Joomla!是一套获得过多个奖项的内容管理系统(Content Management System, CMS)。Joomla!采用PHP+MySQL数据库开发

源代码在线查看: view.html.php

软件大小: 5657 K
上传用户: fansino
关键词: Joomla Management Content System
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								/**				* @version		$Id: view.html.php 10752 2008-08-23 01:53:31Z eddieajau $				* @package		Joomla				* @subpackage	Weblinks				* @copyright	Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.				* @license		GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php				* Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant				* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or				* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or				* other free or open source software licenses.				* See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.				*/								// Check to ensure this file is included in Joomla!				defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );								jimport( 'joomla.application.component.view');								/**				 * HTML View class for the WebLinks component				 *				 * @static				 * @package		Joomla				 * @subpackage	Weblinks				 * @since 1.0				 */				class WeblinksViewCategory extends JView				{					function display( $tpl = null )					{						global $mainframe;										// Initialize some variables						$document	= &JFactory::getDocument();						$uri 		= &JFactory::getURI();						$pathway	= &$mainframe->getPathway();										// Get the parameters of the active menu item						$menus = &JSite::getMenu();						$menu  = $menus->getActive();										// Get some data from the model						$items		= &$this->get('data' );						$total		= &$this->get('total');						$pagination	= &$this->get('pagination');						$category	= &$this->get('category' );						$state		= &$this->get('state');										$model =& JModel::getInstance('categories', 'weblinksmodel');						$categories =& $model->getData();										// Get the page/component configuration						$params = &$mainframe->getParams();										$category->total = $total;										// Add alternate feed link						if($params->get('show_feed_link', 1) == 1)						{							$link	= '&view=category&id='.$category->slug.'&format=feed&limitstart=';							$attribs = array('type' => 'application/rss+xml', 'title' => 'RSS 2.0');							$document->addHeadLink(JRoute::_($link.'&type=rss'), 'alternate', 'rel', $attribs);							$attribs = array('type' => 'application/atom+xml', 'title' => 'Atom 1.0');							$document->addHeadLink(JRoute::_($link.'&type=atom'), 'alternate', 'rel', $attribs);						}										$menus	= &JSite::getMenu();						$menu	= $menus->getActive();										// because the application sets a default page title, we need to get it						// right from the menu item itself						if (is_object( $menu )) {							$menu_params = new JParameter( $menu->params );							if (!$menu_params->get( 'page_title')) {								$params->set('page_title', $category->title);							}						} else {							$params->set('page_title',	$category->title);						}						$document->setTitle( $params->get( 'page_title' ) );										//set breadcrumbs						if(is_object($menu) && $menu->query['view'] != 'category') {							$pathway->addItem($category->title, '');						}										// Prepare category description						$category->description = JHTML::_('content.prepare', $category->description);										// table ordering						$lists['order_Dir'] = $state->get('filter_order_dir');						$lists['order'] = $state->get('filter_order');										// Set some defaults if not set for params						$params->def('comp_description', JText::_('WEBLINKS_DESC'));						// Define image tag attributes						if (isset( $category->image ) && $category->image != '')						{							$attribs['align']  = $category->image_position;							$attribs['hspace'] = 6;											// Use the static HTML library to build the image tag							$category->image = JHTML::_('image', 'images/stories/'.$category->image, JText::_('Web Links'), $attribs);						}										// icon in table display						if ( $params->get( 'link_icons' )  -1 ) {							$image = JHTML::_('',  $params->get('link_icons', 'weblink.png'), '/images/M_images/', $params->get( 'weblink_icons' ), '/images/M_images/', 'Link' );						}										$k = 0;						$count = count($items);						for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)						{							$item =& $items[$i];											$link = JRoute::_( 'index.php?view=weblink&catid='.$category->slug.'&id='. $item->slug);											$menuclass = 'category'.$params->get( 'pageclass_sfx' );											$itemParams = new JParameter($item->params);							switch ($itemParams->get('target', $params->get('target')))							{								// cases are slightly different								case 1:									// open in a new window									$item->link = ''. $this->escape($item->title) .'';									break;												case 2:									// open in a popup window									$item->link = "". $this->escape($item->title) ."\n";									break;												default:									// formerly case 2									// open in parent window									$item->link = ''. $this->escape($item->title) .'';									break;							}											$item->image = $image;											$item->odd		= $k;							$item->count	= $i;							$k = 1 - $k;						}										$count = count($categories);						for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)						{							$cat =& $categories[$i];							$cat->link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_weblinks&view=category&id='. $cat->slug);						}										$this->assignRef('lists',		$lists);						$this->assignRef('params',		$params);						$this->assignRef('category',	$category);						$this->assignRef('categories', $categories);						$this->assignRef('items',		$items);						$this->assignRef('pagination',	$pagination);										$this->assign('action',	$uri->toString());										parent::display($tpl);					}				}							
