BASH Shell 编程 经典教程 《高级SHELL脚本编程》中文版


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关键词: Shell SHELL BASH 编程
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				#!/bin/bash				# 计算按月偿还贷款的数量. 												#  这份代码是一份修改版本, 原始版本在"mcalc"(贷款计算)包中, 				#+ 这个包的作者是Jeff Schmidt和Mendel Cooper(本书作者). 				#  [15k]								echo				echo "Given the principal, interest rate, and term of a mortgage,"				echo "calculate the monthly payment."								bottom=1.0								echo				echo -n "Enter principal (no commas) "				read principal				echo -n "Enter interest rate (percent) "  # 如果是12%, 那就键入"12", 而不是".12". 				read interest_r				echo -n "Enter term (months) "				read term												 interest_r=$(echo "scale=9; $interest_r/100.0" | bc) # 转换成小数. 				                 # "scale"指定了有效数字的个数.				  								 interest_rate=$(echo "scale=9; $interest_r/12 + 1.0" | bc)				 								 top=$(echo "scale=9; $principal*$interest_rate^$term" | bc)								 echo; echo "Please be patient. This may take a while."								 let "months = $term - 1"				# ==================================================================== 				 for ((x=$months; x > 0; x--))				 do				   bot=$(echo "scale=9; $interest_rate^$x" | bc)				   bottom=$(echo "scale=9; $bottom+$bot" | bc)				#  bottom = $(($bottom + $bot"))				 done				# ==================================================================== 								# -------------------------------------------------------------------- 				#  Rick Boivie给出了一个对上边循环的修改方案, 				#+ 这个修改更加有效率, 将会节省大概2/3的时间. 								# for ((x=1; x 				# do				#   bottom=$(echo "scale=9; $bottom * $interest_rate + 1" | bc)				# done												#  然后他又想出了一个更加有效率的版本, 				#+ 将会节省95%的时间! 								# bottom=`{				#     echo "scale=9; bottom=$bottom; interest_rate=$interest_rate"				#     for ((x=1; x 				#     do				#          echo 'bottom = bottom * interest_rate + 1'				#     done				#     echo 'bottom'				#     } | bc`       # 在命令替换中嵌入一个'for循环'. 				# --------------------------------------------------------------------------				#  另一方面, Frank Wang建议: 				#  bottom=$(echo "scale=9; ($interest_rate^$term-1)/($interest_rate-1)" | bc)								#  因为 . . .				#  在循环后边的算法				#+ 事实上是一个等比数列的求和公式. 				#  求和公式是 e0(1-q^n)/(1-q), 				#+ e0是第一个元素, q=e(n+1)/e(n), 				#+ n是元素数量.				# --------------------------------------------------------------------------												 # let "payment = $top/$bottom"				 payment=$(echo "scale=2; $top/$bottom" | bc)				 # 使用2位有效数字来表示美元和美分. 				 				 echo				 echo "monthly payment = \$$payment"  # 在总和的前边显示美元符号. 				 echo												 exit 0												 # 练习: 				 #   1) 处理输入允许本金总数中的逗号. 				 #   2) 处理输入允许按照百分号和小数点的形式输入利率. 				 #   3) 如果你真正想好好编写这个脚本, 				 #      那么就扩展这个脚本让它能够打印出完整的分期付款表. 							
