
源代码在线查看: xtp-copy.xtp

软件大小: 4683 K
上传用户: xufengping716
关键词: 解压
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												XTP (XML template pages) lets you ease into XML and XSLT				(XML Stylesheet Tranformations).  Your Serif pages can be almost identical to				JSP pages and just use XSLT to eliminate repetitious error-prone patterns.								XTP transforms XML or HTML documents into a XML or HTML output.  In				other words, it's an XML transformation.  So each XTP page has four parts:								The input XML (the XTP file)				The transformation stylesheet (the XSL file)				The generated JSP				The generated output (the result of executing the JSP)												The easiest transformation is the identity transformation.  The following				stylesheet copies the input into the output.												<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"				                version="1.0">								  <!-- make sure '<' is not printed as '&lt;' -->				  <xsl:output disable-output-escaping='true'/>								  <!-- copy input to output -->				  <xsl:template match='*|@*'>				    <xsl:copy>				      <xsl:apply-templates select='node()|@*'/>				    </xsl:copy>				  </xsl:template>								</xsl:stylesheet>												Each  contains a  pattern and a				.  The match pattern is an  expression.				In the above example, the match pattern  matches any element				and any attribute.  The replacement  copies the current				node and calls  to recursively evaluate				any children of the current node.								You can put  in the same directory as the xtp				file, or you can put in WEB-INF/xsl, or you can put it in the				classpath like WEB-INF/classes.  The last option is useful if you want				to create a jar of useful stylesheets and beans. 								Your XTP page may look something like:												<h1>My test</h1>								Adding: 2 + 2 = <%= 2 + 2 %>												The generated JSP is identical to the input, and the generated HTML				just executes the JSP.												<h1>My test</h1>								Adding: 2 + 2 = 4															
