
源代码在线查看: if.xtp

软件大小: 4683 K
上传用户: xufengping716
关键词: 解压
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				XTP: xsl:if												<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">								<xsl:template match="example">				  <table>				    <xsl:attribute name="class">				      <xsl:if test="@class">				        <value-of select="@class"/>				      </xsl:if>				      <xsl:if test="not(@class)">example</xsl:if>				    </xsl:attribute>				    <tr>				      <td>				        <xsl:apply-templates/>				      </td>				    </tr>				  </table>				</xsl:template>								</xsl:stylesheet>																				<example class="special-example">				This is an example.				</example>												<table class="special-example">				<tr>				  <td>This is an example</td>				</tr>				</table>																												$template(example) <<				<table>				  $attribute("class") 				<tr>				  <td>				    $apply-templates();				  </td>				</tr>				</table>				>>																																Tags in stylesheets are parsed, not raw text.  So you can add attributes				to elements.				 adds an attribute to an element.				 expands to .				The XPath pattern  selects a value				based on a boolean.				 is a Resin extension.				 evaluates conditionally.																			
