Rule: -- Sid: 661 -- Summary: This event is generated when an attempt is made to exploit a problem with Majordomo software that allows arbitrary commands to be executed on the server. -- Impact: Attempted administrator access. This is an attempt to execute a command on a server where Majordomo is installed. -- Detailed Information: Majordomo is an application that automates mailing list management. An input validation error allows attackers to use a malformed email header as a command that will be executed on the host. To be vulnerable, the server must use a list or a hidden list and the configuration file must specify an advertise or noadvertise option. This has been documented as either a local or remote attack on the host. -- Affected Systems: Majordomo versions up to and including 1.94.4. -- Attack Scenarios: An attacker can send a malformed e-mail header to the Majordomo host. The host executes a command that facilitates access to the host. -- Ease of Attack: Simple. Use an appropriate malformed header and supply a command that enables access to the host. -- False Positives: None Known. -- False Negatives: None Known. -- Corrective Action: Upgrade to Majordomo version 1.94.5 or higher. -- Contributors: Original rule written by Max Vision Sourcefire Vulnerability Research Team Judy Novak -- Additional References: CVE: --