Joomla!是一套获得过多个奖项的内容管理系统(Content Management System, CMS)。Joomla!采用PHP+MySQL数据库开发

源代码在线查看: toolbar.modules.html.php

软件大小: 5657 K
上传用户: fansino
关键词: Joomla Management Content System
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


								/**				 * @version		$Id: toolbar.modules.html.php 10863 2008-08-30 06:52:50Z willebil $				 * @package		Joomla				 * @subpackage	Modules				 * @copyright	Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.				 * @license		GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php				 * Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant				 * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or				 * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or				 * other free or open source software licenses.				 * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.				 */								/**				 * @package		Joomla				 * @subpackage	Modules				 */				class TOOLBAR_modules {					/**					* Draws the menu for a New module					*/					function _NEW($client)					{						JToolBarHelper::title( JText::_( 'Module' ) . ': [ '. JText::_( 'New' ) .' ]', 'module.png' );						JToolBarHelper::customX( 'edit', 'forward.png', 'forward_f2.png', 'Next', true );						JToolBarHelper::cancel();						if ($client->name == 'site') {							JToolBarHelper::help( 'screen.modulessite.edit' );						} 						else {							JToolBarHelper::help( 'screen.modulesadministrator.edit');						}					}									/**					* Draws the menu for Editing an existing module					*/					function _EDIT( $client )					{						$moduleType = JRequest::getCmd( 'module' );						$cid 		= JRequest::getVar( 'cid', array(0), '', 'array' );						JArrayHelper::toInteger($cid, array(0));										JToolBarHelper::title( JText::_( 'Module' ) . ': [ '. JText::_( 'Edit' ) .' ]', 'module.png' );										if($moduleType == 'custom') {							JToolBarHelper::Preview('index.php?option=com_modules&tmpl=component&client='.$client->id.'&pollid='.$cid[0]);						}										JToolBarHelper::save();						JToolBarHelper::apply();						if ( $cid[0] ) {							// for existing items the button is renamed `close`							JToolBarHelper::cancel( 'cancel', 'Close' );						} else {							JToolBarHelper::cancel();						}						JToolBarHelper::help( 'screen.modules.edit' );					}									function _DEFAULT($client)					{						JToolBarHelper::title( JText::_( 'Module Manager' ), 'module.png' );						JToolBarHelper::publishList();						JToolBarHelper::unpublishList();						JToolBarHelper::custom( 'copy', 'copy.png', 'copy_f2.png', 'Copy', true );						JToolBarHelper::deleteList();						JToolBarHelper::editListX();						JToolBarHelper::addNewX();						JToolBarHelper::help( 'screen.modules' );					}				}							
