
源代码在线查看: editor.js

软件大小: 10009 K
上传用户: hard
关键词: Javascript YUI 源码
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				(function() {				    YAHOO.log('editor.js file loaded', 'info', 'editor.js');				    YAHOO.log('Inject some HTML for the Compose Window', 'info', 'editor.js');				    YAHOO.util.Dom.get('composeViewEl').innerHTML = 'To:Subject:';				    //Use loader to load the Editor				    var loader = new YAHOO.util.YUILoader({				        base: '../../build/',				        require: ['autocomplete', 'editor'],				        ignore: ['containercore'],				        onSuccess: function() {				            YAHOO.log('Create a Toolbar above the To/From Fields', 'info', 'editor.js');				            YAHOO.example.app.composeToolbar = new YAHOO.widget.Toolbar('composeBar', {				                buttons: [				                    { id: 'tb_delete', type: 'push', label: 'Send', value: 'send'},				                    { id: 'tb_reply', type: 'push', label: 'Attach', value: 'attach' },				                    { id: 'tb_forward', type: 'push', label: 'Save Draft', value: 'savedraft' },				                    { id: 'tb_forward', type: 'push', label: 'Spelling', value: 'spelling' },				                    { id: 'tb_forward', type: 'push', label: 'Cancel', value: 'cancel' }				                ]				            });				            //Show an alert message with the button they clicked            				            YAHOO.example.app.composeToolbar.on('buttonClick', function(ev) {				                YAHOO.example.app.alert('You clicked: ' + ev.button.label);				            });				            				            //Custom editor resize method				            var editorResize = function() {				                var h = YAHOO.util.Dom.get('composeViewEl').parentNode.clientHeight - (YAHOO.util.Dom.get('composeBarWrap').clientHeight);				                var th = YAHOO.example.app.editor.toolbar.get('element').clientHeight;				                var newH = (h - th);				                YAHOO.example.app.editor.set('height', newH + 'px');				                YAHOO.example.app.editor.set('width', YAHOO.example.app.layout.getSizes().center.w + 'px');				            };				            YAHOO.log('Create the Editor', 'info', 'editor.js');				            var editor = new YAHOO.widget.Editor('compose', {				                width: (YAHOO.example.app.layout.getUnitByPosition('center').getSizes().body.w - 2) + 'px'				            });				            editor.on('afterRender', function() {				                YAHOO.log('The editor is loaded, resize the editor to fit the layout', 'info', 'editor.js');				                var h = YAHOO.util.Dom.get('composeViewEl').parentNode.clientHeight - (YAHOO.util.Dom.get('composeBarWrap').clientHeight);				                var th = this.toolbar.get('element').clientHeight;				                var newH = (h - th);				                this.set('height', newH + 'px');				            }, editor, true);				            //Turn off the titlebar				            editor._defaultToolbar.titlebar = false;				            YAHOO.log('Render the editor', 'info', 'editor.js');				            editor.render();				            YAHOO.example.app.editor = editor;								            //On resize and start resize handlers				            YAHOO.example.app.layout.on('resize', editorResize);				            //Method to destroy the editor.				            YAHOO.example.app.destroyEditor = function() {				                YAHOO.log('Destroying the Editor instance and HTML', 'info', 'editor.js');				                YAHOO.example.app.layout.unsubscribe('resize', editorResize);				                YAHOO.example.app.editor = null;				            };								            YAHOO.log('Setup the AutoComplete for the To Field', 'info', 'editor.js');				            //Build some fake data..				            var team = [				                'Dav',				                'Thomas',				                'Eric',				                'Matt',				                'Adam',				                'Lucas',				                'Nate',				                'Jenny',				                'Satyen',				                'Todd',				                'George'				            ], data = [];								            for (var i = 0; i < team.length; i++) {				                for (var s = 0; s < 5; s++) {				                    data[data.length] = team[i] + ' (' + s + ') [' + team[i].toLowerCase() + '@yui.com]';				                }				            }				            // Instantiate JS Array DataSource				            var oACDS2 = new YAHOO.widget.DS_JSArray(data);				            YAHOO.log('Instantiate AutoComplete', 'info', 'editor.js');				            var oAutoComp = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete('composeTo','autoTo', oACDS2);				            oAutoComp.prehighlightClassName = "yui-ac-prehighlight";				            oAutoComp.typeAhead = true;				            oAutoComp.useIFrame = true;				        }				    });				    //Have loader only insert the js files..				    loader.insert({}, 'js');				})();							
