MATLAB Programs
(c) 1995 by John H. Mathews
To Accompany
for Mathematics, Science,
and Engineering
Second Edition
ISBN 0-13-624990-6
ISBN 0-13-625047-5
Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632
(c) 1992, 1987 by
John H. Mathews
California State University, Fullerton
E-mail in%""
This free software is complements of the author.
It is permissible to copy this software for educational purposes, provided
that it is used with the textbook. The software may not be sold for profit and
may only be sold in such a way that the cost of reproduction are recovered.
This disk contains numerical methods software coded in
MATLAB. The algorithms are described in the text NUMERICAL
METHODS for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering.
A printed version of this material is titled
"MATLAB Programming Guidebook for NUMERICAL METHODS."
The author appreciates correspondence regarding both the
textbook and the supplements. You are welcome to correspond
by mail or electronic mail.
Prof. John H. Mathews
Department of Mathematics
California State University Fullerton
Fullerton, CA 92634
(714) 773-3631
(714) 773-3196
FAX: (714) 773-3972
E-mail: in%""
1. For the PC version:
Move to the appropriate directory: chap_1, chap_2, ... etc.
For the Macintosh version:
Move to the appropriate folder: chap_1, chap_2, ... etc.
2. All of the algorithms for the text have been coded in
Matlab's programming language and stored as subroutines.
The example files for chap_1 are named a1_1.m, a1_2.m, ... etc.
For Chapter 1 the examples are illustrations of the theorems.
3. The textbook discusses the following algorithm:
Algorithm 7.1 (Composite Trapezoidal Rule).
Section 7.2, Composite Trapezoidal and Simpson's Rule, Page 365
This implements the trapezoidal rule.
The function f(x) is integrated over the interval [a,b].
To run the example for Algorithm 7.1 the user needs to use the script file
named a7_1.m. This is accomplished by executing the Matlab command:
4. The Matlab script in a7_1.m will call the subroutine named traprl.m
which is included in the sub directory or folder named chap_7.
Also, for the above example, the following function must exist as a
M-file named f.m.
function y = f(x)
y = 1 + exp(-x).*sin(4*x);
For demonstration purposes, I have used a special Matlab feature which
opens and writes to a file to ensure that the above M-file f.m will exist
in the proper sub directory or folder along with the script file a7_1.m and
functions (subroutines) files traprl.m and grpoly.m. These commands are:
delete f.m
diary f.m; disp('function y = f(x)');...
disp('y = 1 + exp(-x).*sin(4*x);');...
diary off;
5. Once the process of writing a function M-files has been mastered,
it is not necessary to use the diary commands mentioned above
to create this function M-file named f.m. The user can then
delete these lines from the script file a7_1.m.