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				** $Id: native.h,v 1.20 2004/08/02 03:00:03 snig Exp $
				** native.h: the head file of native Low Level Graphics Engine.
				** Copyright (C) 2003 Feynman Software
				** Copyright (C) 2001 ~ 2002 Wei Yongming
				#ifndef GUI_GAL_NATIVE_H
				    #define GUI_GAL_NATIVE_H
				#include "common.h"
				#include "minigui.h"
				#include "gdi.h"
				#include "window.h"
				#include "gal.h"
				#ifdef __cplusplus
				extern "C" {
				#endif  /* __cplusplus */
				 * Interface to Screen Device Driver
				 * This structure is also allocated for memory (offscreen) drawing and blitting.
				/* This structure is used to pass parameters into the low
				 * level device driver functions.
				typedef struct _screendevice {
				    int  doclip;
				    int  clipminx;        /* minimum x value of cache rectangle */
				    int  clipminy;        /* minimum y value of cache rectangle */
				    int  clipmaxx;        /* maximum x value of cache rectangle */
				    int  clipmaxy;        /* maximum y value of cache rectangle */
				    int  xres;        /* X screen res (real) */
				    int  yres;        /* Y screen res (real) */
				    int  xvirtres;    /* X drawing res (will be flipped in portrait mode) */
				    int  yvirtres;    /* Y drawing res (will be flipped in portrait mode) */
				    int  planes;        /* # planes*/
				    int  bpp;        /* # bits per pixel*/
				    int  linelen;    /* line length in bytes for bpp 1,2,4,8*/
				                /* line length in pixels for bpp 16, 24, 32*/
				    int  size;        /* size of memory allocated*/
				    gal_pixel gr_foreground;      /* current foreground color */
				    gal_pixel gr_background;      /* current background color */
				    int gr_mode;
				    long ncolors;    /* # screen colors */
				    int  pixtype;    /* format of pixel value */
				    int  flags;        /* device flags */
				    void *addr;        /* address of memory allocated (memdc or fb) */
				    void *dev_spec;    /* device specific field. */
				    PSD  (*Open)(PSD psd);
				    void (*Close)(PSD psd);
				    void (*SetPalette)(PSD psd,int first,int count,GAL_Color *cmap);
				    void (*GetPalette)(PSD psd,int first,int count,GAL_Color *cmap);
				    PSD  (*AllocateMemGC)(PSD psd);
				    BOOL (*MapMemGC)(PSD mempsd,int w,int h,int planes,int bpp, int linelen,int size,void *addr);
				    void (*FreeMemGC)(PSD mempsd);
				    BOOL (*ClipPoint)(PSD psd,int x,int y);
				    void (*FillRect)(PSD psd,int x,int y,int w,int h,gal_pixel c);
				    void (*DrawPixel)(PSD psd, int x, int y, gal_pixel c);
				    gal_pixel (*ReadPixel)(PSD psd, int x, int y);
				    void (*DrawHLine)(PSD psd, int x, int y, int w, gal_pixel c);
				    void (*DrawVLine)(PSD psd, int x, int y, int w, gal_pixel c);
				    void (*Blit)(PSD dstpsd, int dstx, int dsty, int w, int h, PSD srcpsd, int srcx, int srcy);
				    void (*PutBox)( PSD psd, int x, int y, int w, int h, void* buf );
				    void (*GetBox)( PSD psd, int x, int y, int w, int h, void* buf );
				    void (*PutBoxMask)( PSD psd, int x, int y, int w, int h, void *buf, gal_pixel cxx);
				    void (*CopyBox)(PSD psd,int x1, int y1, int w, int h, int x2, int y2);
				    void (*UpdateRect) (PSD psd, int l, int t, int r, int b);
				#ifdef _NATIVE_GAL_FBCON
				extern SCREENDEVICE    scrdev;    
				#ifdef _NATIVE_GAL_QVFB
				extern SCREENDEVICE    qvfbdev;    
				extern SCREENDEVICE    commlcd;    
				BOOL    InitNative(GFX* gfx);
				void    TermNative(GFX* gfx);
				/* genfunc.c*/
				void native_gen_initmemgc(PSD mempsd,int w,int h,int planes,int bpp,int linelen, int size,void *addr);
				PSD native_gen_allocatememgc(PSD psd);
				void native_gen_freememgc(PSD mempsd);
				void native_gen_fillrect(PSD psd,int x, int y, int w, int h, gal_pixel c);
				int native_gen_clippoint(PSD psd, int x ,int y);
				int native_gen_cliphline(PSD psd,int * px,int * py, int * pw);
				int native_gen_clipvline(PSD psd,int * px,int * py, int *ph);
				int native_gen_clipline (PSD psd,int * px1,int * py1, int * px2,int *py2);
				int cs_clipline(PSD psd,int *_x0, int *_y0, int *_x1, int *_y1, int *clip_first, int *clip_last);
				int native_gen_clipbox(PSD psd,int * px,int * py, int * pw,int *ph);
				int native_gen_calcmemgcalloc(PSD psd, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, int planes, int bpp, int *psize, int *plinelen);
				void native_gen_line(PSD psd, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, BOOL bDrawLastPoint);
				void native_gen_rect(PSD psd , int l, int t, int r, int b);
				void generate_palette(GAL_Color *pal, int num);
				void native_gen_circle(PSD psd, int sx, int sy, int r, int c);
				int native_gen_scalebox (PSD psd, int w1, int h1, void *_dp1, int w2, int h2, void *_dp2);
				/* end of genfunc.c*/
				/* Drawing modes*/
				#define MODE_SET    0    /* draw pixels as given (default) */
				#define MODE_XOR    1    /* draw pixels using XOR */
				#define MODE_OR     2    /* draw pixels using OR (notimp)*/
				#define MODE_AND    3    /* draw pixels using AND (notimp)*/
				#define MODE_MAX    3
				/* Operations for the Blitter/Area functions */
				#define PSDOP_COPY    0
				#define PSDOP_COPYALL    1
				#define PSDOP_COPYTRANS 2
				#define PSDOP_ALPHAMAP    3
				#define PSDOP_ALPHACOL    4
				#define PSDOP_PIXMAP_COPYALL    5
				 * Pixel formats
				 * Note the two pseudo pixel formats are never returned by display drivers,
				 * but rather used as a data structure type in GrArea.  The other
				 * types are both returned by display drivers and used as pixel packing
				 * specifiers.
