flowsMulti 0.01 0.040 > dataMulti mv flows* data* response cd response gnuplot response.gp gv response.ps & gv response2.ps & cd ..
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R. Lo Cigno, P. Larcheri
802.11e closed-loop scheduling
Description: ns-2 package for 802.11e clo
RSA算法 :首先, 找出三个数, p, q, r, 其中 p, q 是两个相异的质数, r 是与 (p-1)(q-1) 互质的数...... p, q, r 这三个数便是 person_key
% r=specrnd(x,p)返回一个来自分布律P(x)=p的随机数
% r=specrnd(x,p,m,n)返回m*n随机数矩阵
% p的默认值为等概率
Excel spreadsheet allowing calculation of the best R-C-C component values on the PLL Loop Back Filte
CC2420是Chipcon公司推出的首款符合2.4GHz IEEE 802.15.4标准的射频收发器(RF transiver)。它只需要极少外部元件
This program controls a BLDC motor in closed loop using PIC18Fxx31 devices.
Hardware used is PICDE
802.16e mac 仿真代码