煤矿安全实时监控系统(简单新闻发布系统) 主页上的登陆是ajax的

源代码在线查看: files.java

软件大小: 6620 K
上传用户: xiaochonghan
关键词: ajax 煤矿安全 实时监控 新闻发布系统
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				// Decompiled Using: FrontEnd Plus v2.03 and the JAD Engine
				// Available From: http://www.reflections.ath.cx
				// Decompiler options: packimports(3) 
				// Source File Name:   files.java
				package upload;
				import java.util.Hashtable;
				// Referenced classes of package xiaoxiang.fileUpload:
				//            file
				public class files
				    protected files()
				        hFiles = new Hashtable();
				        count = 0;
				        totalSize = 0L;
				    protected void addFile(file pFile)
				        hFiles.put(new Integer(count), pFile);
				        totalSize += pFile.getSize();
				    public file getFile(int pCount)
				        throws Exception
				        if(pCount >= count || pCount 				        {
				            throw new Exception("\u53C2\u6570\u9519\u8BEF");
				        } else
				            file tempFile = (file)hFiles.get(new Integer(pCount));
				            return tempFile;
				    public int getCount()
				        return count;
				    public long getSize()
				        return totalSize;
				    private Hashtable hFiles;
				    private long totalSize;
				    private int count;
