Joomla!是一套获得过多个奖项的内容管理系统(Content Management System, CMS)。Joomla!采用PHP+MySQL数据库开发

源代码在线查看: log.php

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上传用户: fansino
关键词: Joomla Management Content System
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								/**				 * @version		$Id: log.php 10707 2008-08-21 09:52:47Z eddieajau $				 * @package		Joomla.Framework				 * @subpackage	Error				 * @copyright	Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.				 * @license		GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php				 * Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant				 * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or				 * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or				 * other free or open source software licenses.				 * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.				 */								// Check to ensure this file is within the rest of the framework				defined('JPATH_BASE') or die();								/**				 * Joomla! Logging class				 *				 * This class is designed to build log files based on the				 * W3C specification at:				 *				 * @package 	Joomla.Framework				 * @subpackage	Error				 * @since		1.5				 */				class JLog extends JObject				{					/**					 * Log File Pointer					 * @var	resource					 */					var $_file;									/**					 * Log File Path					 * @var	string					 */					var $_path;									/**					 * Log Format					 * @var	string					 */					var $_format = "{DATE}\t{TIME}\t{LEVEL}\t{C-IP}\t{STATUS}\t{COMMENT}";									/**					 * Constructor					 *					 * @access	protected					 * @param	string	$path		Log file path					 * @param	array	$options	Log file options					 * @since	1.5					 */					function __construct($path, $options)					{						// Set default values						$this->_path = $path;						$this->setOptions($options);					}									/**					 * Returns a reference to the global log object, only creating it					 * if it doesn't already exist.					 *					 * This method must be invoked as:					 * 		  $log = & JLog::getInstance();					 *					 * @access	public					 * @static					 * @return	object	The JLog object.					 * @since	1.5					 */					function & getInstance($file = 'error.php', $options = null, $path = null)					{						static $instances;										// Set default path if not set						if (!$path)						{							$config =& JFactory::getConfig();							$path = $config->getValue('config.log_path');						}										jimport('joomla.filesystem.path');						$path = JPath :: clean($path . DS . $file);						$sig = md5($path);										if (!isset ($instances)) {							$instances = array ();						}										if (empty ($instances[$sig])) {							$instances[$sig] = new JLog($path, $options);						}										return $instances[$sig];					}									/**					 * Set log file options					 *					 * @access	public					 * @param	array	$options	Associative array of options to set					 * @return	boolean				True if successful					 * @since	1.5					 */					function setOptions($options) {										if (isset ($options['format'])) {							$this->_format = $options['format'];						}						return true;					}									function addEntry($entry)					{						// Set some default field values if not already set.						$date =& JFactory::getDate();						if (!isset ($entry['date'])) {											$entry['date'] = $date->toFormat("%Y-%m-%d");						}						if (!isset ($entry['time'])) {											$entry['time'] = $date->toFormat("%H:%M:%S");						}						if (!isset ($entry['c-ip'])) {							$entry['c-ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];						}										// Ensure that the log entry keys are all uppercase						$entry = array_change_key_case($entry, CASE_UPPER);										// Find all fields in the format string						$fields = array ();						$regex = "/{(.*?)}/i";						preg_match_all($regex, $this->_format, $fields);										// Fill in the field data						$line = $this->_format;						for ($i = 0; $i < count($fields[0]); $i++)						{							$line = str_replace($fields[0][$i], (isset ($entry[$fields[1][$i]])) ? $entry[$fields[1][$i]] : "-", $line);						}										// Write the log entry line						if ($this->_openLog())						{							if (!fputs($this->_file, "\n" . $line)) {								return false;							}						} else {							return false;						}						return true;					}									/**					 * Open the log file pointer and create the file if it doesn't exist					 *					 * @access 	public					 * @return 	boolean	True on success					 * @since	1.5					 */					function _openLog()					{						// Only open if not already opened...						if (is_resource($this->_file)) {							return true;						}										$now =& JFactory::getDate();						$date = $now->toMySQL();										if (!file_exists($this->_path))						{							jimport("joomla.filesystem.folder");							if (!JFolder :: create(dirname($this->_path))) {								return false;							}							$header[] = "#";							$header[] = "#Version: 1.0";							$header[] = "#Date: " . $date;											// Prepare the fields string							$fields = str_replace("{", "", $this->_format);							$fields = str_replace("}", "", $fields);							$fields = strtolower($fields);							$header[] = "#Fields: " . $fields;											// Prepare the software string							$version = new JVersion();							$header[] = "#Software: " . $version->getLongVersion();											$head = implode("\n", $header);						} else {							$head = false;						}										if (!$this->_file = fopen($this->_path, "a")) {							return false;						}						if ($head)						{							if (!fputs($this->_file, $head)) {								return false;							}						}										// If we opened the file lets make sure we close it						register_shutdown_function(array(&$this,'_closeLog'));						return true;					}									/**					 * Close the log file pointer					 *					 * @access 	public					 * @return 	boolean	True on success					 * @since	1.5					 */					function _closeLog()					{						if (is_resource($this->_file)) {							fclose($this->_file);						}						return true;					}				}							
