[Discuz!] (C)2001-2009 Comsenz Inc.
This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms
$Id: search.php 16688 2008-11-14 06:41:07Z cnteacher $
define('NOROBOT', TRUE);
define('CURSCRIPT', 'search');
require_once './include/common.inc.php';
require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/forum.func.php';
require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./forumdata/cache/cache_forums.php';
require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./forumdata/cache/cache_icons.php';
$discuz_action = 111;
$cachelife_time = 300; // Life span for cache of searching in specified range of time
$cachelife_text = 3600; // Life span for cache of text searching
$sdb = loadmultiserver('search');
$srchtype = empty($srchtype) ? '' : trim($srchtype);
$checkarray = array('posts' => '', 'trade' => '', 'qihoo' => '', 'threadsort' => '');
$searchid = isset($searchid) ? intval($searchid) : 0;
if($srchtype == 'trade' || $srchtype == 'threadsort' || $srchtype == 'qihoo') {
$checkarray[$srchtype] = 'checked';
} elseif($srchtype == 'title' || $srchtype == 'fulltext') {
$checkarray['posts'] = 'checked';
} else {
$srchtype = '';
$checkarray['posts'] = 'checked';
$keyword = isset($srchtxt) ? htmlspecialchars(trim($srchtxt)) : '';
$threadsorts = '';
if($srchtype == 'threadsort') {
$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$tablepre}threadtypes WHERE special='1' ORDER BY displayorder");
while($type = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
$threadsorts .= ''.$type['name'].'';
$forumselect = forumselect();
if(!empty($srchfid) && !is_numeric($srchfid)) {
$forumselect = str_replace('', '', $forumselect);
$disabled = array();
$disabled['title'] = !$allowsearch ? 'disabled' : '';
$disabled['fulltext'] = $allowsearch != 2 ? 'disabled' : '';
if(!submitcheck('searchsubmit', 1)) {
include template('search');
} else {
if($srchtype == 'qihoo') {
require DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/search_qihoo.inc.php';
} elseif(!$allowsearch) {
showmessage('group_nopermission', NULL, 'NOPERM');
} elseif($srchtype == 'trade') {
require DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/search_trade.inc.php';
} elseif($srchtype == 'threadsort' && $sortid) {
require DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/search_sort.inc.php';
$orderby = in_array($orderby, array('dateline', 'replies', 'views')) ? $orderby : 'lastpost';
$ascdesc = isset($ascdesc) && $ascdesc == 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc';
if(!empty($searchid)) {
require_once DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/misc.func.php';
$page = max(1, intval($page));
$start_limit = ($page - 1) * $tpp;
$index = $sdb->fetch_first("SELECT searchstring, keywords, threads, tids FROM {$tablepre}searchindex WHERE searchid='$searchid'");
if(!$index) {
$keyword = htmlspecialchars($index['keywords']);
$keyword = $keyword != '' ? str_replace('+', ' ', $keyword) : '';
$index['keywords'] = rawurlencode($index['keywords']);
$index['searchtype'] = preg_replace("/^([a-z]+)\|.*/", "\\1", $index['searchstring']);
$threadlist = array();
$query = $sdb->query("SELECT * FROM {$tablepre}threads WHERE tid IN ($index[tids]) AND displayorder>='0' ORDER BY $orderby $ascdesc LIMIT $start_limit, $tpp");
while($thread = $sdb->fetch_array($query)) {
$threadlist[] = procthread($thread);
$multipage = multi($index['threads'], $tpp, $page, "search.php?searchid=$searchid&orderby=$orderby&ascdesc=$ascdesc&searchsubmit=yes");
$url_forward = 'search.php?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
include template('search');
} else {
!($exempt & 2) && checklowerlimit($creditspolicy['search'], -1);
$srchuname = isset($srchuname) ? trim($srchuname) : '';
if($allowsearch == 2 && $srchtype == 'fulltext') {
} elseif($srchtype != 'title') {
$srchtype = 'title';
$forumsarray = array();
if(!empty($srchfid)) {
foreach((is_array($srchfid) ? $srchfid : explode('_', $srchfid)) as $forum) {
if($forum = intval(trim($forum))) {
$forumsarray[] = $forum;
$fids = $comma = '';
foreach($_DCACHE['forums'] as $fid => $forum) {
if($forum['type'] != 'group' && (!$forum['viewperm'] && $readaccess) || ($forum['viewperm'] && forumperm($forum['viewperm']))) {
if(!$forumsarray || in_array($fid, $forumsarray)) {
$fids .= "$comma'$fid'";
$comma = ',';
$specials = $special ? implode(',', $special) : '';
$srchfilter = in_array($srchfilter, array('all', 'digest', 'top')) ? $srchfilter : 'all';
$searchstring = $srchtype.'|'.addslashes($srchtxt).'|'.intval($srchuid).'|'.$srchuname.'|'.addslashes($fids).'|'.intval($srchfrom).'|'.intval($before).'|'.$srchfilter.'|'.$specials;
