20041230162250801409: 浙江省丽水市公铁联运有限公司OA系统(物流) 开发语言:PHP/ASP/PERL 本系统包括各个部门的管理

源代码在线查看: py.asp

软件大小: 1846 K
上传用户: zln12345
关键词: 20041230162250801409 PERL ASP PHP
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


								function getpychar(char)
				if(tmp>=45217 and tmp				if(tmp>=45253 and tmp				if(tmp>=47761 and tmp				if(tmp>=46318 and tmp				if(tmp>=46826 and tmp				if(tmp>=47010 and tmp				if(tmp>=47297 and tmp				if(tmp>=47614 and tmp				if(tmp>=48119 and tmp				if(tmp>=49062 and tmp				if(tmp>=49324 and tmp				if(tmp>=49896 and tmp				if(tmp>=50371 and tmp				if(tmp>=50614 and tmp				if(tmp>=50622 and tmp				if(tmp>=50906 and tmp				if(tmp>=51387 and tmp				if(tmp>=51446 and tmp				if(tmp>=52218 and tmp				if(tmp>=52698 and tmp				if(tmp>=52980 and tmp				if(tmp>=53689 and tmp				if(tmp>=54481 and tmp				end function
				function getpy(str)
				for i=1 to len(str)
				end function
