java jdk 1.4的源码


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				/*				 * @(#)	1.95 03/01/23				 *				 * Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.				 * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.				 */								/*				 * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM				 * RMI-IIOP v1.0				 * Copyright IBM Corp. 1998 1999  All Rights Reserved				 *				 * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or				 * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.				 */								package;								import;				import;								import java.util.Iterator ;								import org.omg.CORBA.SystemException;				import org.omg.CORBA.CompletionStatus;				import org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL;				import org.omg.CORBA.INV_OBJREF;				import org.omg.CORBA.DATA_CONVERSION;				import org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.InputStream ;				import org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.OutputStream ;								import javax.rmi.CORBA.Util;								import;				import;				import;				import;				import;				import;				import;								import ;				import ;				import ;				import ;				import ;				import ;				import ;				import ;				import ;				import ;				import ;				import ;				import ;				import ;				import ;				import ;								import org.omg.IOP.TAG_JAVA_CODEBASE ;				import org.omg.IOP.TAG_INTERNET_IOP ;								public class IOR extends				{				    public static final IOR NULL = new IOR();								    protected ORB factory = null ;								    // Cached lookups				    protected IIOPProfile iop = null ;								    protected String codebase = null ;				    protected boolean cachedCodebase = false;								    private byte[] objectId = null ;								    private boolean lookedForPOAId = false ;				    private POAId poaid = null ;								    private boolean checkedIsLocal = false ;				    private boolean cachedIsLocal = false ;								    // initialize-on-demand holder				    private static class LocalCodeBaseSingletonHolder {					public static JavaCodebaseComponent comp ;									static {					    String localCodebase = JDKBridge.getLocalCodebase() ;					    if (localCodebase == null)						comp = null ;					    else						comp = new JavaCodebaseComponent( localCodebase ) ;					}				    }								    private Object cookie ;								    public synchronized Object getCookie()				    {					return cookie ;				    }								    public synchronized void setCookie( Object cookie ) 				    {					this.cookie = cookie ;				    }								    /*				     * Only for the NULL instance.				     */				    private IOR() {					this( (ORB)null ) ;				    }								    public IOR( ORB factory) {					this( factory, "" ) ;				    }								    public IOR( ORB factory, String typeId )				    {					super( typeId ) ;					this.factory = factory ;				    }								    public IOR( ORB factory, String typeId, IORTemplate template,					ObjectId id )				    {					super( typeId, template, id ) ;					this.factory = factory ;				    }								    public IOR( ORB factory, String typeId,					String host, int port,					byte[] key ) throws SystemException				    {					this( factory, typeId, host, port,				            ObjectKeyFactory.get().create(factory, key)) ;				    }								    public IOR( ORB factory, String typeId,					String host, int port,					ObjectKey key ) throws SystemException				    {					this( factory, typeId, host, port, key, null ) ;				    }								    public IOR( ORB factory, String typeId,					String host, int port,					ObjectKey okey, Object servant ) throws SystemException				    {				    	this(factory, typeId );									GIOPVersion version = factory.getGIOPVersion() ;					int major = version.getMajor() ;					int minor = version.getMinor() ;									init( host, port, major, minor, okey, servant ) ;				    }								    public IOR( ORB factory, String typeId,					String host, int port, int major, int minor,					ObjectKey okey, Object servant ) throws SystemException				    {				    	this(factory, typeId );									init( host, port, major, minor, okey, servant ) ;				    }								    private void init( String host, int port, int major, int minor,					ObjectKey okey, Object servant )				    {					ObjectKeyTemplate ktemp = okey.getTemplate() ;					ObjectId id = okey.getId() ;									IIOPAddress addr = new IIOPAddressImpl( host, port ) ;					IIOPProfileTemplate ptemp = new StandardIIOPProfileTemplate(					    addr, major, minor, ktemp, servant, factory ) ;									IIOPProfile profile = new IIOPProfile( id, ptemp ) ;					add( profile ) ;					makeImmutable() ;				    }								    /** This constructor is added to create IOR's from the URL based				     *  names for the INS. The constructor is same as others except for the				     *  Object key which will be a String instead of octets. There will be no				     *  conversion of the String to Hexadecimal Bytes.				     */				    public IOR( ORB factory, String typeId,					String host, int port, int major, int minor,					String asciiBasedKey, Object servant ) throws SystemException				    {				    	this(factory, typeId, host, port, major, minor,					    ObjectKeyFactory.get().create( factory, asciiBasedKey.getBytes() ),					    servant );				    }								    private static final int NIBBLES_PER_BYTE = 2 ;				    private static final int UN_SHIFT = 4 ; // "UPPER NIBBLE" shift factor for 								    /** This static method takes a Stringified IOR and converts it into IOR object.				      * It is the caller's responsibility to only pass strings that start with "IOR:".				      */				    public static org.omg.CORBA.Object getIORFromString(ORB factory,					String str )				    {					// Length must be even for str to be valid					if ( (str.length() & 1) == 1 )					    throw new org.omg.CORBA.DATA_CONVERSION(						MinorCodes.BAD_STRINGIFIED_IOR_LEN,						CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO ) ;									byte[] buf = new byte[(str.length() - PREFIX_LENGTH) / NIBBLES_PER_BYTE];					for (int i=PREFIX_LENGTH, j=0; i < str.length(); i +=NIBBLES_PER_BYTE, j++) {					     buf[j] = (byte)((ORBUtility.hexOf(str.charAt(i)) 					     buf[j] |= (byte)(ORBUtility.hexOf(str.charAt(i+1)) & 0x0F);					}					EncapsInputStream s = new EncapsInputStream(factory, buf, buf.length);					s.consumeEndian();					return s.read_Object() ;				    }								    public IOR(InputStream s)				    {					super( s ) ;					this.factory = (ORB)(s.orb()) ;				        cachedCodebase = false;								        if (!is_nil()) {				            // If there is no codebase in this IOR and there IS a				            // java.rmi.server.codebase property set, we need to				            // update the IOR with the local codebase.  Note that					    // there is only one instance of the local codebase, but it					    // can be safely shared in multiple IORs since it is immutable.					    if (uncachedGetCodeBase() == null) {						JavaCodebaseComponent jcc = LocalCodeBaseSingletonHolder.comp ;										if (jcc != null) {						    IIOPProfileTemplate temp = getProfile().getTemplate() ;						    temp.add( jcc ) ;								                    codebase = jcc.getURLs() ;				                    cachedCodebase = true;				                }				            }				        }									makeImmutable() ;				    }								    private String uncachedGetCodeBase() {					Iterator iter = getProfile().getTemplate().iteratorById(					    TAG_JAVA_CODEBASE.value ) ;									if (iter.hasNext()) {					    JavaCodebaseComponent jcbc = (JavaCodebaseComponent)( ;					    return jcbc.getURLs() ;					}									return null ;				    }								    public synchronized String getCodebase() {					if (!cachedCodebase) {					    cachedCodebase = true ;					    codebase = uncachedGetCodeBase() ;					}									return codebase ;				    }								    /** Get the IIOP Profile from this IOR.  We are assuming that there				    * can be only one at present.   If more than one IIOP profile is				    * present, we will throw an exception here.				    */				    public IIOPProfile getProfile()				    {					if (iop == null) {					    Iterator iter = iteratorById( TAG_INTERNET_IOP.value ) ;					    if (iter.hasNext())						iop = (IIOPProfile)( ;								// If there are multiple profile we always return the first one.				//	    if (iter.hasNext())				//		throw new INTERNAL( MinorCodes.MULT_IIOP_PROF_NOT_SUPPORTED,				//		    CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO ) ;					}									if (iop != null)					    return iop ;								        // if we come to this point then no IIOP Profile				        // is present.  Therefore, throw an INV_OBJREF exception.				        throw new INV_OBJREF( MinorCodes.NO_PROFILE_PRESENT,							      CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_NO );				    }								    public synchronized byte[] getObjectId()				    {					if (objectId == null) {					    IIOPProfile prof = getProfile() ;					    ObjectId oid = prof.getObjectId() ;					    objectId = oid.getId() ;					}									return objectId ;				    }				    				    public synchronized POAId getPOAId() 				    {					if (!lookedForPOAId) {					    lookedForPOAId = true ;					    IIOPProfile prof = getProfile() ;					    ObjectKeyTemplate oktemp = 						prof.getTemplate().getObjectKeyTemplate() ;									    if (oktemp instanceof POAObjectKeyTemplate) {						POAObjectKeyTemplate poktemp = (POAObjectKeyTemplate)oktemp ;						poaid = poktemp.getPOAId() ;					    }					}									return poaid ;				    }								    /**				     * @return the ORBVersion associated with the object key in the IOR.				     */				    public ORBVersion getORBVersion() {				        return this.getProfile().getTemplate().				            