function [T,Y] = abm(f,T,Y)
%ABM Adams-Bashforth-Moulton solution for the
% initial value problem y' = f(t,y) with y(a) = ya.
% Remark
% The first four coordinates of T and Y must
% have starting values obtained with RK4.m
% Sample call
% [T,Y] = abm('f',T,Y)
% Inputs
% f name of the function
% T vector for abscissas containing the first four values
% Y vector for ordinates containing the first four values
% Return
% T solution: vector of abscissas
% Y solution: vector of ordinates
% NUMERICAL METHODS: MATLAB Programs, (c) John H. Mathews 1995
% To accompany the text:
% NUMERICAL METHODS for Mathematics, Science and Engineering, 2nd Ed, 1992
% Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 07632, U.S.A.
% Prentice Hall, Inc.; USA, Canada, Mexico ISBN 0-13-624990-6
% Prentice Hall, International Editions: ISBN 0-13-625047-5
% This free software is compliments of the author.
% E-mail address: in%""
% Algorithm 9.6 (Adams-Bashforth-Moulton Method).
% Section 9.6, Predictor-Corrector Method, Page 471
n = length(T);
if n f0 = feval(f,T(1),Y(1));
f1 = feval(f,T(2),Y(2));
f2 = feval(f,T(3),Y(3));
f3 = feval(f,T(4),Y(4));
h = T(2)-T(1);
h2 = h/24;
a = T(1);
for k = 4:n-1,
p = Y(k) + h2*(-9*f0 + 37*f1 - 59*f2 + 55*f3);
T(k+1) = a + h*k;
f4 = feval(f,T(k+1),p);
Y(k+1) = Y(k) + h2*(f1 - 5*f2 + 19*f3 + 9*f4);
f0 = f1;
f1 = f2;
f2 = f3;
f3 = feval(f,T(k+1),Y(k+1));