#!/usr/bin/perl ### $] >= 5.004 or die "Perl version must be >= 5.004 (Currently $]).\n"; use Env qw(INT_SCR INT_BIN); use lib "$INT_SCR"; #### Location of use Generic; ###Usage info/check sub Usage{ `$INT_SCR/ $INT_SCR/`; exit 1; } @ARGV ==1 or Usage(); @ rgs = @ARGV; $prefix = shift; ### Check for input files: if (-r "$prefix.proc"){$processfile = "$prefix.proc";} elsif (-r "../roi.proc") {$processfile = "../roi.proc";} else {$processfile = "";} if ($processfile){ ########################## Message "Read the inputfile"; ########################## open IN, "$processfile" or die "Can't read $processfile\n"; while (chomp($line = )){ $line =~ /=/ or next; $line =~ s/\s//g; ###Remove all whitespace ($keyname, $value) = split /=/, $line; $$keyname = $value; Message "$keyname = $value"; } close(IN); } $before_z_ext or $before_z_ext = 1500; $after_z_ext or $after_z_ext = 1500; $near_rng_ext or $near_rng_ext = 700; $far_rng_ext or $far_rng_ext = 0; $valid_samples or $valid_samples = 3072; $patch_size or $patch_size = 4096; $number_of_patches or $number_of_patches = 0; $mean_pixel_rng or $mean_pixel_rng = 3156; ###Can also set number_of_patches $infile = "$prefix.raw"; $outfile = "$prefix.slc"; $roiin = "$prefix".""; $roiout = "$prefix"."_roi.out"; ########################## Message "Checking I/O"; ########################## @Infiles = ($infile, "$infile.rsc"); @Outfiles = ($roiin, "$outfile.rsc"); IOcheck(\@Infiles, \@Outfiles); Log("", @args); ########################### Message "setting roi default"; ########################### $speed_of_light = 299792458; ########################################## Message "Reading resource file: $infile.rsc"; ########################################## $orbit_number = Use_rsc "$infile read ORBIT_NUMBER"; $width = Use_rsc "$infile read WIDTH"; $xmin = Use_rsc "$infile read XMIN"; $xmax = Use_rsc "$infile read XMAX"; ### For StaMPS AJH $ymin or $ymin = Use_rsc "$infile read YMIN"; $ymax or $ymax = Use_rsc "$infile read YMAX"; ################## $velocity = Use_rsc "$infile read VELOCITY"; $height = Use_rsc "$infile read HEIGHT"; $earth_radius = Use_rsc "$infile read EARTH_RADIUS"; $starting_rng = Use_rsc "$infile read STARTING_RANGE"; $prf = Use_rsc "$infile read PRF"; $wavelength = Use_rsc "$infile read WAVELENGTH"; $pulse_length = Use_rsc "$infile read PULSE_LENGTH"; $chirp_slope = Use_rsc "$infile read CHIRP_SLOPE"; $sampling_freq = Use_rsc "$infile read RANGE_SAMPLING_FREQUENCY"; $rng_offset = Use_rsc "$infile read RANGE_OFFSET"; $i_bias = Use_rsc "$infile read I_BIAS"; $q_bias = Use_rsc "$infile read Q_BIAS"; $first_line_utc = Use_rsc "$infile read FIRST_LINE_UTC"; $orbit_direction = Use_rsc "$infile read ORBIT_DIRECTION"; $PLANET_GM = Use_rsc "$infile read PLANET_GM"; $VelocitySCH[0] = Use_rsc "$infile read VELOCITY_S"; $VelocitySCH[1] = Use_rsc "$infile read VELOCITY_C"; $VelocitySCH[2] = Use_rsc "$infile read VELOCITY_H"; $AccelerationSCH[0] = Use_rsc "$infile read ACCELERATION_S"; $AccelerationSCH[1] = Use_rsc "$infile read ACCELERATION_C"; $AccelerationSCH[2] = Use_rsc "$infile read ACCELERATION_H"; $AntennaSide = Use_rsc "$infile read ANTENNA_SIDE"; if( $AntennaSide == -1 ){ $AntennaSide = "Right"; } elsif( $AntennaSide == 1 ){ $AntennaSide = "Left"; } else{ $AntennaSide = "Unknown"; } $dop_rng0 = Use_rsc "$infile read DOPPLER_RANGE0"; $dop_rng1 = Use_rsc "$infile read DOPPLER_RANGE1"; $dop_rng2 = Use_rsc "$infile read DOPPLER_RANGE2"; $dop_rng3 = Use_rsc "$infile read DOPPLER_RANGE3"; $squint = Use_rsc "$infile read SQUINT"; $dop_rng0=$dop_rng0+$dop_rng1*$mean_pixel_rng; $dop_rng0=$dop_rng0+$dop_rng2*$mean_pixel_rng*$mean_pixel_rng; $dop_rng1=0; $dop_rng2=0; $dop_rng3=0; ############################ Message "Computing parameters"; ############################ $ymin = $ymin-$before_z_ext; $ymax = $ymax+$after_z_ext; #if ($orbit_direction eq "ascending" ){ # $squint = 0.222; # $dop_rng0 = -0.15; # $dop_rng1 = 0; # $dop_rng2 = 0; #} #else squint=0.222 ; dop_rng0=0.25 ; dop_rng1=0 ; dop_rng2=0 #else{ # $squint = "0.1"; # $dop_rng0 = "0.25"; # $dop_rng1 = "0"; # $dop_rng2 = "0"; #} $delta_line_utc = 1/$prf; $azimuth_pixel_size = $velocity/$prf; $rng_pixel_size = $speed_of_light/$sampling_freq/2; $out_pixel or $out_pixel = int($xmax/2-$xmin/2+$near_rng_ext+$far_rng_ext); $number_of_patches or $number_of_patches = int(($ymax-$ymin-($patch_size-$valid_samples))/$valid_samples+0.99); $first_line_utc = $first_line_utc + (($patch_size-$valid_samples)/2+$ymin)/$prf; $slc_starting_rng = $starting_rng - $rng_pixel_size*$near_rng_ext; $slc_length = $number_of_patches*$valid_samples; $last_line_utc = $first_line_utc + $slc_length/$prf; $center_line_utc = ($first_line_utc + $last_line_utc)/2; $slc_ymax = $slc_length -1; #$dop0 = $dop_rng0 + ($dop_rng1 + $dop_rng2*$starting_rng)*$starting_rng; #$dop1 = ($dop_rng1+2*$dop_rng2*$slc_starting_rng*$rng_pixel_size)*$rng_pixel_size; #$dop2 = $dop_rng2 * ($rng_pixel_size*$rng_pixel_size); $dop0 = $dop_rng0; $dop1 = $dop_rng1; $dop2 = $dop_rng2; $dop3 = $dop_rng3; ########################################## Message "Writing resource file: $outfile.rsc"; ########################################## `cp $infile.rsc $outfile.rsc`; Use_rsc "$outfile write FILE_LENGTH $slc_length"; Use_rsc "$outfile write ORBIT_NUMBER $orbit_number"; Use_rsc "$outfile write WIDTH $out_pixel"; Use_rsc "$outfile write FILE_START 1"; Use_rsc "$outfile write XMIN 0"; Use_rsc "$outfile write XMAX $out_pixel"; Use_rsc "$outfile write YMIN 0"; Use_rsc "$outfile write YMAX $slc_ymax"; Use_rsc "$outfile write DOPPLER_RANGE0 $dop_rng0"; Use_rsc "$outfile write DOPPLER_RANGE1 $dop_rng1"; Use_rsc "$outfile write DOPPLER_RANGE2 $dop_rng2"; Use_rsc "$outfile write DOPPLER_RANGE3 $dop_rng3"; Use_rsc "$outfile write VELOCITY $velocity"; Use_rsc "$outfile write HEIGHT $height"; Use_rsc "$outfile write EARTH_RADIUS $earth_radius"; Use_rsc "$outfile write STARTING_RANGE $slc_starting_rng"; Use_rsc "$outfile write RAW_DATA_RANGE $starting_rng"; Use_rsc "$outfile write PRF $prf"; Use_rsc "$outfile write WAVELENGTH $wavelength"; Use_rsc "$outfile write PULSE_LENGTH $pulse_length"; Use_rsc "$outfile write CHIRP_SLOPE $chirp_slope"; Use_rsc "$outfile write RANGE_SAMPLING_FREQUENCY $sampling_freq"; Use_rsc "$outfile write RANGE_PIXEL_SIZE $rng_pixel_size"; Use_rsc "$outfile write AZIMUTH_PIXEL_SIZE $azimuth_pixel_size"; Use_rsc "$outfile write DELTA_LINE_UTC $delta_line_utc"; Use_rsc "$outfile write SQUINT $squint"; Use_rsc "$outfile write RANGE_OFFSET $rng_offset"; Use_rsc "$outfile write FIRST_LINE_UTC $first_line_utc"; Use_rsc "$outfile write CENTER_LINE_UTC $center_line_utc"; Use_rsc "$outfile write LAST_LINE_UTC $last_line_utc"; Use_rsc "$outfile write RLOOKS 1"; Use_rsc "$outfile write ALOOKS 1"; ######################################### Message "Writing roi input file: ${prefix}"; ######################################### if ($near_rng_ext < 0){ $first_range_bin = 1-$near_rng_ext; $near_rng_ext=0; } else{ $first_range_bin = 1; } open (ROI,">$roiin") or