/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */ /** * Holds class PMA_Error * * @version $Id: Error.class.php 10800 2007-10-16 08:47:47Z cybot_tm $ */ /** * base class */ require_once './libraries/Message.class.php'; /** * a single error * */ class PMA_Error extends PMA_Message { /** * Error types * * @var array */ static public $errortype = array ( E_ERROR => 'Error', E_WARNING => 'Warning', E_PARSE => 'Parsing Error', E_NOTICE => 'Notice', E_CORE_ERROR => 'Core Error', E_CORE_WARNING => 'Core Warning', E_COMPILE_ERROR => 'Compile Error', E_COMPILE_WARNING => 'Compile Warning', E_USER_ERROR => 'User Error', E_USER_WARNING => 'User Warning', E_USER_NOTICE => 'User Notice', E_STRICT => 'Runtime Notice', E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR => 'Catchable Fatal Error', ); /** * Error levels * * @var array */ static public $errorlevel = array ( E_ERROR => 'error', E_WARNING => 'warning', E_PARSE => 'error', E_NOTICE => 'notice', E_CORE_ERROR => 'error', E_CORE_WARNING => 'warning', E_COMPILE_ERROR => 'error', E_COMPILE_WARNING => 'warning', E_USER_ERROR => 'error', E_USER_WARNING => 'warning', E_USER_NOTICE => 'notice', E_STRICT => 'notice', E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR => 'error', ); /** * The file in which the error occured * * @var string */ protected $_file = ''; /** * The line in which the error occured * * @var integer */ protected $_line = 0; /** * Holds any variables defined in the context where the error occured * f. e. $this if the error occured in an object method * * @var array */ protected $_context = array(); /** * Holds the backtrace for this error * * @var array */ protected $_backtrace = array(); /** * Unique id * * @var string */ protected $_hash = null; /** * Constructor * * @uses debug_backtrace() * @uses PMA_Error::setNumber() * @uses PMA_Error::setMessage() * @uses PMA_Error::setFile() * @uses PMA_Error::setLine() * @uses PMA_Error::setContext() * @uses PMA_Error::setBacktrace() * @param integer $errno * @param string $errstr * @param string $errfile * @param integer $errline * @param array $errcontext */ public function __construct($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, $errcontext) { $this->setNumber($errno); $this->setMessage($errstr, false); $this->setFile($errfile); $this->setLine($errline); $this->setContext($errcontext); $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); // remove last two calls: debug_backtrace() and handleError() unset($backtrace[0]); unset($backtrace[1]); $this->setBacktrace($backtrace); } /** * sets PMA_Error::$_backtrace * * @uses PMA_Error::$_backtrace to set it * @param array $backtrace */ public function setBacktrace($backtrace) { $this->_backtrace = $backtrace; } /** * sets PMA_Error::$_context * * @uses PMA_Error::$_context to set it * @param array $context */ public function setContext($context) { $this->_context = $context; } /** * sets PMA_Error::$_line * * @uses PMA_Error::$_line to set it * @param integer $line */ public function setLine($line) { $this->_line = $line; } /** * sets PMA_Error::$_file * * @uses PMA_Error::$_file to set it * @uses PMA_Error::relPath() * @param string $file */ public function setFile($file) { $this->_file = PMA_Error::relPath($file); } /** * returns unique PMA_Error::$_hash, if not exists it will be created * * @uses PMA_Error::$_hash as return value and to set it if required * @uses PMA_Error::getNumber() * @uses PMA_Error::getMessage() * @uses PMA_Error::getFile() * @uses PMA_Error::getLine() * @uses PMA_Error::getBacktrace() * @uses md5() * @param string $file * @return string PMA_Error::$_hash */ public function getHash() { if (null === $this->_hash) { $this->_hash = md5( $this->getNumber() . $this->getMessage() . $this->getFile() . $this->getLine() . $this->getBacktrace() ); } return $this->_hash; } /** * returns PMA_Error::$_backtrace * * @uses PMA_Error::$_backtrace as return value * @return array PMA_Error::$_backtrace */ public function getBacktrace() { return $this->_backtrace; } /** * returns PMA_Error::$_file * * @uses PMA_Error::$_file as return value * @return string PMA_Error::$_file */ public function getFile() { return $this->_file; } /** * returns PMA_Error::$_line * * @uses PMA_Error::$_line