表决器,实现7人表决. 使用max+plus3编写. 使用简单方便.

源代码在线查看: read.me

软件大小: 58 K
上传用户: zl357159
关键词: plus max 表决器 编写
下载地址: 免注册下载 普通下载 VIP


				Tutorial READ.ME -- MAX+PLUS II version 10.0
				This READ.ME file provides the most up-to-date information on the 
				chiptrip tutorial for MAX+PLUS II. This tutorial is described in the 
				MAX+PLUS II Getting Started manual.
				o   Due to improvements in the user interface since the MAX+PLUS II
				    Getting Started manual was printed, some of the screen and 
				    dialog box illustrations that are shown in the manual may have 
				    minor improvements in the MAX+PLUS II software.