				#define PF_RGB              0    /* pseudo, convert from packed 32 bit RGB */
				#define PF_gal_pixel        1    /* pseudo, no convert from packed gal_pixel */
				#define PF_PALETTE          2    /* pixel is packed 8 bits 1, 4 or 8 pal index */
				#define PF_TRUECOLOR0888    3    /* pixel is packed 32 bits 8/8/8 truecolor */
				#define PF_TRUECOLOR888     4    /* pixel is packed 24 bits 8/8/8 truecolor */
				#define PF_TRUECOLOR565     5    /* pixel is packed 16 bits 5/6/5 truecolor */
				#define PF_TRUECOLOR332     6    /* pixel is packed 8 bits 3/3/2 truecolor */
				/* Truecolor color conversion and extraction macros */
				 * Conversion from RGB to gal_pixel
				/* create 24 bit 8/8/8 format pixel (0x00RRGGBB) from RGB triplet*/
				#define RGB2PIXEL888(r,g,b)    \
				/* create 16 bit 5/6/5 format pixel from RGB triplet */
				#define RGB2PIXEL565(r,g,b)    \
				    ((((r) & 0xf8)  3))
				/* create 15 bit 5/5/5 format pixel from RGB triplet */
				#define RGB2PIXEL555(r,g,b)    \
				    ((((r) & 0xf8)  3))
				/* create 8 bit 3/3/2 format pixel from RGB triplet*/
				#define RGB2PIXEL332(r,g,b)    \
				    (((r) & 0xe0) | (((g) & 0xe0) >> 3) | (((b) & 0xc0) >> 6))
				 * Conversion from COLORVAL to gal_pixel
				/* create 24 bit 8/8/8 format pixel from RGB colorval (0x00BBGGRR)*/
				#define COLOR2PIXEL888(c)    \
				    ((((c) & 0xff) > 16))
				/* create 16 bit 5/6/5 format pixel from RGB colorval (0x00BBGGRR)*/
				#define COLOR2PIXEL565(c)    \
				    ((((c) & 0xf8) > 5) | (((c) & 0xf80000) >> 19))
				/* create 15 bit 5/5/5 format pixel from RGB colorval (0x00BBGGRR)*/
				#define COLOR2PIXEL555(c)    \
				    ((((c) & 0xf8) > 6) | (((c) & 0xf80000) >> 19))
				/* create 8 bit 3/3/2 format pixel from RGB colorval (0x00BBGGRR)*/
				#define COLOR2PIXEL332(c)    \
				    (((c) & 0xe0) | (((c) & 0xe000) >> 11) | (((c) & 0xc00000) >> 22))
				 * Conversion from gal_pixel to red, green or blue components
				/* return 8/8/8 bit r, g or b component of 24 bit gal_pixel*/
				#define PIXEL888RED(gal_pixel)        (((gal_pixel) >> 16) & 0xff)
				#define PIXEL888GREEN(gal_pixel)      (((gal_pixel) >> 8) & 0xff)
				#define PIXEL888BLUE(gal_pixel)       ((gal_pixel) & 0xff)
				/* return 5/6/5 bit r, g or b component of 16 bit gal_pixel*/
				#define PIXEL565RED(gal_pixel)        (((gal_pixel) >> 11) & 0x1f)
				#define PIXEL565GREEN(gal_pixel)      (((gal_pixel) >> 5) & 0x3f)
				#define PIXEL565BLUE(gal_pixel)       ((gal_pixel) & 0x1f)
				/* return 5/5/5 bit r, g or b component of 16 bit gal_pixel*/
				#define PIXEL555RED(gal_pixel)        (((gal_pixel) >> 10) & 0x1f)
				#define PIXEL555GREEN(gal_pixel)      (((gal_pixel) >> 5) & 0x1f)
				#define PIXEL555BLUE(gal_pixel)       ((gal_pixel) & 0x1f)
				/* return 3/3/2 bit r, g or b component of 8 bit gal_pixel*/
				#define PIXEL332RED(gal_pixel)        (((gal_pixel) >> 5) & 0x07)
				#define PIXEL332GREEN(gal_pixel)      (((gal_pixel) >> 2) & 0x07)
				#define PIXEL332BLUE(gal_pixel)       ((gal_pixel) & 0x03)
				/* PSD flags */
				#define PSF_SCREEN          0x0001    /* screen device */
				#define PSF_MEMORY          0x0002    /* memory device */
				#define PSF_ADDRMALLOC      0x0004    /* psd->addr was malloc'd */
				#define PSF_ADDRSHAREDMEM   0x0008    /* psd->addr is shared memory */
				#define PSF_MSBRIGHT        0x0010    /* Most significant bit is right */
				#define CLIP_VISIBLE        1
				#define CLIP_INVISIBLE      0
				#define CLIP_PARTIAL        -1
				#ifdef __cplusplus
				#endif  /* __cplusplus */
				#endif  /* GUI_GAL_NATIVE_H */