getObjectKeyTemplate().getORBVersion();				    }								    public String stringify()				    {				        return stringify(factory);				    }								    public boolean is_nil()				    {				        //				        // The check for typeId length of 0 below is commented out				        // as a workaround for a bug in ORBs which send a				        // null objref with a non-empty typeId string.				        //					return ((size() == 0) /* && (typeId.length() == 0) */);				    }								    public boolean isEquivalent(IOR ior)				    {					return getProfile().isEquivalent(ior.getProfile());				    }								    public synchronized boolean isLocal()				    {					if (factory == null)					    return false ;									if (!checkedIsLocal) {					    checkedIsLocal = true ;					    IIOPProfile iop = getProfile() ;					    IIOPProfileTemplate ptemp = iop.getTemplate() ;					    String host = ptemp.getPrimaryAddress().getHost() ;					    ObjectKeyTemplate ktemp = ptemp.getObjectKeyTemplate() ;									    cachedIsLocal = factory.isLocalHost( host ) && factory.isLocalServerId(						ktemp.getSubcontractId(), ktemp.getServerId() ) && 						factory.isLocalServerPort( ptemp.getPrimaryAddress().getPort( ) );					}									return cachedIsLocal ;				    }								    /**				     * (Compute and) Return GIOPVersion for this IOR				     * Requests created against this IOR will be of the				     * return Version.				     */				    public synchronized GIOPVersion getGIOPVersion(){								        if (this.giopVersion != null) {				            return this.giopVersion;				        }								        byte major = getProfile().getTemplate().getMajorVersion();				        byte minor = getProfile().getTemplate().getMinorVersion();								        this.giopVersion = GIOPVersion.getInstance(major, minor);								        //REVISIT: Should we be cloning here before a return?				        return this.giopVersion;				    }								    private GIOPVersion giopVersion = null;								    public ServerSubcontract getServerSubcontract()				    {					ObjectKeyTemplate temp = getProfile().getTemplate().getObjectKeyTemplate() ;					int scid = temp.getSubcontractId() ;					ServerSubcontract sc = factory.getSubcontractRegistry().getServerSubcontract( scid ) ;					return sc ;				    }								    public addComponent(					org.omg.IOP.TaggedComponent component				    )				    {					// Get information from IOR					String typeId = getTypeId() ;					IIOPProfile iop = getProfile() ;									// Get Information from IIOPProfile					ObjectId oid = iop.getObjectId() ;					IIOPProfileTemplate ptemp = iop.getTemplate() ;									// Get Information from IIOPProfileTemplate					byte major = ptemp.getMajorVersion() ;					byte minor = ptemp.getMinorVersion() ;					IIOPAddress addr = ptemp.getPrimaryAddress() ;					ObjectKeyTemplate oktemp = ptemp.getObjectKeyTemplate() ;									// Create new IIOPProfileTemplate					IIOPProfileTemplate ptempResult = new IIOPProfileTemplate(					    major, minor, addr, oktemp ) ;									// Add tagged components from old IIOPProfileTemplate to the new one					Iterator iter = ptemp.iterator() ;					while (iter.hasNext()) {					    Object obj = ;					    ptempResult.add( obj ) ;					}									// Convert component to ior.TaggedComponent and add to the new					// profile					TaggedComponent comp = TaggedComponentFactoryFinder.getFinder().					    create( factory, component ) ;					ptempResult.add( comp ) ;									// Create new IIOPProfile					IIOPProfile iopResult = new IIOPProfile( oid, ptempResult ) ;									// Create new IOR					IOR result = new IOR( factory, typeId ) ;					result.add( iopResult ) ;					result.makeImmutable() ;					return result ;				    }								    public void dump( )				    {					IIOPProfile prof = getProfile() ;					IIOPProfileTemplate ptemp = prof.getTemplate() ;					ObjectId oid = prof.getObjectId() ;					ObjectKeyTemplate oktemp = ptemp.getObjectKeyTemplate() ;									System.out.println( "Contents of IOR:" ) ;					System.out.println( "\tTypeId = " + getTypeId() ) ;					System.out.println( "\tIIOPProfileTemplate = " ) ;					System.out.println( "\t\tmajor version = " + ptemp.getMajorVersion() ) ;					System.out.println( "\t\tminor version = " + ptemp.getMinorVersion() ) ;					System.out.println( "\t\thost name = " + ptemp.getPrimaryAddress().getHost() ) ;					System.out.println( "\t\tport number = " + ptemp.getPrimaryAddress().getPort() ) ;					System.out.println( "\t\tObject Key Template:" ) ;					System.out.println( "\t\t\tSubcontract id = " + oktemp.getSubcontractId() ) ;					System.out.println( "\t\t\tServer id = " + oktemp.getServerId() ) ;				    }								    public boolean isTransactional()				    {					IIOPProfile prof = getProfile() ;					IIOPProfileTemplate ptemp = prof.getTemplate() ;					ObjectKeyTemplate oktemp = ptemp.getObjectKeyTemplate() ;					int scid = oktemp.getSubcontractId() ;					boolean result = ((scid & 1) == 1) ;									if (factory != null)					    if (((POAORB)factory).subcontractDebugFlag)						System.out.println( "core.IOR.isTransactional returns " +						result ) ;									return result ;				    }				}							
