
源代码在线查看: os_cpu_a.s.nok.txt

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				; $Workfile:   os_cpu_a.S   for SkyEye simulator    $  
				; $Revision: $
				; $Author: skyeye $
				; $Email:   lmcs00;mails.tsinghua.edu.cn            $
				; $Date: 2003/02/19 02:42:22 $
				; $Workfile:   os_cpu_a.S   for SkyEye simulator    $  
				; $Revision: $
				; $Author: skyeye $
				; $Email:   chenyu;hpclab.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn        $
				; $Email:   lmcs00;mails.tsinghua.edu.cn            $
				; $Date: 2003/02/19 02:42:22 $
				; $Workfile:   os_cpu_a.S   for SkyEye simulator    $  
				; $Revision: $
				; $Author: skyeye $
				; $Email:   chenyu;hpclab.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn        $
				; $Email:   lmcs00;mails.tsinghua.edu.cn            $
				; $Date: 2003/02/19 02:42:22 $
				; BASED ON
				; $Workfile:   Os_cpu_a.s  $
				; $Revision: $
				; $Author: skyeye $
				; $Date: 2003/02/19 02:42:22 $
				; **************************************************
				      AREA	|subr|, CODE, READONLY
				; Function: OSStartHighRdy
				; Purpose:
				; 	   To start the task with the highest priority during OS startup
				; Processing:
				;    See uC/OS-II Task Level Context Switch flow chart
				; Parameters: void
				; Outputs:  None
				; Returns:  void
				; Notes:
				;   Called once during OSStart()
					EXPORT 	OSStartHighRdy
					IMPORT	OSTaskSwHook
					IMPORT  OSTCBHighRdy 
					IMPORT  OSRunning
				        BL 	OSTaskSwHook             ; Call user-defined hook function
				        LDR 	r4,=OSRunning            ; Indicate that multitasking has started
				        MOV 	r5, #1                   
				        STRB 	r5, [r4]                 ; OSRunning = true
				        LDR 	r4, =OSTCBHighRdy        ; Get highest priority task TCB address
				        LDR 	r4, [r4]                 ; get stack pointer
				        LDR 	sp, [r4]                 ; switch to the new stack
				; next two lines removed by YJ
				;        LDMFD 	sp!, {r4}                ; pop new task s spsr_cxsf
				;        MSR 	spsr_cxsf, r4
				        LDMFD 	sp!, {r4}                ; pop new task s psr
				        MSR 	cpsr_cxsf, r4
				        LDMFD 	sp!, {r0-r12,lr,pc}      ; pop new task s r0-r12,lr & pc
				; Function: OS_TASK_SW 
				; Purpose:
				; 	To perform a context switch from the Task Level.
				; Processing:
				;    See uC/OS-II Task Level Context Switch flow chart
				; Parameters: void
				; Outputs:  None
				; Returns:  void
				; Notes:
				;	The whole function is executed in CRITICAL state. See OSSched().
				;   On entry, OSTCBCur and OSPrioCur hold the current TCB and priority
				;   and OSTCBHighRdy and OSPrioHighRdy contain the same for the task
				;   to be switched to.
				;   The following code assumes that the virtual memory is directly
				;   mapped into  physical memory. If this is not true, the cache must 
				;   be flushed at context switch to avoid address aliasing.
				        EXPORT 	OSCtxSw
				        IMPORT	OSPrioCur
				        IMPORT	OSPrioHighRdy
				        IMPORT	OSTCBCur
				        IMPORT	OSTaskSwHook
				        IMPORT	OSTCBHighRdy
				        STMFD 	sp!, {lr}                ; push pc (lr is actually be pushed in place of PC)
				        STMFD 	sp!, {r0-r12,lr}         ; push lr & register file
				        MRS 	r4, cpsr
				        STMFD 	sp!, {r4}                ; push current psr
				; next two lines removed by YJ
				;        MRS 	r4, spsr
				;        STMFD 	sp!, {r4}                ; push current spsr_cxsf
				        LDR 	r4, =OSTCBCur            ; Get current task TCB address
				        LDR		r5, [r4]
				        STR 	sp, [r5]                 ; store sp in preempted tasks s TCB
				; OSIntCtxSw does the remainder work, so
				; following removed by YJ-------------------------------------------				;_OSCtxSw
				;		BL 	OSTaskSwHook                 ; call Task Switch Hook
				;        LDR 	r5, =OSTCBHighRdy        ; Get highest priority task TCB address
				;        LDR		r5, [r5]
				;        STR		r5, [r4]				 ; OSTCBCur = OSTCBHighRdy
				;        LDR 	r6, =OSPrioHighRdy       
				;        LDRB 	r6, [r6]
				;        LDR 	r4, =OSPrioCur           
				;        STRB 	r6, [r4]				 ; OSPrioCur = OSPrioHighRdy
				;        LDR 	sp, [r5]                 ; get new task s stack pointer
				;; next two lines removed by YJ
				;;        LDMFD 	sp!, {r4}                ; pop new task spsr_cxsf
				;;        MSR 	spsr_cxsf, r4
				;        LDMFD 	sp!, {r4}                ; pop new task cpsr
				;        MSR 	cpsr_cxsf, r4
				;        LDMFD 	sp!, {r0-r12,lr,pc}      ; pop new task r0-r12,lr & pc
				; Function: OSIntCtxSw
				; Purpose:
				; 	To perform a context switch from the interrupt level.
