Here is a sample session with maskseq Mask off bases 10 to 12 from a sequence 'prot.fasta' and write to the new sequence file 'prot2.seq': % maskseq prot.fasta prot2.seq -reg=10-12 Mask off regions of a sequence. Go to the input files for this exampleGo to the output files for this example Example 2 Mask off bases 20 to 30 from a sequence 'prot.fasta' using the character 'x' and write to the new sequence file 'prot2.seq': % maskseq prot.fasta prot2.seq -reg=20-30 -mask=x Mask off regions of a sequence. Go to the output files for this example Example 3 Mask off the regions 20 to 23, 34 to 45 and 88 to 90 in 'prot.fasta': % maskseq prot.fasta prot2.seq -reg=20-23,34-45,88-90 Mask off regions of a sequence. Go to the output files for this example Example 4 Change to lower-case the regions 20 to 23, 34 to 45 and 88 to 90 in 'prot.fasta': % maskseq prot.fasta prot2.seq -reg=20-23,34-45,88-90 -tolower Mask off regions of a sequence. Go to the output files for this example