as return value * @return integer PMA_Error::$_line */ public function getLine() { return $this->_line; } /** * returns type of error * * @uses PMA_Error::$errortype * @uses PMA_Error::getNumber() * @return string type of error */ public function getType() { return PMA_Error::$errortype[$this->getNumber()]; } /** * returns level of error * * @uses PMA_Error::$$errorlevel * @uses PMA_Error::getNumber() * @return string level of error */ public function getLevel() { return PMA_Error::$errorlevel[$this->getNumber()]; } /** * returns title prepared for HTML Title-Tag * * @uses PMA_Error::getTitle() * @uses htmlspecialchars() * @uses substr() * @return string HTML escaped and truncated title */ public function getHtmlTitle() { return htmlspecialchars(substr($this->getTitle(), 0, 100)); } /** * returns title for error * * @uses PMA_Error::getType() * @uses PMA_Error::getMessage() * @return string */ public function getTitle() { return $this->getType() . ': ' . $this->getMessage(); } /** * Display HTML backtrace * * @uses PMA_Error::getBacktrace() * @uses PMA_Error::relPath() * @uses PMA_Error::displayArg() * @uses count() */ public function displayBacktrace() { foreach ($this->getBacktrace() as $step) { echo PMA_Error::relPath($step['file']) . '#' . $step['line'] . ': '; if (isset($step['class'])) { echo $step['class'] . $step['type']; } echo $step['function'] . '('; if (count($step['args']) > 1) { echo "\n"; foreach ($step['args'] as $arg) { echo "\t"; $this->displayArg($arg, $step['function']); echo ',' . "\n"; } } elseif (count($step['args']) > 0) { foreach ($step['args'] as $arg) { $this->displayArg($arg, $step['function']); } } echo ')' . "\n"; } } /** * Display a single function argument * if $function is one of include/require the $arg is converted te relative path * * @uses PMA_Error::relPath() * @uses in_array() * @uses gettype() * @param string $arg * @param string $function */ protected function displayArg($arg, $function) { $include_functions = array( 'include', 'include_once', 'require', 'require_once', ); if (in_array($function, $include_functions)) { echo PMA_Error::relPath($arg); } elseif (is_scalar($arg)) { echo gettype($arg) . ' ' . $arg; } else { echo gettype($arg); } } /** * Displays the error in HTML * * @uses PMA_Error::getLevel() * @uses PMA_Error::getType() * @uses PMA_Error::getMessage() * @uses PMA_Error::displayBacktrace() * @uses PMA_Error::isDisplayed() */ public function display() { echo ''; if (! $this->isUserError()) { echo '' . $this->getType() . ''; echo ' in ' . $this->getFile() . '#' . $this->getLine(); echo "\n"; } echo $this->getMessage(); if (! $this->isUserError()) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "Backtrace\n"; echo "\n"; echo $this->displayBacktrace(); } echo ''; $this->isDisplayed(true); } /** * whether this error is a user error * * @uses E_USER_WARNING * @uses E_USER_ERROR * @uses E_USER_NOTICE * @uses PMA_Error::getNumber() * @return boolean */ public function isUserError() { return $this->getNumber() & (E_USER_WARNING | E_USER_ERROR | E_USER_NOTICE); } /** * return short relative path to phpMyAdmin basedir * * prevent path disclusore in error message, * and make users feel save to submit error reports * * @static * @uses PHP_OS() * @uses __FILE__() * @uses realpath() * @uses substr() * @uses explode() * @uses dirname() * @uses implode() * @uses count() * @uses array_pop() * @uses str_replace() * @param string $dest path to be shorten * @return string shortened path */ static function relPath($dest) { $dest = realpath($dest); if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') { $path_separator = '\\'; } else { $path_separator = '/'; } $Ahere = explode($path_separator, realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . $path_separator . '..')); $Adest = explode($path_separator, $dest); $result = '.'; // && count ($Adest)>0 && count($Ahere)>0 ) while (implode($path_separator, $Adest) != implode($path_separator, $Ahere)) { if (count($Ahere) > count($Adest)) { array_pop($Ahere); $result .= $path_separator . '..'; } else { array_pop($Adest); } } $path = $result . str_replace(implode($path_separator, $Adest), '', $dest); return str_replace($path_separator . $path_separator, $path_separator, $path); } } ?>