				; Processing:
				;    See uC/OS-II Interrupt Level Context Switch flow chart
				; Parameters: void
				; Outputs:  None
				; Returns:  void
				; Notes:
				;   Sets up the stacks and registers to call the task level
				;   context switch
				        EXPORT 	OSIntCtxSw
				; modefied by YJ
				; added starts --------------						IMPORT OSTaskSwHook
						BL		OSTaskSwHook
						LDR		r4, =OSTCBHighRdy
						LDR		r4, [r4]
						LDR		r5, =OSTCBCur
						STR		r4, [r5]				 ; OSTCBCur = OSTCBHighRdy
						LDR		r6, =OSPrioHighRdy
						LDRB	r6, [r6]
						LDR		r5, =OSPrioCur
						STRB	r6, [r5]				 ; OSPrioCur = OSPrioHighRdy
						LDR		sp, [r4]
						LDMFD 	sp!, {r4}				 ; pop new task cpsr
						MSR 	cpsr_cxsf, r4
						LDMFD 	sp!, {r0-r12,lr,pc}		 ; pop new task r0-r12,lr & pc
				; >>---------------- added ends
				; removed starts ------------				;        IMPORT	OSIntCtxSwFlag
				;        LDR 	r0, =OSIntCtxSwFlag      ; OSIntCtxSwFlag = true
				;        MOV 	r1, #1
				;        STR 	r1, [r0]
				;        MOV 	pc, lr                   ; return 
				; >>-------------- removed ends
				; end of modification
				;yangye 2003-2-14
				;changed this function name from OSTickISR to OSISR(it is not a TICK isr)
				; Function: OSISR
				; Purpose:
				; 	   The IRQ interrupt handler
				; Processing:
				;    Saves context
				;    Calls the IRQ dispatcher
				;    Checks if context switch necessary
				;    If not, restores context and returns from interrupt
				;    If switch required, branches without link to IRQContextSwap
				;       which performs context switch if interrupts not nested
				;       and returns from interrupt to new context
				; Parameters: void
				; Outputs:  None
				; Returns:  void
				; Notes:
				;   (1) here we use OSIntCtxSwFlag to indicate a request for int-level 
				;       context switch 
				;   (2) _IntCtxSw is used to perform a real switch operation
				; modified by YJ
				; added starts 					EXPORT 	OSTickISR
					IMPORT	OSIntEnter
					IMPORT	OSTimeTick
				;	IMPORT	tick_hook	
					IMPORT	OSIntExit
					STMFD	sp!, {r4}
					LDR		r4, =LINK_SAVE
					STR		lr, [r4]				 ; LINK_SAVE = lr_irq
					MRS		lr,	spsr
					STR		lr, [r4, #4]			 ; PSR_SAVE = spsr_irq
					LDMFD	sp!, {r4}
					ORR		lr, lr,	#0x80			 ; Mask irq for context switching before 
					MSR		cpsr_cxsf, lr 			 ; returning back from irq mode.
					SUB		sp, sp, #4				 ; Space for PC
					STMFD	sp!, {r0-r12, lr}
					LDR		r4, =LINK_SAVE
					LDR		lr, [r4, #0]
					SUB		lr, lr, #4				 ; lr = LINK_SAVE - 4,
					STR		lr, [sp, #(14*4)]			 ; the return address for pc.
					LDR		r4, [r4, #4]			 ; r4 = PSR_SAVE,
					STMFD	sp!, {r4}		         ; CPSR of the task
					LDR		r4, =OSTCBCur
					LDR		r4, [r4]
					STR		sp, [r4]				 ; OSTCBCur -> stkptr = sp
				;	BL  DmpStk
					BL	OSIntEnter
					BL 	OSTimeTick  
				;    BL	tick_hook  	                 ; here do_IRQ is used to clear some virtual-hardware flags
					BL	OSIntExit
				;	BL  DmpStk
				;	LDR		r4, =OSTCBHighRdy
					LDMFD 	sp!, {r4}                ; pop new task cpsr
					MSR 	cpsr_cxsf, r4
					LDMFD 	sp!, {r0-r12,lr,pc}      ; pop new task r0-r12,lr & pc
				; --------------------------------------------------------->> added ends
				; removed starts 				;SAVED_LR_SVC	DCD   0x00000000        ; some variables for temparal use
				;SAVED_LR_IRQ	DCD   0x00000000
				;SAVED_SPSR		DCD	  0x00000000
				;INTPND		DCD		0x03ff4004				;IRQ controller
				;	IMPORT	OSIntEnter
				;	IMPORT	OSTimeTick
				;	IMPORT	timer_irq
				;	IMPORT	OSIntExit
				;	IMPORT	OSIntCtxSwFlag
				;	SUB		lr, lr, #4            
				;	STMFD	sp!, {r0-r12, lr}        ; push r0-r12 register file and lr( pc return address )
				;    MRS 	r4, spsr        
				;	STMFD 	sp!, {r4}                ; push current spsr_cxsf_irq ( =cpsr_svc )
				;	; -- identify source of interrupt .........................
