
源代码在线查看: glob.c

软件大小: 1932 K
上传用户: rubyist
关键词: SPICE 数字 元件 仿真
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								/* RCS Info: $Revision: 1.1 $ on $Date: 91/04/02 12:04:15 $				 *           $Source: //pepper/atesse_spice/spice3/CP/RCS/glob.c,v $				 * Copyright (c) 1985 Wayne A. Christopher, U. C. Berkeley CAD Group				 *				 * Expand global characters.				 */								#include "prefix.h"				#include "CPdefs.h"				#ifdef UNIX				#include 				#include 				#include 				#endif				#include "suffix.h"								static wordlist *brac1();				static wordlist *brac2();				static wordlist *bracexpand();				static wordlist *globexpand();				static bool noglobs();				static char *pcanon();				static int sortcmp();								#ifdef OLDDIRSTUFF								#include 								/* Have to hack up the directory stuff... What a pain. */								typedef int DIR;								DIR *				opendir(path)				{				    static int i;								    i = open(path, O_RDONLY);				    if (i == -1)				        return (NULL);				    else				        return (&i);				}								struct direct *				readdir(i)				    DIR *i;				{				    static struct direct d;								    if (read(*i, &d, sizeof (struct direct)) < sizeof (struct direct))				        return (NULL);				    else				        return (&d);				}								void				closedir(i)				    DIR *i;				{				    (void) close (*i);				    return;				}								#endif								char cp_comma = ',';				char cp_ocurl = '{';				char cp_ccurl = '}';				char cp_huh = '?';				char cp_star = '*';				char cp_obrac = '[';				char cp_cbrac = ']';				char cp_til = '~';								/* For each word, go through two steps: expand the {}'s, and then do ?*[]				 * globbing in them. Sort after the second phase but not the first...				 */								wordlist *				cp_doglob(wlist)				    wordlist *wlist;				{				    wordlist *wl, *w, *nwl;				    char *s;								    /* Expand {a,b,c} */								    for (wl = wlist; wl; wl = wl->wl_next) {				        w = bracexpand(wl->wl_word);				        if (!w) {				            wlist->wl_word = NULL;				            return (wlist);				        }				        nwl = wl_splice(wl, w);				        if (wlist == wl)				            wlist = w;				        wl = nwl;				    }								    /* Do tilde expansion. */								    for (wl = wlist; wl; wl = wl->wl_next)				        if (*wl->wl_word == cp_til) {				            s = cp_tildexpand(wl->wl_word);				            if (!w) {				                wlist->wl_word = NULL;				                return (wlist);				            }				            wl->wl_word = s;				        }								    /* Now, expand *?[] for each word. unset * and unalias * mean 				     * something special...				     */								    if ((cp_noglob == true) || eq(wlist->wl_word, "unset") ||				            eq(wlist->wl_word, "unalias"))				        return (wlist);								    for (wl = wlist; wl; wl = wl->wl_next) {				        if (noglobs(wl->wl_word))				            continue;				        w = globexpand(wl->wl_word);				        if (w == NULL)				            continue;				        nwl = wl_splice(wl, w);				        if (wlist == wl)				            wlist = w;				        wl = nwl;				    }				    return (wlist);				}								static wordlist *				bracexpand(string)				    char *string;				{				    wordlist *wl, *w;				    char *s;								    if (!string)				        return (NULL);				    wl = brac1(string);				    if (!wl)				        return (NULL);				    for (w = wl; w; w = w->wl_next) {				        s = w->wl_word;				        w->wl_word = copy(s);				        tfree(s);				    }				    return (wl);				}								/* Given a string, returns a wordlist of all the {} expansions. This is				 * called recursively by cp_brac2(). All the words here will be of size				 * BSIZE, so it is a good idea to copy() and free() the old words.				 */								static wordlist *				brac1(string)				    char *string;				{				    wordlist *words, *wl, *w, *nw, *nwl, *newwl;				    char *s;				    int nb;								    words = alloc(wordlist);				    words->wl_word = tmalloc(BSIZE);				    for (s = string; *s; s++) {				        if (*s == cp_ocurl) {				            nwl = brac2(s);				            nb = 0;				            for (;;) {				                if (*s == cp_ocurl)				                    nb++;				                if (*s == cp_ccurl)				                    nb--;				                if (*s == '\0') {   /* { */				                    fprintf(cp_err, "Error: missing }.\n");				                    return (NULL);				                }				                if (nb == 0)				                    break;				                s++;				            }				            /* Add nwl to the rest of the strings in words. */				            newwl = NULL;				            for (wl = words; wl; wl = wl->wl_next)				                for (w = nwl; w; w = w->wl_next) {				                    nw = alloc(wordlist);				                    nw->wl_word = tmalloc(BSIZE);				                    (void) strcpy(nw->wl_word, wl->wl_word);				                    (void) strcat(nw->wl_word, w->wl_word);				                    newwl = wl_append(newwl, nw);				                }				            wl_free(words);				            words = newwl;				        } else				            for (wl = words; wl; wl = wl->wl_next)				                appendc(wl->wl_word, *s);				    }				    return (words);				}								/* Given a string starting with a {, return a wordlist of the expansions				 * for the text until the matching }.				 */								static wordlist *				brac2(string)				    char *string;				{				    wordlist *wlist = NULL, *nwl;				    char buf[BSIZE], *s;				    int nb;				    bool eflag = false;								    string++;   /* Get past the first open brace... */				    for (;;) {				        (void) strcpy(buf, string);				        nb = 0;				        s = buf;				        for (;;) {				            if ((*s == cp_ccurl) && (nb == 0)) {				                eflag = true;				                break;				            }				            if ((*s == cp_comma) && (nb == 0))				                break;				            if (*s == cp_ocurl)				                nb++;				            if (*s == cp_ccurl)				                nb--;				            if (*s == '\0') {       /* { */				                fprintf(cp_err, "Error: missing }.\n");				                return (NULL);				            }				            s++;				        }				        *s = '\0';				        nwl = brac1(buf);				        wlist = wl_append(wlist, nwl);				        string += s - buf + 1;				        if (eflag)				            return (wlist);				    }				}								/* Return a wordlist, with *?[] expanded and sorted. This is the idea: set				 * up an array with possible matches, and go through each path component				 * and search the appropriate directories for things that match, and add				 * those that do to the array.				 */								static wordlist *				globexpand(string)				    char *string;				{				#ifdef UNIX				    char *poss[MAXWORDS];				    DIR *wdir;				    struct direct *de;				    char buf[BSIZE];				    char *s;				    char *point;    /* Where we are at in the pathname. */				    int i, j, num = 0;				    bool found;				    wordlist *wlist = NULL, *wl, *lwl = NULL;   /* Make lint shut up. */								    bzero((char *) poss, MAXWORDS * sizeof (char *));				    string = pcanon(string);				    point = string;				    if (*point == '/') {				        point++;				        poss[0] = copy("/");				    } else				        poss[0] = copy(".");				nextcomp:				    (void) strcpy(buf, point);				    s = index(buf, '/');				    if (s)				        *s = '\0';				    for (i = 0; i < MAXWORDS; i++) {				        if (!poss[i] || (poss[i][0] == '\0'))				            continue;				        found = false;				        wdir = opendir(poss[i]);				        if (wdir == NULL) {				            if (cp_nonomatch) {				                wl = alloc(wordlist);				                wl->wl_word = copy(string);				                return (wl);				            } else {				                fprintf(cp_err, "%s: no match.\n", string);				                return (NULL);				            }				        }				        while ((de = readdir(wdir)) != NULL)				            if (cp_globmatch(buf, de->d_name)) {				                found = true;				                for (j = 0; j < MAXWORDS; j++)				                    if (!poss[j])				                        break;				                if (j == MAXWORDS) {				                    fprintf(cp_err, 				                        "Too many arguments.\n");				                    goto err;				                }				                poss[j] = tmalloc(BSIZE);				                (void) strcpy(poss[j] + 1, poss[i]);				                (void) strcat(poss[j] + 1, "/");				                (void) strcat(poss[j] + 1, de->d_name);				            }				        tfree(poss[i]);				        poss[i] = NULL;				        (void) closedir(wdir);				        if (!found) {				            if (cp_nonomatch) {				                wl = alloc(wordlist);				                wl->wl_word = copy(string);				                return (wl);				            } else {				                fprintf(cp_err, "%s: no match.\n", string);				                return (NULL);				            }				        }				    }				    /* Hide the newly found words from the globbing process by making 				     * the first byte a '\0'.				     */				    for (i = 0; i < MAXWORDS; i++)				        if (poss[i])				            poss[i]++;				    if (index(point, '/')) {				        point = index(point, '/') + 1;				        goto nextcomp;				    }								    /* Compact everything properly. */								    for (i = 0; i < MAXWORDS; i++) {				        if (!poss[i])				            continue;				        j = i - 1;				        while (!poss[j] && (j > -1))				            j--;				        j++;				        if (!poss[j] && (i != j)) {				            poss[j] = poss[i];				            poss[i] = NULL;				        }				        num++;				    }								    /* Now, sort the stuff and make it into wordlists. */								    qsort((char *) poss, num, sizeof (char *), sortcmp);								    for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {				        if (!poss[i])				            continue;				        wl = alloc(wordlist);				        wl->wl_word = copy(pcanon(poss[i]));				        if (((int) poss[i]) % 2)				            poss[i]--;				        tfree(poss[i]);				        if (wlist == NULL)				            wlist = wl;				        else {				            wl->wl_prev = lwl;				            lwl->wl_next = wl;				        }				        lwl = wl;				    }				    return (wlist);				err:				    for (i = 0; i < MAXWORDS; i++)				        if (poss[i])				            tfree(poss[i]);				    return (NULL);				#else				    wordlist *wl = alloc(wordlist);								    wl->wl_word = copy(string);				    return (wl);				#endif				}								/* Normalize filenames (get rid of extra ///, .