die "Can't write to $roiin\n"; $xmin = $xmin/2; print ROI RDF File for ROI Master input file (-) = $infile ! Raw data for channel 1 Second input file (-) = /dev/null ! Raw data for channel 2 Master SLC (-) = $outfile ! SLC channel 1 Second SLC (-) = /dev/null ! SLC channel 2 Eight look image file (-) = 8lk ! Eight look image file Debug flag (-) = 0 ! Bytes per input line (-) = $width $width ! files 1 and 2 Good bytes per input line (-) = $xmax $xmax ! including header, files 1 and 2 First line to read (-) = $ymin ! Number of patches (-) = $number_of_patches ! org 40, 1 for testing First sample pair to use (-) = $xmin ! Number of valid pulses (-) = $valid_samples ! Azimuth Patch Size (-) = $patch_size ! Deskew? (-) = y ! Caltone location (-) = 0 0 ! % of sample rate, files 1 and 2 Start range bin, number to process (-) = $first_range_bin $out_pixel ! org 6626, test with 1600 Delta azimuth, range pixels for second file (-) = 0 0 ! Master file Doppler centroid coefs (-) = $dop0 $dop1 $dop2 $dop3 ! (Hz/prf) quadratic polynomial Second file Doppler centroid coefs (-) = $dop0 $dop1 $dop2 $dop3 ! (Hz/prf) quadratic polynomial Doppler average method (-) = 1 ! 1: use file 1 dopp, 2: file 2, 3: avg Earth radius (m) = $earth_radius ! Body fixed S/C velocities (m/s) = $velocity $velocity ! files 1, 2 Spacecraft height (m) = $height $height ! files 1, 2 Planet GM (-) = $PLANET_GM Left, Right or Unknown Pointing (-) = $AntennaSide SCH Velocity Vector 1 (m/s,m/s,m/s) = $VelocitySCH[0] $VelocitySCH[1] $VelocitySCH[2] SCH Velocity Vector 2 (m/s,m/s,m/s) = $VelocitySCH[0] $VelocitySCH[1] $VelocitySCH[2] SCH Acceleration Vector 1 (-,-,-) = $AccelerationSCH[0] $AccelerationSCH[1] $AccelerationSCH[2] SCH Acceleration Vector 2 (-,-,-) = $AccelerationSCH[0] $AccelerationSCH[1] $AccelerationSCH[2] Range of first sample in data file (m) = $starting_rng $starting_rng ! files 1, 2 PRF (-) = $prf $prf ! pps, files 1, 2 i/q means (-) = $i_bias $q_bias $i_bias $q_bias ! file 1 (i,q), file 2 (i,q) Flip i/q? (-) = n ! Azimuth resolution (m) = 5 ! Number of azimuth looks (-) = 1 ! Range sampling rate (Hz) = $sampling_freq ! Range chirp slope (-) = $chirp_slope ! Hz/s Range pulse duration (s) = $pulse_length ! Range chirp extension points (-) = $near_rng_ext ! Secondary range migration correction? (-) = n ! Radar wavelength (m) = $wavelength ! Range spectral weighting (-) = 1. ! Spectral shift fraction (-) = 0. 0. ! % of range/azimuth bandwidth to remove Linear resampling coefs (-) = 0 0 0 0 ! sloper, intr, slopea, inta Linear resampling deltas (-) = 0 0 0 0 ! dsloper, dintr, dslopea, dinta AGC file (-) = $infile.agcf ! AGC file name DWP file (-) = $infile.dwpf ! DWP file name END close(ROI); ############################################################################### ############################################################################### exit 0; =pod =head1 USAGE B I date: radical of the input file I.raw Looks for I.proc, then roi.proc in the next directory up, then uses default values defaults: before_z_ext = 1500 after_z_ext = 1500 near_rng_ext = 700 far_rng_ext = 0 Can also set number_of_patches =head1 FUNCTION Creates input files for ROI =head1 ROUTINES CALLED none =head1 CALLED BY =head1 FILES USED I.raw.rsc roi.dop (generated by I.proc [optional] roi.proc [optional] =head1 FILES CREATED I.slc.rsc I_roi.out =head1 HISTORY Shell Script : Francois ROGEZ 96/98 Perl Script : Rowena LOHMAN 04/18/98 =head1 LAST UPDATE Frederic Crampe, Jan 10, 2000 =cut