Porting uC/OS-II to Intel protected mode using DJGPP and NASM
Porting uC/OS to the protected mode of the Intel processor using the
DJGPP C compiler and the NASM assembler required creating the
following compiler/platform-specific source code files:
Compiles OS_CPU_C.C, assembles OS_CPU_A.ASM, and
updates the uC/OS-II library file, UCOS_II\UCOS_II.A.
DJGPP/NASM-specific typedefs, defines, and functions.
The following uC/OS distribution file was edited to set several
configuration options and parameters for the uC/OS kernel:
Do not change the values in this file unless you have obtained a copy
of the source code to uC/OS-II and are able to update UCOS_II.A by
recompiling it.