///... etc.. ) */								static char *				pcanon(string)				    char *string;				{				    char *p, *s;				    				    s = p = tmalloc(strlen(string) + 1);								bcomp:				    if ((*string == '.') && (*(string + 1) == '/')) {				        string += 2;				        goto bcomp;				    }				morew:				    if (*string == '/') {				        *s++ = '/';				        while (*++string == '/');				        goto bcomp;				    }				    if (!*string) {				        if (*(s - 1) == '/')				            s--;				        *s = '\0';				        return (p);				    }				    *s++ = *string++;				    goto morew;				}								static int				sortcmp(s1, s2)				    char **s1, **s2;				{				    register char *a, *b;								    a = *s1;				    b = *s2;				    for (;;) {				        if (*a > *b)				            return (1);				        if (*a < *b)				            return (-1);				        if (*a == '\0')				            return (0);				        a++;				        b++;				    }				}								/* Expand tildes. */								char *				cp_tildexpand(string)				    char *string;				{				#ifdef UNIX				    struct passwd *pw;				    char *rest, buf[BSIZE], *sss = copy(string);								    if (*string != cp_til)				        return (string);				    				    string = copy(string);								    if (string[1] == '/') {				        pw = getpwuid(getuid());				        if (pw == NULL) {				            fprintf(cp_err, "Hey, neat trick...\n");				            return ("error");				        }				        rest = string + 2;				    } else if (string[1] == '\0') {				        pw = getpwuid(getuid());				        rest = NULL;				    } else {				        rest = index(string, '/');				        if (rest)				            *rest++ = '\0';				        if (*string == '\0')				            pw = getpwuid(getuid());				        else				            pw = getpwnam(++string);				        if (!pw) {				            if (cp_nonomatch) {				                return (sss);				            } else {				                tfree(sss);				                fprintf(cp_err, "Error: no such user %s\n",				                            string);				                return (NULL);				            }				        }				    }				    (void) strcpy(buf, pw->pw_dir);				    if (rest) {				        (void) strcat(buf, "/");				        (void) strcat(buf, rest);				    }				    tfree(sss);				    return (copy(buf));				#else				    return (copy(string));				#endif				}								/* Say whether the pattern p can match the string s. */								bool				cp_globmatch(p, s)				    char *p, *s;				{				    char schar, pchar, bc, fc;				    bool bchar, except;								    if ((*s == '.') && ((*p == cp_huh) || (*p == cp_star)))				        return (false);								    for (;;) {				        schar = strip(*s++);				        pchar = *p++;				        if (pchar == cp_star) {				            if (*p == '\0')				                return (true);				            for (s--; *s != '\0'; s++)				                if (cp_globmatch(p, s))				                    return (true);				            return (false);				        } else if (pchar == cp_huh) {				            if (schar == '\0')				                return (false);				            continue;				        } else if (pchar == cp_obrac) {				            bchar = false;				            if (*p == '^') {				                except = true;				                p++;				            } else				                except = false;				            fc = -1;				            while (bc = *p++) {				                if (bc == cp_cbrac) {				                    if ((bchar && !except) || 				                        (!bchar && except))				                        break;				                    else				                        return (false);				                }				                if (bc == '-') {				                    if (fc 				                        bchar = true;				                } else {				                    fc = bc;				                    if (fc == schar)				                        bchar = true;				                }				            }				            if (bc == '\0') {				                fprintf(cp_err, "Error: missing ].\n");				                return (false);				            }				            continue;				        } else if (pchar == '\0') {				            if (schar == '\0')				                return (true);				            else				                return (false);				        } else {				            if (strip(pchar) != schar)				                return (false);				            continue;				        }				    }				}								static bool				noglobs(string)				    char *string;				{				    if (index(string, cp_star) || index(string, cp_huh) || 				            index(string, cp_obrac))				        return (false);				    else				        return (true);				}											
