GNU binutils是GNU交叉工具链中的一个源码包

源代码在线查看: y.s

软件大小: 15994 K
上传用户: lixuecheng
关键词: GNU binutils 源码
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				;# Library file y.s has linkonce entries for fn and fn2.  Note				;# that this version of fn has different code, as if compiled				;# with different optimization flags than the one in x.s (not				;# important for this test, though).  The reference from				;# .eh_frame to the linkonce-excluded fn2 must be zero, or g++				;# EH will not work.								 .section .gnu.linkonce.t.fn2,"ax",@progbits				 .weak fn2				 .type fn2,@function				fn2:				.Lc:				 .long 3				.Ld:				 .size fn2,.Ld-.Lc								 .section .gnu.linkonce.t.fn,"ax",@progbits				 .weak fn				 .type fn,@function				fn:				.Le:				 .long 4				.Lf:				 .size fn,.Lf-.Le								 .section .eh_frame,"aw",@progbits				 .long 7				 .long .Lc				 .long .Ld-.Lc								 .long 0x6066				 .long .Le				 .long .Lf-.Le							