				;	LDR 	r0, INTPND	 
				;	LDR 	r0, [r0]		
				;	TST 	r0, #0x0400
				;	BNE	handler_event_timer 		
				;    LDMFD 	sp!, {r4}                ; get cpsr_svc from stack
				;	MSR     spsr_cxsf, r4                 ; prepare spsr_cxsf to return svc mode	
				;	LDMFD	sp!, {r0-r12, pc}^       ; recover r0-r12 and pc from stack, cpsr also
				;	BL	OSIntEnter
				;	BL 	OSTimeTick
				;	BL	timer_irq  	                 ; here do_IRQ is used to clear some virtual-hardware flags
				;	BL	OSIntExit
				;	LDR	r0, =OSIntCtxSwFlag      ; check if OSIntCtxFlag is marked as true
				;	LDR 	r1, [r0]
				;	CMP	r1, #1
				;	BEQ	_IntCtxSw	         ; if OSIntCtxFlag = true, then jump to _IntCtxSw
				;        MOV 	r1, #0                   ; clear OSIntCtxSwFlag = flase
				;        STR 	r1, [r0]
				;       LDMFD 	sp!, {r4}                ; restore spsr_cxsf_irq 
				;	MSR 	spsr_cxsf, r4 	
				;    str		r4, SAVED_SPSR
				;	LDMFD	sp!, {r0-r12, lr}        ; recover the irq stack pointer
				;	STR	lr, SAVED_LR_IRQ         ; save lr_irq to SAVED_LR_IRQ 	
				;	MOV	lr, #0x000000d3          ; change forcely cpsr to svc mode
				;	MSR	cpsr_cxsf, lr	
				;	STR     lr, SAVED_LR_SVC         ; save lr_svc to SAVED_LR_SVC
				;	LDR	lr, SAVED_LR_IRQ         ; get lr_irq value saved in SAVED_LR_IRQ 
				;	STMFD 	sp!, {lr}                ; push future task pc (lr_irq should be pushed in place of PC)
				;	LDR	lr, SAVED_LR_SVC         ; get lr_svc value saved in SAVED_LR_SVC 
				;        STMFD 	sp!, {r0-r12,lr}         ; push lr & r0-r12 register file
				;        ldr		r4, SAVED_SPSR
				;		 ;	    MRS 	r4, spsr
				;        STMFD 	sp!, {r4}                ; push current psr
				;		  ;     MRS 	r4, spsr
				;        STMFD 	sp!, {r4}                ; push spsr_cxsf
				;	B	_OSCtxSw                 ; jump to _OSCtxSw	
				; --------------------------------------------------------->> removed ends
				; Functions: ARMDisableInt
				; 	         ARMEnableInt
				; Purpose:
				;    Disable and enable IRQ and FIQ preserving current CPU mode.
				; Processing:
				;    Push the cpsr onto the stack
				;    Disable IRQ and FIQ interrupts
				;    Return 
				; Parameters: void
				; Outputs:  None
				; Returns:  void
				; Notes:
				;   (1) Can be called from SVC mode to protect Critical Sections. 
				;   (2) Do not use these calls at interrupt level.
				;   (3) Used in pairs within the same function level;
				;   (4) Will restore interrupt state when called; i.e., if interrupts
				;       are disabled when DisableInt is called, interrupts will still
				;       still be disabled when the matching EnableInt is called.
				;   (5) Uses the method described by Labrosse as "Method 2".
				        EXPORT 	ARMDisableInt
					MRS	r0, cpsr
					STMFD	sp!, {r0}	         ; push current PSR
					ORR	r0, r0, #0xC0
					MSR	cpsr_c, r0		 ; disable IRQ Int s
					MOV	pc, lr
				        EXPORT 	ARMEnableInt
					LDMFD	sp!, {r0}                ; pop current PSR
					MSR	cpsr_c, r0               ; restore original cpsr	
					MOV	pc, lr
				; function : dump stack
				; Added by YJ for debug
						EXPORT	DmpStk
						LDR		r0, =Dump_Pool
						MOV		r1, sp
						MOV		r2, sp
						ADD		r2, r2, #64
						LDR		r3, [r1]
						STR		r3, [r0]
						ADD		r0, r0, #4
						ADD		r1, r1, #4
						CMP		r1, r2
						BNE		DmpLoop
						MOV		pc, lr
				Dump_Pool	DCD		0
							DCD		0
							DCD		0
							DCD		0
							DCD		0
							DCD		0
							DCD		0
							DCD		0
							DCD		0
							DCD		0
							DCD		0
							DCD		0
							DCD		0
							DCD		0
							DCD		0
							DCD		0
							DCD		0
							DCD		0
							DCD		0
