MFC CHM eBook with samples.
源代码在线查看: regiondemo.cpp
- #include
- #include
- #include "RegionDemo.h"
- CMyApp myApp;
- BOOL CMyApp::InitInstance ()
- {
- m_pMainWnd = new CMainWindow;
- m_pMainWnd->ShowWindow (m_nCmdShow);
- m_pMainWnd->UpdateWindow ();
- return TRUE;
- }
- BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP (CMainWindow, CFrameWnd)
- CMainWindow::CMainWindow ()
- {
- Create (NULL, _T ("Region Demo"));
- }
- void CMainWindow::OnPaint ()
- {
- CPaintDC dc (this);
- CFont font;
- font.CreatePointFont (720, _T ("Times New Roman"));
- CRect rect;
- GetClientRect (&rect);
- CString string ("Hello, MFC");
- CFont* pOldFont = dc.SelectObject (&font);
- CSize size = dc.GetTextExtent (string);
- int x = (rect.Width () - / 2;
- dc.GetTextMetrics (&tm);
- int y = (rect.Height () - tm.tmHeight) / 2;
- dc.BeginPath ();
- dc.TextOut (x, y, string);
- dc.EndPath ();
- dc.SelectObject (pOldFont);
- CRect rcText;
- CRgn rgn1, rgn2;
- rgn1.CreateFromPath (&dc);
- rgn1.GetRgnBox (&rcText);
- rgn2.CreateRectRgnIndirect (&rcText);
- rgn1.CombineRgn (&rgn2, &rgn1, RGN_DIFF);
- dc.SelectClipRgn (&rgn1);
- dc.SetViewportOrg (rect.Width () / 2, rect.Height () / 2);
- double fRadius = hypot (rect.Width () / 2, rect.Height () / 2);
- for (double fAngle = 0.0; fAngle < 6.283; fAngle += 0.01745) {
- dc.MoveTo (0, 0);
- dc.LineTo ((int) ((fRadius * cos (fAngle)) + 0.5),
- (int) ((fRadius * sin (fAngle)) + 0.5));
- }
- }
#include "RegionDemo.h"
CMyApp myApp;
// CMyApp member functions
BOOL CMyApp::InitInstance ()
m_pMainWnd = new CMainWindow;
m_pMainWnd->ShowWindow (m_nCmdShow);
m_pMainWnd->UpdateWindow ();
return TRUE;
// CMainWindow message map and member functions
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP (CMainWindow, CFrameWnd)
CMainWindow::CMainWindow ()
Create (NULL, _T ("Region Demo"));
void CMainWindow::OnPaint ()
CPaintDC dc (this);
// Create a 72-point Times New Roman font.
CFont font;
font.CreatePointFont (720, _T ("Times New Roman"));
// Create a clipping region from the text string "Hello, MFC."
CRect rect;
GetClientRect (&rect);
CString string ("Hello, MFC");
CFont* pOldFont = dc.SelectObject (&font);
CSize size = dc.GetTextExtent (string);
int x = (rect.Width () - / 2;
dc.GetTextMetrics (&tm);
int y = (rect.Height () - tm.tmHeight) / 2;
dc.BeginPath ();
dc.TextOut (x, y, string);
dc.EndPath ();
dc.SelectObject (pOldFont);
CRect rcText;
CRgn rgn1, rgn2;
rgn1.CreateFromPath (&dc);
rgn1.GetRgnBox (&rcText);
rgn2.CreateRectRgnIndirect (&rcText);
rgn1.CombineRgn (&rgn2, &rgn1, RGN_DIFF);
dc.SelectClipRgn (&rgn1);
// Draw a radial array of lines.
dc.SetViewportOrg (rect.Width () / 2, rect.Height () / 2);
double fRadius = hypot (rect.Width () / 2, rect.Height () / 2);
for (double fAngle = 0.0; fAngle < 6.283; fAngle += 0.01745) {
dc.MoveTo (0, 0);
dc.LineTo ((int) ((fRadius * cos (fAngle)) + 0.5),
(int) ((fRadius * sin (fAngle)) + 0.5));