
源代码在线查看: irc-event-4.c

软件大小: 614 K
上传用户: NJ_WK
关键词: Serveez 服务器
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				/*				 * irc-event-4.c - IRC events -- Sending messages				 *				 * Copyright (C) 2000 Stefan Jahn 				 *				 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify				 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by				 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)				 * any later version.				 * 				 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,				 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of				 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the				 * GNU General Public License for more details.				 * 				 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License				 * along with this package; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to				 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,				 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.  				 *				 * $Id: irc-event-4.c,v 1.10 2001/05/19 23:04:57 ela Exp $				 *				 */								#if HAVE_CONFIG_H				# include 				#endif								#if ENABLE_IRC_PROTO								#define _GNU_SOURCE				#include 				#include 								#ifdef __MINGW32__				# include 				#endif								#include 				#include "irc-core/irc-core.h"				#include "irc-proto.h"				#include "irc-crypt.h"				#include "irc-event.h"								/*				 *         Command: PRIVMSG				 *      Parameters: {,} 				 * Numeric Replies: ERR_NORECIPIENT      ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND				 *                  ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN ERR_NOTOPLEVEL				 *                  ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL     ERR_TOOMANYTARGETS				 *                  ERR_NOSUCHNICK				 *                  RPL_AWAY				 */				int				irc_priv_callback (svz_socket_t *sock, 						   irc_client_t *client, irc_request_t *request)				{				  irc_config_t *cfg = sock->cfg;				  irc_client_t *cl;				  irc_channel_t *channel;				  svz_socket_t *xsock;				  static char text[MAX_MSG_LEN];				  int n, i;								  /* enough paras ? */				  if (irc_check_args (sock, client, cfg, request, 2))				    return 0;								  /* concate the text itself */				  for (text[0] = 0, n = 1; n < request->paras; n++)				    strcat (text, request->para[n]);								  /* no text ? */				  if (!text[0])				    {				      irc_printf (sock, ":%s %03d %s " ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND_TEXT "\n",						  cfg->host, ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND, client->nick);				      return 0;				    }								  /* go through all targets (receivers) */				  for (n = 0; n < request->targets; n++)				    {				      /* is receiver nick ? */				      if ((cl = irc_find_nick (cfg, request->target[n].nick)) != NULL)					{					  /* is this client away ? */					  if (irc_client_absent (cl, client)) 					    continue;									  /* crypted ? */					  if (client->flag & UMODE_PASS)					    irc_encrypt_text (text, client->key);					  					  xsock = cl->sock;					  irc_printf (xsock, ":%s!%s@%s PRIVMSG %s :%s\n",						      client->nick, client->user, client->host,						      cl->nick, (cl->flag & UMODE_PASS) ?						      irc_decrypt_text (text, cl->key) : text);					}								      /* is receiver a channel ? */				      else if ((channel = irc_find_channel (cfg, request->target[n].channel))					       != NULL)					{					  i = irc_client_in_channel (sock, client, channel);					  					  /* no Messages of outside at these channels ! */					  if (channel->flag & MODE_MESSAGE && i == -1)					    {					      irc_printf (sock, 							  ":%s %03d %s " ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN_TEXT "\n",							  cfg->host, ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN, client->nick,							  channel->name);					      continue;					    }									  /* do you have voice in a Moderated channel ? */					  if (channel->flag & MODE_MODERATE &&					      !(channel->cflag[i] & (MODE_VOICE | MODE_OPERATOR)))					    {					      irc_printf (sock, 							  ":%s %03d %s " ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN_TEXT "\n",							  cfg->host, ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN, client->nick,							  channel->name);					      continue;					    }					  					  /* crypted ? */					  if (client->flag & UMODE_PASS)					    irc_encrypt_text (text, client->key);									  /* tell all clients in this channel about */					  for (i = 0; i < channel->clients; i++)					    {					      cl = channel->client[i];					      if (cl != client)						{						  xsock = cl->sock;						  irc_printf (xsock, ":%s!%s@%s PRIVMSG %s :%s\n",							      client->nick, client->user, client->host,							      channel->name, (cl->flag & UMODE_PASS) ?							      irc_decrypt_text (text, cl->key) : text);						}					    }					}				      /* no real target found */				      else					{					  if (request->target[n].channel[0])					    sprintf (text, "%s", request->target[n].channel);					  else if (request->target[n].nick[0])					    sprintf (text, "%s", request->target[n].nick);					  else if (request->target[n].mask[0])					    sprintf (text, "%s", request->target[n].nick);					  else					    sprintf (text, "%s@%s", request->target[n].user,						     request->target[n].host);									  irc_printf (sock, ":%s %03d %s " ERR_NOSUCHNICK_TEXT "\n",						      cfg->host, ERR_NOSUCHNICK, client->nick, text);					}				    }				  return 0;				}								/*				 *         Command: NOTICE				 *      Parameters:  				 * Numeric Replies: ERR_NORECIPIENT      ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND				 *                  ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN ERR_NOTOPLEVEL				 *                  ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL     ERR_TOOMANYTARGETS				 *                  ERR_NOSUCHNICK				 *                  RPL_AWAY				 */				int				irc_note_callback (svz_socket_t *sock, 						   irc_client_t *client, irc_request_t *request)				{				  irc_config_t *cfg = sock->cfg;				  irc_client_t *cl;				  svz_socket_t *xsock;				  static char text[MAX_MSG_LEN];				  int n;								  /* enough paras ? */				  if (irc_check_args (sock, client, cfg, request, 2))				    return 0;				  				  /* concate the text */				  for (text[0] = 0, n = 1; n < request->paras; n++)				    strcat (text, request->para[n]);				  				  /* no text ? */				  if (!text[0])				    {				      irc_printf (sock, ":%s %03d %s " ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND_TEXT "\n",						  cfg->host, ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND, client->nick);				      return 0;				    }								  /* is target a nick ? */				  if ((cl = irc_find_nick (cfg, request->target[0].nick)) != NULL)				     {				       /* is this client away ? */				       if (irc_client_absent (cl, client)) 					 return 0;								       /* crypted ? */				       if (client->flag & UMODE_PASS) 					 irc_encrypt_text (text, client->key);								       if (cl->flag & UMODE_PASS) 					 irc_decrypt_text (text, cl->key);								       xsock = cl->sock;				       irc_printf (xsock, ":%s!%s@%s NOTICE %s :%s\n",						   client->nick, client->user, client->host, cl->nick, text);				     }								  return 0;				}								#else /* not ENABLE_IRC_PROTO */								int irc_event_4_dummy; /* Shut up compiler warnings. */								#endif /* not ENABLE_IRC_PROTO */							
