源代码在线查看: define.asm
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274 K |
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jhjfjh22544 |
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;------------------defult value is fro 320*240 lcd-----------------
;-------Direct access type address define--------------------------
;-------User can modified bases your platform----------------------
CWADD1 EQU 8100H ;Write instruction code address
DWADD1 EQU 8000H ;Write parameter and display data address
DRADD1 EQU 8100H ;Read parameter and display data address
CRADD1 EQU 8000H ;Read BUSY status address
;-------Indirect access type address define------------------------
;-------User can modified bases your platform----------------------
RD EQU P3.1 ;/RD
WR EQU P3.2 ;/WR
DATBUS EQU P1 ;data bus
;-------Program parameter define-----------------------------------
;-------User can modified bases your platform----------------------
;PARA1 EQU 20H ;DMF682(256*128)
PARA1 EQU 30H ;DMF50081/50174 EG8503(320*240)
;PARA1 EQU 50H ;DMF50036(640*200)
;-------program variable define------------------------------------
;-------User can modified bases your platform----------------------
COM EQU 30H ;Instruction register
DAT1 EQU 31H ;Parameter and display data regiter
COUNT1 EQU 32H ;Count1
COUNT2 EQU 33H ;Count2
O_XL EQU 34H ;X coordinate low byter register(byte)
;X coordinate low 8bits register(dot/row)
O_XH EQU 35H ;X coordinate high 8bits register(dot/row)
;D7 bit for draw dot(D7=1)or clear dot(D7=0)flag
O_YL EQU 36H ;Y coordinate register(dot/column)
CODE EQU 37H ;Chinese characters code
CFLUG EQU 10H ;Bit flag figure characters write type
; CFLUG=1 for first wirte;CFLUG=0 for continous write