% Small technical example. % Performs a check on the computation of certain central moments. % disp('Small technical example.'); disp('Performs a check on the computation of certain central moments.'); disp('FOR MORE INFORMATION: help mupq'); disp(' '); disp('See also the report http://ftp.cwi.nl/CWIreports/PNA/PNA-R0224.pdf'); disp('Dr. Paul M. de Zeeuw '); disp('Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Stichting CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands'); disp(' '); %---INSERT YOUR IMAGE HERE----------------------------------------------------- if exist('imread','file') == 2 Orig = double(imread('zenithgray.TIF','tiff')); else load zenithgray; Orig = zenithgray; clear zenithgray; end % disp([' Dimensions ' int2str( size(Orig) )]); %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ disp([' Mass ' num2str( mupq(Orig, 0, 0), '%+12.4e')]); % disp(' NICE CHECK: First order central moment (x-dir) should vanish'); disp([' reads ' num2str( mupq(Orig, 1, 0), '%+12.4e')]); % disp(' NICE CHECK: First order central moment (y-dir) should vanish'); disp([' reads ' num2str( mupq(Orig, 0, 1), '%+12.4e')]); %