zip contains tool for Antenna Modelling with examples


软件大小: 3568 K
上传用户: guigui2008q
关键词: Modelling contains examples Antenna
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				CM NGF file example.
				CM First generate NGF file(S) using NGF_RADIAL4.NEC or NGF_RADIAL8.NEC
				CM Then run this file to use one of both *.NGF files and complete the structure 
				CM Note that you manually will have to set the number of segments when using
				CE more complex NGF files. See 4nec2.hlp (F1) or read 4nec2.rtf
				SY XC = 316
				SY H1=26.7
				SY W=28	
				SY A1=2	
				SY A2=3.54
				SY A3=18
				SY H2 = (H1-5)/28 * (28-A1) + 5
				SY H3 = (H1-5)/28 * (28-A3) + 5
				SY SEG2 = 2.2 * (A3-A2)
				SY SEG3 = 2 * (H3 - 5)
				SY SEG4 = 2 * (A3 - A2)
				'GF	0	RADIAL4.NGF		' Use 4 wire NGF file
				GF	0	RADIAL8.NGF		' Use 8 wire NGF file
				GW	1	28	0	0	0.1	0	0	26.7	0
				GC	0	0	1	0.004	0.001
				GW	2	SEG2	A1	0	H2	A3	0	H3	1.e-3
				GW	3	SEG3	A3	0	H3	A3	0	5	1.e-3
				GW	4	SEG4	A3	0	5	A2	0	5	1.e-3
				GM	3	1	0	0	180	0	0	0	2
				GE	1
				LD	4	1	1	1	0	-210
				LD	4	4	1	1	0	-XC
				EX	0	1	1	0	1	0