$searchindex = array('id' => 0, 'dateline' => '0');
$query = $sdb->query("SELECT searchid, dateline,
('$searchctrl''0' AND ".(empty($discuz_uid) ? "useip='$onlineip'" : "uid='$discuz_uid'")." AND $timestamp-dateline (searchstring='$searchstring' AND expiration>'$timestamp') AS indexvalid
FROM {$tablepre}searchindex
WHERE ('$searchctrl''0' AND ".(empty($discuz_uid) ? "useip='$onlineip'" : "uid='$discuz_uid'")." AND $timestamp-dateline'$timestamp')
ORDER BY flood");
while($index = $sdb->fetch_array($query)) {
if($index['indexvalid'] && $index['dateline'] > $searchindex['dateline']) {
$searchindex = array('id' => $index['searchid'], 'dateline' => $index['dateline']);
} elseif($index['flood']) {
showmessage('search_ctrl', 'search.php');
if($searchindex['id']) {
$searchid = $searchindex['id'];
} else {
if(!$srchtxt && !$srchuid && !$srchuname && !$srchfrom && !in_array($srchfilter, array('digest', 'top')) && !is_array($special)) {
showmessage('search_invalid', 'search.php');
} elseif(isset($srchfid) && $srchfid != 'all' && !(is_array($srchfid) && in_array('all', $srchfid)) && empty($forumsarray)) {
showmessage('search_forum_invalid', 'search.php');
} elseif(!$fids) {
showmessage('group_nopermission', NULL, 'NOPERM');
if($maxspm) {
if(($sdb->result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$tablepre}searchindex WHERE dateline>'$timestamp'-60")) >= $maxspm) {
showmessage('search_toomany', 'search.php');
$digestltd = $srchfilter == 'digest' ? "t.digest>'0' AND" : '';
$topltd = $srchfilter == 'top' ? "AND t.displayorder>'0'" : "AND t.displayorder>='0'";
if(!empty($srchfrom) && empty($srchtxt) && empty($srchuid) && empty($srchuname)) {
$searchfrom = $before ? '=';
$searchfrom .= $timestamp - $srchfrom;
$sqlsrch = "FROM {$tablepre}threads t WHERE $digestltd t.fid IN ($fids) $topltd AND t.lastpost$searchfrom";
$expiration = $timestamp + $cachelife_time;
$keywords = '';
} else {
$sqlsrch = $srchtype == 'fulltext' ?
"FROM {$tablepre}posts p, {$tablepre}threads t WHERE $digestltd t.fid IN ($fids) $topltd AND p.tid=t.tid AND p.invisible='0'" :
"FROM {$tablepre}threads t WHERE $digestltd t.fid IN ($fids) $topltd";
if($srchuname) {
$srchuid = $comma = '';
$srchuname = str_replace('*', '%', addcslashes($srchuname, '%_'));
$query = $db->query("SELECT uid FROM {$tablepre}members WHERE username LIKE '".str_replace('_', '\_', $srchuname)."' LIMIT 50");
while($member = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
$srchuid .= "$comma'$member[uid]'";
$comma = ', ';
if(!$srchuid) {
$sqlsrch .= ' AND 0';
} elseif($srchuid) {
$srchuid = "'$srchuid'";
if($srchtxt) {
if(preg_match("(AND|\+|&|\s)", $srchtxt) && !preg_match("(OR|\|)", $srchtxt)) {
$andor = ' AND ';
$sqltxtsrch = '1';
$srchtxt = preg_replace("/( AND |&| )/is", "+", $srchtxt);
} else {
$andor = ' OR ';
$sqltxtsrch = '0';
$srchtxt = preg_replace("/( OR |\|)/is", "+", $srchtxt);
$srchtxt = str_replace('*', '%', addcslashes($srchtxt, '%_'));
foreach(explode('+', $srchtxt) as $text) {
$text = trim($text);
if($text) {
$sqltxtsrch .= $andor;
$sqltxtsrch .= $srchtype == 'fulltext' ? "(p.message LIKE '%".str_replace('_', '\_', $text)."%' OR p.subject LIKE '%$text%')" : "t.subject LIKE '%$text%'";
$sqlsrch .= " AND ($sqltxtsrch)";
if($srchuid) {
$sqlsrch .= ' AND '.($srchtype == 'fulltext' ? 'p' : 't').".authorid IN ($srchuid)";
if(!empty($srchfrom)) {
$searchfrom = ($before ? '=').($timestamp - $srchfrom);
$sqlsrch .= " AND t.lastpost$searchfrom";
if(!empty($specials)) {
$sqlsrch .= " AND special IN (".implodeids($special).")";
$keywords = str_replace('%', '+', $srchtxt).(trim($srchuname) ? '+'.str_replace('%', '+', $srchuname) : '');
$expiration = $timestamp + $cachelife_text;
$threads = $tids = 0;
$maxsearchresults = $maxsearchresults ? intval($maxsearchresults) : 500;
$query = $sdb->query("SELECT ".($srchtype == 'fulltext' ? 'DISTINCT' : '')." t.tid, t.closed, t.author $sqlsrch ORDER BY tid DESC LIMIT $maxsearchresults");
while($thread = $sdb->fetch_array($query)) {
if($thread['closed'] $tids .= ','.$thread['tid'];
$db->query("INSERT INTO {$tablepre}searchindex (keywords, searchstring, useip, uid, dateline, expiration, threads, tids)
VALUES ('$keywords', '$searchstring', '$onlineip', '$discuz_uid', '$timestamp', '$expiration', '$threads', '$tids')");
$searchid = $db->insert_id();
!($exempt & 2) && updatecredits($discuz_uid, $creditspolicy['search'], -1);
showmessage('search_redirect', "search.php?searchid=$searchid&orderby=$orderby&ascdesc=$ascdesc&searchsubmit=yes");