700个脱壳脚本, 可以放在在OD的ollyscript Plugin中.

源代码在线查看: nspack 1.3 oep finder.txt

软件大小: 643 K
上传用户: peterzhang1982
关键词: ollyscript Plugin 700 脚本
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				/*				//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////				// nSPack 1.3 OEP Finder                      				// Author: Max_Zero                                 				// Email : max_zero130@yahoo.de           				// Website: www.max_zero.6x.to              				/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////				*/												sto				findop eip, #9D#				go $RESULT				sto				sto				msg "Script finished! You are on the OEP! "				msg "Dump it and rebuild the IAT "				msg "Have fun! Generic OEP Finder {nSPack 1.3} by Max_Zero "											
